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Research Design and Methodology for SaaS Technology


Added on  2021/04/19

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The assignment requires designing a research study on SaaS technology adoption, including selecting participants, collecting data through surveys and interviews, and analyzing the results using quantitative and qualitative methods. The researcher must also consider ethical issues and obtain informed consent from participants.

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Students Names: Laxmanrao Nimmala,
Student Id 10352103
Course Tittle MBA-Cloud computing
Lecturer Name Gary Bernie
Module Code B9RS106
Module Tittle Research Methods-2
Number of Words 6648
Date of Submission 3rd January 2018

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of the research...................................................................................................3
1.2 Research rationale..................................................................................................................4
1.3 Research aim..........................................................................................................................5
1.4 Research objectives...............................................................................................................5
1.5 Research questions.................................................................................................................6
1.6 Research significance............................................................................................................6
1.7 Research structure..................................................................................................................7
2. Literature Review........................................................................................................................8
2.1 Market Readiness of Saas......................................................................................................8
2.2 Cloud Computing and SaaS.................................................................................................10
2.3 Big Data and Cloud Computing..........................................................................................11
2.4 Mobile Platform usage.........................................................................................................13
2.5 Cloud Storage Methods.......................................................................................................14
3. Research Methodology..............................................................................................................16
3.1 Research philosophy............................................................................................................16
3.2 Research approach...............................................................................................................16
3.3 Research Design..................................................................................................................17
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3.4 Data collection method........................................................................................................17
3.5 Sampling method.................................................................................................................18
3.6 Data analysis techniques......................................................................................................19
3.7 Pilot Testing.........................................................................................................................19
3.8 Ethical considerations..........................................................................................................20
3.9 Research timeline.................................................................................................................20
3.10 Limitations.........................................................................................................................21
4. Anticipated findings...................................................................................................................22
Reference List................................................................................................................................23
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1. Introduction
Software as a service (SaaS) is sometimes referred to as on-demand-services to the
clients. SaaS is a software delivery and licensing model through which software can be accessed
as licensed via subscription (Baltes 2015). This study focuses mainly whether SaaS provides
genuine services to the clients and it also strives to find out whether SaaS is meeting the end
users’ requirements. In this proposal, aim, objectives and research questions will be given with
rationale. This research will try to find the market demand for SaaS software products among the
clients. In this study, scholarly articles based on SaaS and its market importance will be
reviewed. Data collection and data analysis process for the research will be explained.
1.1 Background of the research
The concept of SaaS came into technology with ASP (Application Service Providers)
model and in the year 2012, ASP started focusing on hosting and managing third-party
independent software. From that time, SaaS vendors began to develop their own software and
ASP started offering client-server application. As mentioned by Chu et al. (2014), acronym SaaS
allegedly first appeared in an article named ‘Strategic Backgrounder'. SaaS, cloud-based model
has no direct distribution and it does not have any physical need as it is not physically
distributed. This software is deployed instantaneously. SaaS is accessed by users through thin
client via a web browser. Many of the business application is now using SaaS application
software for office software, payroll processing, messaging software, CAD software,
virtualisation gamification and accounting. Of late, SaaS is incorporated into the strategy of
many leading enterprise software companies (Han et al. 2015). Like other traditional software,
SaaS does not have a perpetual license, however; SaaS gives price application for a subscription

