
Understanding Bhagwat Gita: Religious, Moral and Spiritual Aspects


Added on  2023-06-04

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Understanding Bhagwat Gita: Religious, Moral and Spiritual Aspects_1

The aim of this essay is to discuss the religious moral and spiritual aspects of one of the
most celebrated text in the world religion, Bhagavad-Gita. It is a Hindu religious text in a form
of conversation between Arjuna and Krishna about the manner of spiritual and material advice
which the Hindu must abide by. In this text, Arjuna though has supernatural power to win any
battle, details his ethical dilemma to Lord Krishna, the Supreme Self about the process of
destroying all his relatives to grab power. In this context, the lord has explained Karma,
understanding of self, the Supreme Self and the purpose of Yoga. This also includes the
difference between mere earthly body and self, environment affecting the consciousness and
method of attaining perfection of human life.
The Lord as a guide in the battlefield has answered all the doubts before the onset of the
great battle of Kurukshetra. After surveying the enemy, Arjuna found out that his rivals, the
Kauravas army included his own family members, teachers, loved ones and friends. This led to
the self-doubt and confusion whether he must carry out this battle and kill all the family
members. Arjuna became emotionally paralyzed as this seemed to be the greatest sin in his life.
Nihatya dhaartaraashtraan nah kaa preetih syaaj janaardana;
Paapam evaashrayed asmaan hatwaitaan aatataayinah.
By killing these sons of Dhritarashtra, what pleasure can be ours, O Janardana? Only sin will
accrue by killing these felons. Arjuna; Chapter 1, verse 36 (Sivananda).
Arjuna asks his charioteer Lord Krishna to stop his chariot as he did not wish to carry on
the battel against his own kinsmen. He feels it is extremely painful to kill the loved ones and the
gurus from whom he had ones learnt the skills of warfare. However, the lord implores Arjuna by
pointing out that his own relatives whom he is not willing to kill, will destroy himself if get
Understanding Bhagwat Gita: Religious, Moral and Spiritual Aspects_2

chance. Krishna uses all of his wiles and convinces Arjuna that the power has put Arjuna in this
position therefore, he must execute his duty to establish the truth. The lord convinces Arjuna to
joy that it is the mortal life is impermeant and death is nothing to be feared. the material body
finishes but the soul’s lives on though rebirth. Krishna convinces Arjuna by saying that what he
has aimed to do in this great battle of Kurukshetra is not the path to astray but help him to keep
his honor.
Arjuna with all these advices from the Lord, does not feel peace of mind and stop his
chariot in the middle of the battle field. His troubled mind is full of doubts regarding ethics and
truth behind the killing of his own kinsmen. Then Lord Krishna details the Dharma or law of the
universe which is also the own individual mission or purpose that must guide the human beings.
The unsatiated mind of Arjuna asked for detailing the yogic power and glory that can give him
the ultimate peace of mind. He asks the lord about the Renunciation of actions which he has
referred to as Karma yoga.
Sannyaasam karmanaam krishna punar yogam cha shamsasi;
Yacchreya etayorekam tanme broohi sunishchitam.
Renunciation of actions, O Krishna, Thou praisest, and again Yoga! Tell me conclusively which
is the better of the two. Arjuna; Chapter 5, verse 1 (Sivananda).
According to Bhagwat Gita, karma yoga is the right attitude and right feeling which is a
form of spirituality and worship relating the selfless service for right cause. The Lord states that
avoiding duty is not the right path to become free from bondage. Not taking initiative or avoiding
actions is a form of action that incurs consequences and karmic impact. To Krishna the nature of
existence is that the human beings act in their environment, minds and body but not for the
Understanding Bhagwat Gita: Religious, Moral and Spiritual Aspects_3

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