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The Relationship between Authentic Leadership, LMX and Employees’ Psychological Capital


Added on  2023/06/09

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This essay explores the relationship between authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap). It reviews varied literature to explain ways to build the Psychological Capital of different types of employees and analyzes ways emotions impact employees’ performance. The essay also discusses the impact of PsyCap on work engagement, followership, and authoritative leadership. The subject is leadership, and the course code, name, and college/university are not mentioned.

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Leadership Essay
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1. Topic 1: The relationship between authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap). Review of varied literature to explains
ways to build the Psychological Capital of different types of employees (such as
professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, blue collar versus white
collar employees, different generational cohort, and/or different ethnicities). Analyzing
ways emotions (of for example leaders, managers, employees) significantly impact
employees’ performance.
Globalization has expanded opportunities in the business environment (Memili, Welsh &
Kaciak, 2014). This has led employees to look for varied opportunities elsewhere; this often
creates troubles for the business for the engaging workforce. With human resource being
recognized as most essential of resource within an organization, by strategic people management
theories. It becomes essential for organizations to attract talented, devoted and proactively
engaged members, who can extend the organization's competitive advantages. Exploration of
theories related to exploring ways to enhance employee engagement leads us to authentic
leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), which allows enhancing Psychological Capital
(PsyCap) of employees (Norman, Avey, Nimnicht & Graber Pigeon, 2010). The current scope of
analysis undertakes a critical literature review of varied articles to analyze ways to build PsyCap
and analyze the impact of emotions on employee performance.
Literature Review
Contemporary organizations are focused on instilling and enhancing positive
organizational behavior within its employees. Positive organization behavior explores centers
around making peak performance within organizations and researching the conditions under
which workforces can be extensively engaged (Gardner, Cogliser, Davis & Dickens, 2011).
Work engagement is making strides as an attractive normal for the workforce in the making of
performance, which can create a competitive advantage for the organization. Work engagement
adds to the act of making positive organization processes inside organizations. PsyCap has
centered around on positivity and flourishing at the individual employee perspectives. The
qualities of psychological nature such as viability, expectation, versatility and positive thinking,
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despite the fact that not yet broadly connected to the work environment, have demonstrated
guarantee in anticipating work execution and wanted working environment results. It might be
significant to look at the part and intervening part of PsyCap because of its prescient properties
in clarifying workplace performance. The impact of the leader on the perspective of work results
and wanted work environment conduct, the interceding part of followership qualities ought to be
considered. Avey, Luthans, Smith, and Palmer (2010) proposes that initiative viability results
from great devotees the same amount of as it results from the great administration. In the past
there has been varied research conducted in the field of genuine administration. Be that as it may,
more experiment psychological research is expected to get it the middle people and mediators of
the effect of real authority on result factors inside a hierarchical setting. The factors that will be
looked into and analyzed in the present examination incorporate PsyCap, work engagement,
followership and authoritative leadership along with Leadership exchange theory.
Utilizing positive psychology and POB as the establishment, created psychological
capital with the focus to develop of POB which can allow estimate and produced for execution
effect. POB concept had to be made a reasonable, prove based, positive way to deal with
organization conduct (Serrano & Reichard, 2011). In this manner, the consideration of the
PsyCap build in POB was reliant on laying the theory research establishment and making an
approved measure of the build. Moreover, all together for PsyCap to have down to earth
importance for human resource management along with human capital development, the positive
build additionally must be state-like, and along these lines, open to advancement. The positive
aspects that met the consideration criteria for POB comprised of self-viability, trust, versatility
and good faith. Aside from the significance of every one of the four builds, the synergistic
wonder of generally speaking PsyCap have appeared to have a higher relationship with execution
results than any of the four individual factors. This finding is reliable with psychological asset
hypothesis which recommends that a few builds are best comprehended as markers of more
extensive fund a psychological element (Walumbwa, Luthans, Avey & Oke, 2011).
Subsequently, PsyCap is characterized as a factor, which incorporates the principal arrange
elements of adequacy, expectation, flexibility and positive thinking, yet additionally the
collaboration and shared change between these four measurements. The communication and
collaboration between the four first-arrange factors are the shared traits in the ways of dealing
with stress.
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Psychological Capital of different types of employees is bound to be varied as not all
employees can be evaluated under similar parameters. PsyCap of professionals is bound to be
more when compared to administrative employees. A professional within the organization is
expected to make much more contribution as when compared to an administrative employee. An
employee in administrative roles is expected to conduct similar roles and responsibilities on a
regular basis. Unlike professionals, who are expected to provide innovative contributions,
administrative employees are expected to conduct their regular roles. An emotional labour, blue
collar is expected to have lower PsyCap as compared to white collar employees. An emotional
labour or blue collar employee is expected to make contribution of primarily physical orientation
as against white collar employees. In case of employees of different generational cohort, and/or
different ethnicities are expected to have less of PsyCap and being more emotionally oriented in
nature. Therefore, leaders need to specifically design separate strategies for separate group of
employees such that they are able to contribute in a positive manner to the organization.
Rego, Sousa, Marques and e Cunha (2012) suggests legitimate initiative influences
gathering and organizational performance and subject conduct more than the transformational
administration. The sense of personal responsibility for, feelings, needs, preferences, or
convictions, as well as behaviors that can be predicted and directed by a capable leader. An
authentic leader, having the four segments of mindfulness, social transparency, internalization of
moral viewpoint, and adjusted preparing, can influence positive results from her subordinates to
an exceptionally incredible degree. The way that a valid leader is capable to positively influence
followers' psychological capital makes this aspect critical amongst the most important leadership
theories present. When a leader shows good judgment, regard for the laws, tenets, direct and
morals of the association, expert point of view then such a leader turns into a mode land
watchword for his subordinates. The concept of legitimate authority style and its association with
employees’ well-being, centers on the relationship between this initiative style and PsyCap,
which has been viewed as a critical concept when talking about employees' well-being.
PsyCap, Work engagement, followership, and authoritative leadership all arrange from a
positive spotlight on the work environment and people in the working environment. To a more
prominent or lesser degree, each of the four factors has been experimented psychologically
demonstrated to have noteworthy organizations with alluring working environment states of

