
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life


Added on  2023-06-04

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Professional DevelopmentPublic and Global Health
Basic Statistics and ICT skills
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life_1

Basic Statistics and ICT skills....................................................................................................1
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Impact of COVID-19 in the UK within using statistics and commenting on the line chart........3
Analysing the impact of the COVID-19 on healthcare in UK within using pie chart.................5
Identifying the impact of COVID-19 on the economy in the UK within using bar chart...........6
Discussing on the influence of COVID-19 on social life............................................................7
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life_2

Business statistics is the process of application of statistics in order to analyze the data of
the business (Kim, 2020). Different companies use these statistics for testing correlations,
analysing data and forecasting. It is believed to have good maths skills to choose the business
statistics as a tool to describe the data. The following report is consisted of three tasks: Task 1
will explain about the impact of Covid-19 on the daily life in the United Kingdom in which it
will discuss the prevailing covid19 conditions in the country. Further, line chart will be used to
analyse the statistical data with proper comments of the line chart.
Impact of covid-19 on the healthcare and pie chart will show this data which will be
discussed in the following report. Moreover, it will highlight the impact of the pandemic on the
covid-19 along with unemployment figures in 2021. The report will highlight the impact of
COVID-19 pandemic on the social life of people with the help of relevant pictures. Task 2 will
be about basic operations, basic functions and formulas, and descriptive and graphs. Task 3 in
the report will be a discussion on online learning and pros and cons of online learning.
Impact of COVID-19 in the UK within using statistics and commenting on the line chart
COVID-19 has created the drastic impacts in the UK, whether it is about the lives of
people, economy of UK, healthcare team of UK or social lives of people, pandemic has been
proven drastic from all aspects. Death rates in the UK has been increased on a consecutive note
which has created the pressure on the healthcare department. In each part of the UK the impact
of variant was increasing that has resulted in the numerous death (Iacobucci, 2021). The
lockdown has been introduced in order to assure the safety to the people which has created
negative impact on the operations of business. Here is the description of the ratio related to
COVID death rate in UK within using below line chart.
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life_3

Figure 1- COVID death in UK
It can be interpreted with the help of above line chart that, In London death rates was low
in January 2021. However, there was significant rise in the death rate of people by the July 2021
and then in the August total number of death rate was 8945. The situation is the North East was
drastic as the COVID deaths has increased on consistent note. The highest death which is up-to
16800 has taken place in the August 2021. Thus, the large number of death taken place in the
month of August. In the North West from January to July the death ratio was changed from 8000
to 16800. Whereas, in Yorkshire, In the June 2021 the death rate was high and it has decreased in
the February 2022. In the East Middles the death ratio was increasing on a fast note which has
not reduced till the end. There was total number of death 136014 has taken place in East middles.
Thus, the death rate was increasing on a drastic note in UK.
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life_4

Analysing the impact of the COVID-19 on healthcare in UK within using pie chart
Figure 2- Hospital admission in UK
The above pie chart is stating the number of admissions which has taken place in the UK.
The large number of admission of COVID patient can be witnessed in The North East. 25%
admissions have been done at that time. In the North West and Yorkshire, the percentage was 24.
Whereas, in the East Midland it was 15% and in London it was 12%. Thus, this clearly depicted
that, the hospital admission in the UK was extremely high which indicates that, the COVID
patient has increased day by day.
The major pressure has been created on the healthcare team as the patient was increasing
on a high note. The pandemic has shown the vulnerabilities under the health system which has
profound implications in relation of the health progress. Healthcare workers was working in days
and night shift so the situation of the COVID can be handled (Gilleen and et.al., 2021). The
complexities were increasing which has often increased the mental health of the service
providers. Also, the resources in comparison of the emergencies were less which has also
created the drastic impact on the healthcare team as the emergencies was increasing.
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life_5

Identifying the impact of COVID-19 on the economy in the UK within using bar chart
Figure 3- Unemployed data in UK
The GDP of UK has been decreased at the time of COVID-19 which states that, the economy has
faced instability during the time of COVID. The major issue was associated with the increasing
rate of unemployment in the UK. The negative impacts have been faced by the economy due to
the level of unemployment (Keogh-Brown and et.al., 2020). The safety of the people has been
prioritised due to which lock-down have been introduced which has resulted in lack of operations
and this has further resulted in lack of jobs and this was the major issue behind the increasing
rate of unemployment in UK. With the help of the above bar chart the unemployed data can be
seen and it can be identified that in UK the situation was worst.
The bar graph has depicted that in all parts of the UK, the rate of unemployment has been
increased after the COVID. In the London the ratio of unemployment was increased higher in
comparison of the other areas. In the North West and South West the situation was same. Thus,
after the pandemic there was large number of people who were unemployed in the UK. The
biggest issue was that, there was no jobs available for the people which has contributed in
making people unemployed in the UK. Thus, it can be said that, in UK the situation was worst at
Basic Statistics and ICT skills - Impact of COVID-19 on UK's Healthcare, Economy and Social Life_6

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