
Behavioral and Belief Analysis of an Individual


Added on  2020-10-05

12 Pages4341 Words64 Views
Psychology of Behaviour
Behavioral and Belief Analysis of an Individual_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Describe a range of psychological perspectives and how they explain human behaviour....1M1 Assess the similarities and differences between psychological perspectives in explaininghuman behaviour.........................................................................................................................2D1 Analyse why an understanding and knowledge of psychological perspectives and socialinfluence is relevant to the public services.................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2 Define the research into group influence, conformity and obedience and how humanbehaviour is affected...................................................................................................................3M2 Analyse the consequences of prejudice and discrimination within the public services.......4D1 Analyse why an understanding and knowledge of psychological perspectives and socialinfluence is relevant to the public services.................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P3 Outline the influences and factors which may contribute to criminal activity......................5M3 Investigate the major theories of criminal behaviour...........................................................6D2 Analyse a real-world crime, applying psychological theory and identifying the causalfactors, influences and contributory factors................................................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P4 Explain how psychological perspectives can be applied by individuals in the publicservices........................................................................................................................................7P5 Define how psychological perspectives can be applied to teams within the public services8M4 Assess how psychology is practically applied by the public services to reduce criminalbehaviour.....................................................................................................................................8D3 Evaluate how psychological perspective is applied to the work of a range of publicservices........................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFRENCES.................................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONPsychology refers to study of process which is use to analysis mind as well as behaviourof a human being. By this process an individual can identify behaviour and bifurcate intopositive and negative behaviour. It can be done through analysing various factors of anindividual such as action, emotions, behaviour and through process. Behaviour of a human isclassified into four types such as optimistic, pessimistic, trusting and envious. Along with thispsychology is classified into three type i.e. social, behavioural and cognitive (Choi and et. al.,2017). Topics include in this report are related to investigation of psychological perspective,effects of social influences on behaviours. Along with this it include theories of criminalbehaviour and causal factors as well as it also include how psychological perspective areapplicable in public services. TASK 1P1 Describe a range of psychological perspectives and how they explain human behaviour Psychological perspectives refers to process which involves analysis of assumptions orperception of a person towards another one in order to analysis its behaviour and activities ineffective manner. In modern psychological, perspectives is divided into seven types i.e.psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, biological, cross culture, evolutionary and humanistic.Along with this, behaviour of a human which can be properly evaluate by adopting variouspsychological theories, some major of them are explain below:- Behavioural Theory It is developed by John B. Watson in year 1913. This theory is also known asBehaviourism which is based on learning that behaviour of a person is acquired by conditionwhich he/ she is going through. Condition is occur when an individual interact with environmentor situation (Lasselin and et.al., 2016). Moreover, behaviour or psychology of a person'sbehaviour influence its actions which they conduct in order to accomplish particular work ineffective and appropriate manner. According to School of thought, behaviour of a person must bestudy in systematic as well as observable ways which describe about internal mental state of aperson.Social Psychology Theory
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This theory is introduce by Sheldon Stry in year 1980. By adopting this theory a personcan understand behaviour of society in effective and appropriate manner. The respective theoryis based on social phenomena that include various aspects of an individual behaviour such asbehaviour of group, pro- social behaviour, social influence, love, attraction and many more. Byunderstanding this an individual able to behave in appropriate manner in a society. M1 Assess the similarities and differences between psychological perspectives in explaininghuman behaviourSimilarity between Behavioural Theory and Social Psychology TheorySocial psychology theory and behaviour theory are of similar and it is a type ofexperimental psychology. There theories are mainly focused on developing and expandingtheories so that it will help in conducting day to day activities in effective and appropriatemanner (Luthans, Youssef and Avolio, 2015). An individuals based on these theories are mainlyused or spend their time in conducting experiments as well as writing research paper. Along withthis both behavioural theory and social psychology theory are depend upon nature as well asbehaviour of a human being which are generally used to treat patients. Both type of psychologistconduct experiment on both human being and animals. Human behaviour of an individualaccording to this theory is that these peoples like to spend their time in conducting research workwhich shows that these peoples are more decline towards theoretical work. Difference between Behavioural Theory and Social Psychology TheoryBoth behavioural theory and social psychology theory are different in some aspects suchas human behaviour of an individual adopting social psychological theory is appreciate learner isbehaving in effective manner in order to attain goal whereas behaviour of a person adoptingbehaviour theory is based on response of a person according to behaviour of a human. That makebehaviour of both the person different. Along with this, a person adopting social psychologicaltheory behave on the basis of difference between acquisition and performance of a personaccording to behaviours. Moreover, behaviour theory relation to the human behaviour based onperformance of a person in order to conduct work in effective and efficient manner.
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