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mind and practices; and furthermore, are essentially impacted by positive organization factors.
Generous confirmation has been exhibited of the connection between work engagement and
organization execution. In this way, enhancing work engagement in the work environment has
been exactly demonstrated to hold individual and organization advantages.
Avey, Luthans, and Youssef (2010) evaluate expectation is a word that is normally
utilized in regular day to day existence, regardless of whether it identifies with general prosperity
or religious direction. When alluding to trust as a measurement of PsyCap, trust is seen as a
psychological quality which is shown as a psychological or thinking state. In this manner, trust
isn't simply impractical reasoning to get away from an undesired future, rather, it is where an
individual can set practical, though difficult, objectives and desires to achieve these objectives
through steadiness, diligent work, and goal-directed conduct. Self-control is important to be able
to enhance performance on the part of employees. These terms allude to the individual’s capacity
to reroute or make elective pathways to achieve their objectives when the first pathways are
blocked. Office and pathways are unmistakable ideas in the expectation demonstrate, yet they
proportionally impact each other with the end goal that an adjustment in the one will cause a
change in the other (Gill & Caza, 2018). An essential piece of creating and overseeing trust is
through successful objective setting. Setting particular, quantifiable, testing yet achievable
objectives can encourage the improvement of a feeling of the organization towards achieving the
Experimental psychological research has exhibited that people with larger amounts of
expectation are more prone to accomplish their objectives. In a work environment defining,
objectives ought to be arranged, shared and conveyed with the goal for people to be spurred
towards objective accomplishment. Moreover, theories believing is additionally instrumental
psychological to the improvement of trust. Possibility examination, psychological practices of
testing assignments and investigation are every single helpful method to plan people to beat
deterrents. Truth be told, it is the pathways part of expectation that separates the develop from
flexibility, confidence, and self-viability as it requires dynamic steps, innovativeness,
advancement, and cleverness to think of interchange pathways. Cheerful people frequently show
an inward locus of control and they have a tendency to be autonomous scholars. Self-sufficiency
is imperative for people with large amounts of expectation and these people regularly appreciate
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occupations that are important. Then again, people who are low in expectation might be seen by
others as respectful manage supporters. On the off chance that this conduct is combined with low
levels of the organization and restricted pathways, the individual may battle to adjust to the
regularly changing workplace. People with low levels of expectation are additionally prone to
have a contrary response to criticism which is shown in their resultant rumination and self-
Story, Youssef, Luthans, Barbuto and Bovaird (2013) provide employee performance can
be viewed as a mix of capacity, support and exertion. As said before, a worker's execution is
critical for associations to pick up an upper hand. Leaders can assist workers with performing
better in a few different ways. In this investigation, there will be taken a gander at the impact of
leaders on individuals through leader part trade (LMX), which can be viewed as the nature of the
connection between the leader and the representative, on execution. The nature of this
relationship is prescient of results at the individual, gathering, and authoritative levels; this is
expressed in the LMX hypothesis. That is the reason this investigation will test the connection
amongst LMX and execution. This relationship will be interceded by mental capital (PsyCap).
LMX will prompt more elevated amounts of PsyCap, in light of the fact that when the nature of
the connection amongst individuals and leaders is high, individuals will have more certainty
about great results (PsyCap). Finally, this will prompt better execution of the individuals. The
connection amongst LMX and execution has been tried a couple of time.
Wang, Sui, Luthans, Wang and Wu (2014) suggests that a few scientists have just called
for incorporating all performers in the initiative procedure, specifically, supporters, leaders, and
the setting they are installed in. Just a deficiency of research has really tried the part of devotees