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fee. It can have a monthly fee or annual fee and SaaS application less costly than other enterprise
software. In recent time, the demand for SaaS is increasing among the organisations and its price
is based on usage parameter of the clients.
SaaS software mainly markets the products and services with freemium model and
marketers provide free services with limited functionality. Fees are charged after a period
enhancing the functionality for a larger scope. SaaS marketing is a B2B sale and it is
synonymous with long scale cycles. Software development is ever-evolving arena which needs
constant changes, setbacks and advances. USP of SaaS is information that is provided to the
clients and SaaS developers need to think in a way those clients are long-term. As opined by
Obal (2015), SaaS has great demand in market and buying process of SaaS software is
complicated and cost of implementation is higher also. Vendors of SaaS must go for product
transparency and there are two types of SaaS, full-service SaaS and Self-serve SaaS. Clients of
SaaS software can have many benefits through using SaaS application like high adoption as most
of the staffs are used to with internet and they are familiar with the concept. SaaS provides lower
initial cost and management does not need much IT infrastructure to install this. As suggested by
Chae and Park (2014), SaaS provides a painless upgrade to the clients and it has seamless
integration to meet specific needs.
1.2 Research rationale
SaaS software emphasises on service and as a product software must be flawless and
powerful. According to Safari and Hasanzadeh (2015), in SaaS software, service needs to be a
paragon of virtues and SaaS marketing plan depends on fully-integrated architecture in which all
aspects of business must be related to the support, product, marketing and revenue model. The
developer of SaaS keeps the marketing plan simple and the actual goal is to have a SaaS that can
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sell itself. SaaS developer can create more clients based on good products and killer support.
There are two types of SaaS, vertical SaaS and horizontal SaaS.
Among the clients, interest in SaaS has been grown and concern about SaaS security has
also been grown. In recent time, the client base of SaaS has been increased 28.6% in the first half
of 2017 and the total revenue touched $64 billion ( 2017). Now, in public cloud,
SaaS technology gathers 68% market and last year, it increased almost 22%. On the contrary, the
issue of cost ownership is one such roadblock among potential SaaS clients. However, in recent
time, cloud networks are becoming more famous and it can be used as a strategic mission for
critical business operation. Cloud computing system is rooted in the traditional network system
and in large part of cloud computing, it allows virtualisation technology to permit the single
server to hold many machines with data from multiple customers. SaaS technology faces the
issue of identity management in the cloud and it is immature as it is related to the third-party
technology (Chamelian 2016). For instance, Google itself has Secure Data Connector which
connects customers’ data with Google’s business application. In some of the vendors, cloud
standards are weak as SAS 70 is auditing standard designed that shows service providers may
have sufficient control over data. SaaS vendors are secretive about the security process in SaaS
1.3 Research aim
The aim of the research is to explore whether the SaaS is providing a genuine service to
their clients and to know whether it is meeting end-user requirements.
1.4 Research objectives
To explore the benefits of genuine SaaS software product
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To recognise the demand in present market for SaaS products
To point out problems of SaaS products that indulge the clients looking for customised
cloud solutions
To find out whether SaaS is meeting end users’ requirements
1.5 Research questions
Primary question
Does SaaS provide a genuine service to the clients meeting all end users’ requirements?
Secondary questions
Is SaaS creating genuine software products that are beneficial for individuals?
Does in the market present any demand for SaaS products?
Does the prevalence of SaaS products is causing any problems to their clients looking for
customised cloud solutions?
1.6 Research significance
This research topic will highlight the application of SaaS in the business environment and
the advantages of SaaS application for end users. Vendors of SaaS technology install the
application and then configure it for the clients. This research will be helpful for the future
readers who would get an idea about market benefits of SaaS technology. This study would aid
the SaaS clients as it this research will give thorough ideas about benefits of SaaS for
individuals. This research will be helpful for the marketers who are trying to use SaaS
technologies in their work to reduce the time of marketing. This study is important as it also
highlights the problems of clients regarding SaaS technologies.

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1.7 Research structure
Figure 1: Proposed structure of research
(Source: Self-developed)
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter two: Literature Review
Chapter three: Research Methodology
Chapter four: Data findings and analysis
Chapter five: Conclusions and recommendations
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2. Literature Review
There are many texts to be taken into consideration while understanding the issue of
Software as a Service in the contemporary market environment. The Software as a Service and
the and Cloud Computing is showing an exponential growth in the market and the rising use of
these services has given rise to a constant need of security among these platforms. There are
many studies considering the various issues that have risen due to the rise of cloud computing in
the market. The market scenario has changed due to the diverse needs of the mobile and digital
cloud platform users. The social situation of the market of cloud computing is studied in many
models. There are many studies, which are based on the changing scenarios of the market of
SaaS and the Security issues in Cloud Computing.
2.1 Market Readiness of SaaS
In the recent years, the Software as a Service has been pointed out as one of the major
growing industries in the modern market. According to Yang et al., 2015, despite the meteoritic
rise, that the number has seen through the decade there seems an issue of overall acceptance of
SaaS in the market. The use of SaaS lies in many operations such as outsourcing of large data
and various software services like email client and anti-virus software. There is still a hesitation
in the market regarding the acceptance of SaaS as a necessary raw material for the success of an
organization. The research considers many factors that account for the success of a service in a
business environment. It also points out the different services that can be used in the
organizations for a better and cost-effective data storage and software service options. Yang et
al., 2015, consider the different factors that should be considered to judge the maker readiness
and the conducive environment of the success of SaaS. Technological readinesses of the
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organizations are one of the major features which judges the success of SaaS in organizations.
The tripod business model uses the determining factors of using SaaS and the various factors
affecting the decisions of the usage of SaaS. As shown by Hung et al., 2014, the organizational
readiness in case of SaaS should be analyzed according to perceived organizational e-readiness
(POER) and perceived environmental e-readiness (PEER). The study considers an overall
sample of 173 organizations of which 40% had already adopted SaaS and 10% showed a
readiness of doing so. The characteristics of the participants should also be paid heed to other
than the organizational characteristics to understand the overall behavior of the employees in the
acceptance of SaaS.
Figure 2: Tripod Model
(Source: Yang et al.)
Other than the organizational Readiness, the implementation of SaaS in organizations
also needs technological readiness. Technological readiness in general term stands for the
availability of infrastructure and the necessary training that would be required for the proper
implementation of SaaS in the market. The Tripod model compares the organizational

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technological and environmental readiness in a situation to test the readiness among participants
for effective implementation of SaaS. The research anyhow is limited to China and may not
provide a proper information of the importance of the global perspective of the implementation
of SaaS in various business models. The research also fails to take in to account a variety of
sources, like many highly positioned employees in the organizations, which may have led to
discrepancy in the final result. As pointed out by Almorsy, Grundy and Müller, 2016, the SaaS
has many safety issues and is vulnerable to cyber security threats, which is one of the main issues
stopping organizations from accepting it. The partner and the competitor pressure are also one of
the important factors, which stands as an hindrance in the acceptance of SaaS.
2.2 Cloud Computing and SaaS
According to Soofi et al., 2014, the rising popularity of the SaaS is due to the increasing
market requirement and the constantly increasing need of the internet based data storage and data
sharing in the present society. The exchange of the data and the storage of the information has
also shown a great increase in the number of hacking of accounts and the theft of information.
The constant change in the marketing environment helps in the increase of the demands of the
consumers but the security threats in the cloud computing service remains intact. There are a
number of ways to ensure the security of the data too, like the multiple layer security software,
which would increase the level of security in the online environment. The changes in the security
systems and their programming will help in the proper implementation of SaaS in the global
market, as it would increase the trust of the consumers in the products. The change in market
environment, which has seen a change in basic assumptions in the growing virtual digital
environment is due to the rising requirement of cloud computing. The changes due to the rising
demand of the cloud computing as an alternative data storage options have brought it under
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limelight and made it threat prone (Mohamed et al. 2012). The complexity of the cloud
computing algorithms and the lack of it among the general population has increased its threat in
the market place. The market requirements of the cloud computing have also led to an increase in
the constant supply newer and better services but the threat to the security of these serfvices
remains. Anomaly Detection System can also be used to increase the security in the cloud
computing systems, giving rise to incresred security in the cloud computing platforms. The cloud
computing services like Apple i-cloud and the Google Dropbox use two-step authentication to
ensure the security of the system. The use of SSL and secure https helps in ensuring the security
of the data stored in the cloud computing services (Sari 2015). The security threat is one of the
major concerns of the growing software industry and the methods of mitigation are being
constantly worked on.
2.3 Big Data and Cloud Computing
Hashem et al., 2015, have analyzed the importance of the rise of Big Data as the
important determinant of the rise of the cloud computing services. The rises of the constant
computing and the data usage have increased the issues of the big data. The big data in general
terms stand for the total amount of the data that in the digital terms that is too big to be handled
over the simple systems. The big data and the cloud computing systems are correlated to each
other as the big data arises due to the large amount of the virtual data and sizable data stored on
the cloud platforms. The data stored on the various platforms need to be analyzed and understood
for the information to be understood in the social and the digital environment. The overall
analysis of the data in comparison to the data traffic of the overall internet environment shows
most of the features that are implemented in cloud computing. The lack on the security of the
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cloud computing lies in the big data compilations and management, which often provide a
loophole in the system leading to many issues in the security systems.
Figure 3: Big Data Analysis Chart
(Source: Hashem et al.)
The paper by Hashem et al. analyses the different platforms and service providers of the
Big Data analysis and cloud computing to understand the important scenarios in which the data
can be misused. The access to the data cannot be restricted due to its expanse leading to the
leakage of many important information. The research proposes a structures and semi-structured
approach of compilation of the Big Data, which would lead to a proper structure of storing data,
which would help in providing a better security to the stored data. As pointed out by Talia, 2013,
that the current data analysis algorithms are not useful in the usage against big data which need
larger and better algorithms to extract data from sizable resources. It is also pointed out by Zhang
et al., 2013, that the big data stored on the cloud computing databases will take longer time to
encrypt and decrypt causing a delay in the access of the data by the end user. To counter the
issues faced while compiling the big data and controlling its access will need many features to be
implemented in the data usage and data control. According to Tallon, 2013, there should be a
governance body monitoring the access to the information and the data that is available to the

