
Australian Legal System: Operation, Processes, and Property Law


Added on  2023-06-17

4 Pages718 Words105 Views
This task requires you to undertake independent research. You will need to look
further than your textbook and provided online resources to answer this task.
You are to schedule a suitable date and time with your assessor to present an information
session on the topics listed below.
You are to take the role of a tax agent presenting the information to a client.
Your assessor will play the role of your client.
The presentation needs to be approximately 10 minutes in duration.
Task 1: Explain each dot points in this word doc. Reference each answer in Harvard
a) Explain in a few paragraphs, the operation of the Australian legal systems and
processes relevant to property law including:
basic principles, current statute, common law and equitable principles
the basic principle involves
separation of power
rule of law
Current statue involves the law made by the parliament and introduced
in a bill.
The common law involves the law which is being derived from the
judicial decision and not the statues.
The equitable principle involves work of equity that is general fairness
and natural justice.
roles and responsibilities of key organisations
Answer: the roles and responsibilities of key organization involves
setting up of the laws for the proper management of business. It
involves developing and making laws and taking and approval from the
parliament (Malsukhum, 2021).
Australian Legal System: Operation, Processes, and Property Law_1

constitutional considerations
Answer: the constitutional consideration involves composition of
Australian parliament and how it will work and powers it is having.
separation of powers
Answer: this is a division of law which divides the power in different
level that is legislative, executive and judicial branch.
What is tort, basic principles of the law of torts, particularly relating to
negligence and negligent misstatement
Answer: tort is wrongful act or infringement of right which can result in
creating of legal liability.
The basic principle of law of torts involves every person has some
particular interest and this is being protected by the law (Noone, 2018).
This implies the principle of negligence or negligent misstatement
which is a position where defendant is having duty of care towards
claimant but makes false statement to claimant.
courts and regulatory bodies
Answer: it involves the following
Supreme court of new south Wales, supreme court of Queensland.
b) outline how laws are enacted, and their underlying policy aims
Answer: for enactment of law it is passed by majority of vote within the senate
and also house of representative. In case the vote will be high then law will
be enacted otherwise not.
c) explain how those laws may be interpreted by existing common law and
equitable rules and applied to property laws
Answer: with help of common and equitable rules the law can be interpreted in
proper manner as it will provide some key terms relating to meaning of laws.
Task 2:
You are required to present to new client as their bookkeeper.
Make a Power point relating to the information from Task 1, for the presentation:
Power point needs to include:
Title page: The Australian Legal System
Main information from Task 1 (In 3 dot points for each section)
For Example: Basic Principles: 3 dot points
Jobs provided as a Bookkeeper (In dot points)
Explain Complaints Handling Procedures (how complaints are being handled once
the client signed up with the company)
Explain Privacy Procedures (How the client’s private information can be stored
Australian Legal System: Operation, Processes, and Property Law_2

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