in the administration procedure while offering decisions about their effect on the primary
concern (Peterson, Luthans, Avolio, Walumbwa & Zhang, 2011). Another commitment is that
this investigation will test the interceding impact of PsyCap on the connection amongst LMX
and execution. For associations, this paper is likewise imperative since associations need to pick
up an upper hand to be manageable in the present economy. That is the reason it is vital to
enhance worker's execution. This paper will test if the nature of the connection amongst leader
and representative positively affects execution. For associations, this is vital to make their
leaders mindful of the impact they have on their worker's execution, so they can enhance the
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nature of the association with their representatives. The point of this examination is to extend the
collection of research about the impact of LMX on execution. PsyCap will be considered as a go-
between of this relationship.
Morganson, Litano and O'Neill, (2014) suggests that after some time and distinctive
orders, flexibility has been characterized in various diverse ways. The meaning of PsyCap
versatility is drawn from clinical and positive psychological research that backings the part of
flexibility in enhancing various parts of human working characterized PsyCap. The two parts of
flexibility are, initially, that strength requires some sort of risk, testing occasion or negative
stressor (the misfortune). In the violent business condition, workers are looked with negative and
positive misfortunes every day (Sweetman & Luthans, 2010). Recommends that it isn't adequate
for workers to only adapt to these troubles, but instead that representatives ought to have the
capacity to flourish and prosper through troubles preferable and speedier over the opposition.
PsyCap strength recommends that flexibility ought to be seen genius effectively to accomplish
manageable additions, instead of a receptive adapting procedure. This ace dynamic appraisal of
dangers and individual versatility resources can decidedly influence worker results. The nearness
of individual flexibility resources gauges great outcomes for adjustment, in spite of pending
danger factors. Individual versatility resources incorporate subjective capacities, passionate
solidness, comical inclination, disposition, positive self-discernments, an uplifting point of view
and confidence.
Flexibility hazard factors allude to qualities of people or their conditions that figure
negative results. Such hazard factors incorporate working environment mischances, burnout and
joblessness. Dangers can't stay away from totally and chance elements are essential for the
advancement and development of the person when it is ace effectively distinguished and
oversaw. In this way, the nearness of the hazard factors does not infer an absence of strength
with respect to the person (Youssef & Luthans, 2012). The thought that flexibility is identified
with moved forward execution, maintenance of people in high hazard callings, and monetary
benefit. It is additionally recommended that organizations that create versatility in their
representatives will be ready to adjust to change and be more fruitful after some time and keep
the advancement of expectations to stop. Besides, an administration approach that shows an aim
to create adherents, open correspondence and trust-building have an essential impact on worker

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strength. These attributes are characteristic of genuineness on the piece of the leader, and in this
manner, recommends that bona fide authority will upgrade adherent flexibility. Moreover,
positive connections between flexibility, responsibility and work engagement have likewise been
PsyCap analysis reveals it to be a crucial contributor to enhancing employee
performance. Emotions can immensely have impacts related to expanding employee
performance, hence the leader's needs to focus on extensively increasing and influencing the
factor. From amongst the various leadership theories available, authentic leadership and LMX
theory are known to build a positive association with followers, which in turn enhances various
emotional factors within employees, leading them to make a positive contribution. Through
extensive engagement of leaders with employees, it becomes possible to engage employees and
further motivate them to develop a competitive advantage for the organization. Therefore, a
contemporary organization can adopt these leadership theories such that they are able to increase
employee commitment towards an organization.
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Reference Lists
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