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various agencies. It should also be guided on the data that it can use and share with others, as
there is general rising trend of the use of the big data to use for the marketing of products and
understanding various consumer needs of the market.
2.4 Mobile Platform usage
One of the major areas where the SaaS has gained prominence in the recent years is the
mobile computing and mobile operating systems. They are a great example of the SaaS in the
contemporary usage patterns and a market in which SaaS has reached the mass population.
Among the mobile platforms, many software and services today come at a price and are
dependent on SaaS. According to Wen et al., 2014 mobile computing has increased manifold
over the years and the cloud computing technologies have developed as major alternative to
decrease the cost of deploying mobile data networks. The overall changes in the usage pattern of
mobile phones and increase in the areas of the mobile computing is majorly due to the usage of
cloud computing services deployed in the present mobile phones. The research points out the
different determinants of the success of the cloud computing on the mobile platforms in the
organization. in mobile cloud computing too, the security remains a major concern. The research
presents the two perspectives of the implementation as the end-to-end workflow model and the
layered model approach. Many cloud computing software and programs are available in the
market to help in the better mobile computation and cloud computing capabilities. The cloud
computing and its usage in the modern scenario is increasing the opportunities of is usage across
many other devices such as smart televisions and smartwatches. As a research by Hurbean and
Fotache, 2013, shows that there will be a major increase in the spending on the cloud-computing
platform and the market of the mobile platform of the cloud computing will be on a constant rise.
There are many emerging technologies, which are changing the usage pattern of the mobile
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devices leading to the usage a number of different services such as Soft, ware Defined
Networking (SDN). SDN is a is promising change in the digital paradigm which seeks to
untangle the situation of vertical integration which makes the situations tough for the
management of data. The usage of the cloud computing in the mobile technology helps the
mobile users to integrate the online data and the information that is stored in the mobile platform
to be shared creating a better platform of the mobile computing technology which would
improve the performance of the mobile networks. The integration of the cloud computing
technology with the all the major smart devices present today has brought out a number of
threats which needs to be mitigated. The lack in the overall complexity of the mobile cloud
platforms make it even more prone to many cyber threats. The cyber threats to the cloud
computing is major issue in the present scenario as it would lead to a major threat to the privacy
of the individual using the services (Suo et al., 2013).
2.5 Cloud Storage Methods
Spoorthy, Mamatha and Kumar, 2014, elucidate in their research that the cloud
computing and SaaS may provide a hassle-free platform to the end users, but they are dependent
on the cloud service providing agencies for the data security. There are many benefits that the
cloud computing offers its users, which include, the easy access of all the data anywhere,
replication and backup. There are different types of data storage methods on cloud computing
architecture. The research points out that though not very secure, but the cloud computing
services are one of the best for easy and dependable use (Spoorthy, Mamatha and Kumar 2014).
The research has a number of loop holes as it fails to analyze and understand the security
methods of the different types of storage methods and fails to take into account in importance of
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data security in the cloud computing. The research also fails to consider the data privacy issues
prevalent in the cloud computing scenario.
The SaaS and the cloud computing are one of the major platform catering to the needs of
many digital clients and they will continue to fulfill the market needs but they have their own
drawbacks and threat. The security as a threat in the cloud computing is a major drawback
deterring many clients from shifting to cloud computing. On the other hand, the SaaS is one of
the growing internet based services, but it has its own flaws which needs to be answered. Mostly
the linking between these two services should be decreased for the increment in the security.
3. Research Methodology
Research methodology is the data collection process and data analysis technique that
would be helpful in completing a research.
3.1 Research philosophy
Research philosophy can be defined as a belief about the process of data should be
collected, gathered and used (Mackey and Gass 2015). There are mainly four types of research
philosophy, positivism, interpretivism, realism and post-positivism.
In this research, the researcher is going to use Positivism philosophy as positivism
philosophy helps to collect data and analyse this with a scientific approach. SaaS technology is
not new in the market and it has demand in the market. Positivism philosophy helps in
transforming things that are believed to be known. Positivism philosophy cannot be objectively
observed for the data to analyse as in this research, scientific knowledge and marketing
knowledge both are needed.

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3.2 Research approach
The research approach is the methodological way to collect data and analyse it with a set
pattern. Research approaches are of two types mainly, inductive approach and deductive
In this research, the researcher will consider deductive approach as deductive approach
tries to test the theories that are already present. SaaS technologies and its market is the new
trend for the marketers in recent time, therefore, the researcher will find sufficient data to analyse
the clients' requirement from SaaS technologies. The deductive approach helps to understand the
existing theories first, then it observes the concept and then it confirms this. The deductive
approach helps to move from general to specific and it helps the researcher when the research
topic is scientific one (Taylor et al. 2015).
3.3 Research Design
The research design is the overall strategy to integrate different component of the study
for collecting the data. It also helps the researcher to collect the data in the logical and coherent
way. There are mainly three types of research design, exploratory, explanatory and descriptive
research design.
In this research study, the researcher will follow descriptive research design. Descriptive
research design mainly helps to depict the participants in an accurate way (Flick 2015). In this
study, the researcher will collect the information about SaaS and its market potentiality in an
observational way from the participants' point of views. The researcher will collect both
qualitative and quantitative data.
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3.4 Data collection method
There are two types of data collecting methods, primary and secondary. In primary data
collection, raw, first-hand data are collected from the participants of the research. In case of
secondary data, second had data from online or printed materials are collected. In this research
study, the researcher will use a mixed method that is both primary and secondary data will be
To collect primary data, the researcher will conduct survey and interview. In case of a
survey, the research instrument will be close-ended MCQ questionnaire. The researcher will
prepare 15 close-ended questions to conduct the survey. The questions will comprise
demographic and subjective questions. Moreover, to collect data from interviews, the researcher
will prepare 8 open-ended questions to ask during interview sessions and the interviews will be
conducted through Skype.
In addition, to collect secondary data, the researcher will collect data from scientific
journals, marketing articles, online pdf, websites, organisational webpage, books and periodicals.
3.5 Sampling method
The researcher will conduct a survey of the end users of SaaS technology. The sample
size of the survey will be 60. The respondents of the survey will be from Ireland and the
researcher will contact the SaaS users through Facebook and will take permission from them to
conduct the survey. The researcher will ask their email ids and will send the questionnaire to
them. The researcher will use Simple Random Sampling while selecting the survey respondents.
Simple random sampling technique is the subset of the statistical population through which each
member of the subset will have an equal chance of being selected (Smith 2015).
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Sample size Sampling technique Sampling frame
End users of SaaS
60 Simple random
through email (soft
Table 1: Sampling for survey
(Source: Self-developed)
To collect data from the interview, the researcher will select organisational managers
who take decision for an organisation about using SaaS technology. The sample size of the
interview will be only three as choosing excessive organisational managers for an interview will
eventually increase complexity. The researcher will select the organisation managers through
non-probability sampling. Non-probability sampling helps to collect the data that does not
provide all individuals in the population equal opportunities of getting selected.
Sample size Sampling technique Sampling frame
3 Non-probability
sampling technique
questions will be
asked through Skype
Table 2: Sampling for interview
(Source: Self-developed)

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3.6 Data analysis techniques
Data analysis techniques are of two types quantitative and qualitative. The researcher will
use quantitative data analysis technique for the data collected through a survey. Quantitative data
are numerical data and it needs calculation. The researcher will use descriptive statistics and the
researcher will also use correlation and regression technique to analyse the data. The data will be
presented in tables, excel and software packages. In addition, the interview data will be analysed
through qualitative data analysis technique. Qualitative data are descriptive, and these are based
on observation (Silverman 2016).
3.7 Pilot Testing
The researcher will select 25 respondents to conduct a Pilot Testing. As stated by
Panneerserlvam (2014), pilot testing is the process of verifying the research whether it is going
on a correct way. The researcher will send 10 close-ended questions to 25 respondents on their
email address and ask them to revert within 30 days. This pilot testing will help the researcher
Correcting the questions pattern
Making logical sequence of options
Sentence structure of the questionnaire
3.8 Ethical considerations
In order to collect the data, the researcher has to do survey and interviews, therefore, the
research is based on human participants. Before collecting the data, the researcher will full in the
ethics form given by the university. In addition, the researcher will follow Data Protection Act
1988, where it is mentioned that the researcher will not deviate from any ethical norms. The
researcher will not disclose any name of the respondents and the sole purpose of the data
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collection is only the research (Data 2017). The confidentiality of the respondents
will be maintained thoroughly. The researcher ensures that the respondents of the research will
be aware of the purpose of research. In addition, all the data will be destroyed once the research
will be done. Any kind of coercion or no transaction of money will be done during collection of
data. In addition, the researcher will ask the participants of the research to fill in the Informed
Consent forms.
3.9 Research timeline
Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8 Week
Selection of
research topic

Setting aim,
objectives of the

Reviewing the

Data collection
for primary data

Data analysis
conclusion and
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Table 3: Gantt chart (Research timeline)
(Source: Self-developed)
3.10 Limitations
The researcher may face the limitation of time as this SaaS technology concept and
understand its market potential for the end users will be time-consuming matter.
Furthermore, the researcher will also face the issue of budget constraint as doing research
needs money for transportation, for the survey, accessing premium journals and research
In addition, the researcher will use both primary and secondary data collection, hence,
handling a large amount of data can be challenging for the researcher.
The researcher decided to select 60 end users for survey and 3 for an interview, if the
researcher gets more time, the number of respondents can be increased in order to nullify the
biased responses.
4. Anticipated findings
Recent market trend allows SaaS to have distribution model with third-party provider
hosts make available SaaS technology for the customers. End users may bring the issue of
security concern for using SaaS technology, whereas managers of the organisation may raise the

