Barcode Medication Administration ●BCMA is a directory control framework that employs barcodes to avoid errors that may arise as a result of distribution of prescribed medication at health facilities by human beings. ●The barcode has data of the medicine ordered by the patient and it relates this data to the medicine being administered. ●BCMA has to ensure that the accuracy and the quality and safety of administration of medication is maintained. Photo: Michaud, E. (2013). Barcode Medication Administration: 10 Tips for a Smooth Implementation
How Barcode Medication Administration Works ●A BCMA system consists of computer server and software, barcode printer, barcode reader, and a mobile computer. ●A pharmacist enters a unique barcode label into the system and distributes the barcoded dosage to the patient. ●The clinician scans these barcodes on the wrist band of the patient during drug administration for verification purposes (Shah, Lo, Babich, Tsao and Bansback, 2016). ●In case the barcodes do not match then the clinician will be visually notified. Photo: The LeafGroup (2018). New report on barcode medication administration finds virtually all hospitals have the technology, but lack requirements to deploy it effectively
References College of Nurses of Ontario. (2019). Medication. Retrieved fromhttp:// Shah, K., Lo, C., Babich, M., Tsao, N. W., & Bansback, N. J. (2016). Bar code medication administration technology: a systematic review of impact on patient safety when used with computerized prescriber order entry and automated dispensing devices.The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy,69(5), 394. Retrieved from: