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Employee Attrition: Causes and Solutions


Added on  2023/01/12

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This document discusses the main causes of employee attrition and provides solutions to overcome this issue. It explores factors such as overtime, salary hike, performance rating, work problems, and new work that contribute to attrition. The document emphasizes the importance of flexible working hours, motivation tools, financial benefits, and healthy communication to create a positive work environment and increase employee morale and satisfaction.

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BE883 Data and Analytics

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Table of Contents
5 ..................................................................................................................................................3
6 Target variable.........................................................................................................................3
8 List of Features which might be useful....................................................................................4
9. Training data ..........................................................................................................................4
10. Evaluation of model of performance.....................................................................................4
11. Deployment phase.................................................................................................................5
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Referring to this Employee attrition problem it has been stated that the main reason due
to which it happens reflects various factors that are overtime, percentage of salary hike,
performance rating, high working hours, poor relationship, work problems, new work etc. Theses
are the main causes on the basis of which decision in the business are been taken specific to this
employee attrition issue (Nagaraju, 2020). An organization should focus on taking appropriate
measures in overcoming the problem relating to attrition within the company as like it should
provide for the flexible working hours, less work, motivational tools, financial benefits like
incentives based on the performance and healthy communication between the employees at the
workplace so that positive environment could be achieved that in turn leads to increased morale
and satisfaction among staff.
This data is seen as best and suitable in relation to making critical findings with regards
to the problem of an employee attrition. This is because these acts as the major factors which is
counted as the main reasons due to which an employee thought for leaving an organisation. This
data shows an appropriate factors in today's world because of which an attrition rate in an entity
is increasing with a high pace (Nair, Krishna and Srivastava, 2020). This problem is been facing
by almost each and every organisation, therefore, this selected data would act as the basis for
generating the findings and the results in an appropriate manner.
The data has been ascertained from the books, articles, journals and the internet and by
applying the technique of regression analysis and the correlation, that helps in analysing the
relationship and the dependency among the variables in an accurate way.
6 Target variable
As per the data given, the target variable for this are salary hike, performance rating,
work life balance, promotion are consider some of the target variable for the company that assist
to determine the overall employee attrition within a firm. It is so because these factor contributes
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the major part in order to determine the reason of resigning employees from their post (Nair,
Krishna and Srivastava, 2020). Further, This factors are consider the major key element that
affect the overall working environment and pressurize employees to take decision of resign.
In order to get the better results, there are two data analytic tools are used that assist to
determine the key factor that contribute towards employee attrition. regression tool is used that
helps to determine the relationship between two variables and their impact upon each other. This
tool is specifically used to examine how much a variable is dependent upon another and also
assist to describe the influence of one or more independent variable upon the dependent variable.
On the other side, descriptive analysis is also used that assist to determine the views which
selected sample provides in order to examine factors that lead to employee attrition (Nagaraju,
2020). Thus, descriptive analysis summarize the given data set which in turn broke down into
measures of a central tendency as well as variability too. So by using these two data analytic
task, researcher may easily determine the key element which contribute towards employee
attrition within a business,
8 List of Features which might be useful
To determine the key factors that leads to employee attrition, environment satisfaction is
consider the prime factor because it is analyzed that when an employee do not get a positive
working environment then he or she tries to get free from this negative environment because it
may leads to affect their physical and mental status. Further, salary hike is another factor that
also contribute to employee attrition because if employee do not get good salary hike, then they
think to leave an organization (Abadie and,2020).
9. Training data
10. Evaluation of model of performance
The employee attrition is not good for the success of company and also this decreases the
working efficiency of company and its productivity. Thus, it is necessary for companies to take
help of some strategies which will help the company in retaining the employees (Hoffman and
Tadelis, 2018). Some of these model for improving performance of employees and reducing the
employee attrition is as follows-

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Offering pay and benefits- this is a model which will help the company in retaining the
employees within the company. This is majorly because of the reason that if employees will be
paid some benefits and will be paid good amount of salary then this will increase motivation
level of employees and they will not leave the job.
Flexible work schedules- this is another model which will help the company in attracting
employees and influencing them not to leave the job. This is majorly because of the reason that if
the employees will have some flexibility then they will not go to other jobs.
11. Deployment phase
The deployment phase is that phase in which the intended plan is applied within the
company and it is tested that whether it will give the expected output or not. If the expected
output is not provided, then the measures are applied to correct the issue.
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Books and Journals
Abadie, A. and, 2020. Sampling‐Based versus Design‐Based Uncertainty in Regression
Analysis. Econometrica.88(1). pp.265-296.
Hoffman, M. and Tadelis, S., 2018. People management skills, employee attrition, and manager
rewards: An empirical analysis (No. w24360). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Nagaraju, B., 2020. Impact of Structural empowerment on Job satisfaction (A case study of IT
companies in Mysore districts). Studies in Indian Place Names.40(3). pp.1199-1206.
Nair, P., Krishna, J. and Srivastava, D. K., 2020. Visual Analytics Toward Prediction of
Employee Erosion Through Data Science Tools. In Information and Communication
Technology for Sustainable Development (pp. 705-713). Springer, Singapore.
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