
Ethical Dilemmas in Community Service: A Case Study


Added on  2023-01-09

10 Pages2796 Words91 Views
Bachelors of Community Service
Ethical Dilemmas in Community Service: A Case Study_1
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Outline the fact about the case scenario......................................................................................3
Discuss about the relevant ethical issues in regards of case study..............................................4
Demonstrate the clear ethical decision-making process..............................................................5
Summarise the outcome and possible result of case....................................................................6
Ethical Dilemmas in Community Service: A Case Study_2
The documentation is mainly focused on the social worker’s personal or professional value
conflict with serving the better facilities and service to client. Ethical dilemmas is one of most
challenging aspects in which potentially justified the better solution. Sometimes, the specific
solution will not completely satisfy all essential ethical concerns. The social work dilemmas
which often involve the complicated, high-stakes issue or problem and also identifying the
irreversible consequences. This case study will discuss on the Clara confidentiality, privacy and
other reporting requirements, Also concern about the ethical risk, legal principles in term of code
of ethics.
The documentation will be considered the case study one to identify the feature of ethical
dilemmas in term of abuse as through Clara and controlled by community service professional.
The case study will be representing the multiple and dual roles, boundaries, client confidentiality.
Outline the fact about the case scenario
According to case study, it is mainly focused on the workers in women’s centre in which
concern about their client Clare who are suffers from the domestic violence. She has no children
and other local family support so that they always feel alone. Due to domestic violence, she has
contemplated divorce but never did her husband. As a professional worker so that establish the
good relationship with Clare (Abrahám, 2019 ). In order to identify their own feelings, thoughts
about her current situation of condition. In most of cases, Clare has become increasingly
depressed and also tried refuse to seek medical attention. After few days, Clare discloses that she
is planning to end her life soon and request to keep information confidential.
Furthermore, it has identified the fact about the case whereas Clare decision to end their
relationship with her husband because of domestic violence. It is becoming difficult situation for
control their emotional feeling. That’s why, she has discussed about their feeling, thoughts and
also share their decision (Smith, Fletcher-Kesterson and Tubon, 2019). According to case study,
it also understands that professional workers recognize and build relationship with client in order
to provide greater strength. Initially, it is important to obtain the consent to give better service of
client at the beginning of helping relationship. On the other hand, it also considered the ethical
Ethical Dilemmas in Community Service: A Case Study_3

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