
Intervention Strategy for Domestic Violence and Abuse among Aboriginal Communities


Added on  2022-10-10

6 Pages1789 Words445 Views
SociologyPolitical Science
Behaviour & Environment Case Study
Section 1: Overview of Domestic Violence and Abuse & Proposed Intervention
The case study focuses on domestic violence and abuse among the aboriginal
community. Domestic violence and abuse are currently causing untold damage to the
interaction between the people and the environment which creates damage to the
culture along with the fabrics of indigenous societies (Goulet, Lorenzetti, Walsh,
Wells, and Claussen 2016). The issues are damaging our families, our children,
women, men, and the community. It is imperative to note that all indigenous
individuals are entitled to live lives full of human dignity and safety. This is to mean
that they have to live without the fear of violence, intimidation, and domestic abuse.
It is their culture and human right. Similar to all Australians, Aboriginals are entitled
to the equal right of protection by the law.
Problems aimed to Solves
In this, we focus on the issue of domestic violence and abuse among the
aboriginal communities in the context of the connection to substance abuse, the
concept of abuse and domestic violence as a barrier to the women attaining leadership
position for the equality of women. The use of international models for different
programs which are aimed at dealing with inter-generational grief and trauma through
healing. Finally, the impact that domestic violence has on the indigenous youth in the
form of developing their cognitive disabilities, the entry in juveniles, under-
performance in institutions, and in cases of adult criminal processes. In addition to
the above noted psychological factors, domestic violence has been connected to
increased incidences of psychological illness as well as suicides among the youth in
the Indigenous community (Sherman 2018, p.454). Finally, family violence is the
reflection and cause of poor health among aboriginal individuals.
Implementation of the Solution
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Behaviour & Environment Case Study
We plan to sue a holistic approach in the form of implementing the solution
that will address the causes as well as the effects of domestic violence among
indigenous communities. While implementing the solution we will treat the issues of
domestic violence in a wide spectrum and not focusing simply on the legal
compliance, law, and order, or health matters (Hunter, Botfield, Estoesta, Markham,
Robertson, and McGeechan 2016, p.156). It only through a holistic approach that
lasting improvements could be achieved among the lives of aboriginals who are
suffering from both physical and psychological effects of domestic violence and
Section 2: Identify all key stakeholders:
In this case, the Key stakeholders are the victims of domestic violence,
families who are affected by the issues, women and children who have suffered
directly from family violence and abuse, the general community, the law enforcers,
the interventions agents, the government policymakers as well as practitioners which
entailed family and domestic violence, primary prevention along with wider health,
human services sectors, justice sector, and researchers. The stakeholder might have a
number of interests which are significant to identify in the evaluation to aid define
appropriate intervention program strategies. Therefore, this might be stated by the
stakeholders or might be easily visible since they may be underlying or even hidden
due to the fear of being traumatized. While considering how any initiative gives
priority to each stakeholder in terms of meeting their interests in the issues, the
survivor centred approach will be used to ensure that the immediate survivors of
domestic and family violence receive the highest priority.
From the list of stakeholders indicated above, the victims range from women,
men, and children whose families are affected by family and domestic violence and
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Behaviour & Environment Case Study
abuse. Mostly, in this case, the focus is on the female survivors of violence as well as
their children. The issues to be addressed for the victims will be the threat of future
and current abuse along with violence. The other stakeholders are the men who are
mostly the perpetrators of family and domestic violence which arises from the
impunity to commit the crime and the pressure of that the community imposes on men
to control all the female members of the family. The community members who know
about the causes of violence among the community but opt to remain silent for the
sake of protecting cultural norms. The final primary stakeholder in the issue is are the
police officers or law enforcers working at the community level. Based on the
agencies and law enforcement department in the local community, we will address the
issues of officers blaming the victims for the violence as well as the delay in terms of
response to the violence.
Section 3: Explain how the Intervention Strategy should be implemented
To implement the intervention strategy, the first thing that would be done is
consulting with the Aboriginal individuals since addressing the issue will need
effective partnerships with the community and the people. In this case, all the daily
realities existing in the aboriginal community should be recognised and addressed in
all the policies that respond to domestic violence. The intervention strategy will be
implemented through the use of support programs which will offer freely accessible
as well as appropriate counselling for both the victim and the perpetrators of domestic
violence and abuse. In addition, the counselling will also offer post violence
counselling to all t4he affected family members.
The intervention strategy will also entail the implementation of identity
programs within the community that will use therapy-based programs focusing on
specific cultural, psychological and spiritual healing. The programs will thus access
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