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benefit of having flexible payments method as it offers scalable usage. The developer of SaaS
can focus on cloud-based security services to the clients and the clients can have automatic
updates. The managers can bring the issue of accessibility and persistence issue where it can be
used the internet-enabled device for the employees of an organisation. Apart from the security
issue, SaaS technology can be beneficial for the organisation to use in current industry to keep
business data.
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Reference List
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Dublin Business School
Research Ethics Review Application Form
Please complete this form electronically and print it to be signed.
Applicant Details
Name: Laxmanrao Nimmala
Status: Postgraduate student
Address: Apt38, Gregg court, Parnell street, Dublin 1
Telephone: 0899666892
Research Supervisor (where appropriate)
Name: Enter your name.
Department: Enter your department.
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Supervisor’s experience
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Ethical Guidelines
All applicants MUST have read and understood the DBS guidelines before submitting an
Have you read the DBS Ethical Guidelines for Research with Human Participants?
Yes No
Please indicate any other ethical guidelines or codes of conduct you have consulted?
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Research Proposal
Please note: A detailed research proposal must accompany this application.
Briefly outline the following information (not more than 200 words in any section).
Proposed starting date and duration
My research mainly focused on the collection of data through surveys and interviews, so this
process takes up to 6-7-week research timeline for the submission of dissertation. which includes
the collection of data, analyzing the data, making a conclusion and finally submission.
Research aims and objectives
The main aim of proposal is to know whether the SaaS is providing a genuine service to their
clients and to whether to know it is meeting end user requirements.
Research objectives is to explore the benefits of genuine SaaS software product, to recognize the
demand in present market for SaaS products, providing customized solutions and finally does it
meet end user requirements.
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The fundamental reason for this proposal is to emphasizes on service and as a product must be
flawless and powerful which creates more clients based on good products.
Research design
Research design includes collection the data to study different components in the integration of
overall strategy. In this research case I will follow descriptive research design which mainly
helps to depict the participants in an accurate way.
Methods of data collection
Data collecting methods includes primary and secondary. In the primary, data can be collected
from the participants of research. In the secondary collection includes data from the online and
printed materials, in the case of my research I will follow mixed method that is primary and
secondary data will be collected.

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Research sample
Research sample includes conducting of surveys from the end users of SaaS technology. The
sample size will be 60. Secondly, we need a data regarding usage of SaaS technology for this a
organizational managers who take the decision for an organization about using of SaaS
technology. The sample size of the interview will be three.
Nature of any proposed pilot study
In my case I will choose 25 respondents to conduct a pilot study. This testing helps in verifying
the research is going in a correct way, correction of question pattern, in making logical sequence
of options and sentence structure of the questionnaire.
Methods of data analysis
Data analysis is carried out through quantitative data analysis technique for the collection of data
through surveys and other methods like descriptive statics and regression technique to analyses
the data. In addition, interview data will be analyzed through qualitative data analysis techniques.
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Ethical Issues and Risk
Please identify any ethical issues which will arise and how you will address them.
Please indicate any risk of harm or distress to participants.
Please indicate how you will address this risk (e.g. debriefing procedures, etc).
Research Participants
Do the participants belong to any of the following vulnerable groups? Please tick all those
The very elderly;
People with an intellectual or learning disability
Other groups who might not understand the research and consent process;
Individuals or groups receiving help through the voluntary sector;
Those in a subordinate position to the researchers such as employees;
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Other vulnerable groups
Please specify the participant group
How will the research participants in this study be selected, approached and recruited?
What inclusion or exclusion criteria will be used?
How will participants be informed of the nature of study and participation?
What procedures will be used to document the participants’ consent to participate?
If vulnerable groups are participating, what special arrangements will be made to deal with
issues of informed consent/assent?

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Please include copies of any information letters and consent forms with the application.
Researchers working with children must complete the statutory declaration in the appendices as
well as the declaration below.
Anonymity/Confidentiality/Data Protection
Please indicate the form in which the data will be collected.
Identified Potentially Identifiable De-Identified
What arrangements are in place to ensure that the identity of participants is protected?
Please indicate any recording devices being used to collect data (e.g. audio/video).
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Please describe the procedures by for securing specific permission for the use of these
recording devices in advance.
Please indicate the form in which the data will be stored.
Identified Potentially Identifiable De-Identified
Who will have responsibility for the data generated by the research?
Please describe the procedures of the storage and destruction of data.
Dissemination and Reporting
Please describe how the participants will be informed of dissemination and reporting (e.g.
submission for examination, reporting, publications, presentations)?
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If any dissemination entails the use of audio, video and/or photographic records (including
direct quotes), please describe how participants will be informed of this in advance.
(please print out and sign)
We confirm that we have read the DBS Ethical Guidelines for Research with Human
Participants, and agree to abide by them in conducting this research. We also confirm that the
information provided on this form is correct and accurate.
Signature of Applicant ______ ______
____________________ Date 03 / 01 /2018
(where appropriate)
Signature of Supervisor _______________________________ Date 03 /01 /2018
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