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Biophilia: Exploring the History, Benefits, and Examples of Biophilic Design


Added on  2023/06/14

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This essay explores the history of Biophilia and Biophilic design, discussing the benefits of this design approach on health, mood, and concentration. It also provides an example of a building in the UK that uses Biophilic design. The essay highlights the importance of reinstating the association of human beings with nature and the potential advantages of Biophilic design.

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Subsequent from the year 1990s, awareness in relation with the world as a single
combined however delicate system along with the reality that most of the inhabitants of the
planet live in cities has been growing at the fast pace. Forecast in relation with demographic
displays that this trend is escalating as it has been estimated that by the end of the year 2050,
around seventy percent of the total population of the globe will live in megacities and in areas
of strong urbanization (Kahn, Severson and Ruckert, 2019). Meanwhile, the growth in the
population along with the consumption of natural resources is placing great influence on the
environment. With this higher rate of growth, it is impossible to envisage that individual can
maintain the consumption as well as construction level of cities without formulating them
again and aligning with the sustainable levels. Therefore, in the cities the theme related to
sustainability plays a very crucial role theoretically and empirically. Considering this, the
main aim of the current essay is to explore the history related to Biophilia and will write
about the famous building and artist that used to earlier. In addition the essay will also throw
light on the benefits of such design on the health, good mood and concentration and will
illustrate explain of buildings of UK that uses Biophilic design. Since the Industrial
Revolution, the built environment along with the urban areas have blasted at a tremendous
pace which has not been witnessed by anyone in the history of humans (Alcock and,
From the last two eras, human beings are being sub-merged in the twisted issues of
nature in which all thrive and develop into intellectual classes that all are today. Across the
evolutionary expansion, our ancestors inhabited in this environment and have also became
deep-seated in the soul as well as brain adaptation. Further, in this natural environment the
ancestors had all the required necessities which are needed for the progression. Additionally,
the ancient builders, architects and artists were in concurrence to their culture and the mother
earth that they mimicked the forms thy have observed in nature in their design and structures.
Earlier, they make use of conventional animals as well as plants for the purpose of decorating
walls and symbolic ornaments like, courtyard gardens, Egyptian sphinx, bonsai tree and
fishponds were also used (Eltringham, 2021). Furthermore, the design being used in the
ancient time was quite important for the psychological well-being and health of people.
However, because of the controlled and scientific studies it has been shown that the modern
industrialized lifestyle with the changing cultures and technology the psychological well-
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being is in danger. This kind of inconsistency is often connected with the augmentation in the
psychopathology being demonstrated in the present time.
Varied kind of definitions of the stylish notion of Biophilic design is present right
now. However, there is no one who can compete with Erich Fromm who was the sociologist
and psychoanalyst and was the first person to describe this concept in his book. The term
Biophilia got famous later more sarcastically in a 1984 book by the biologist Edward O.
Wilson. He makes an argument that each and every human being desire for a relationship
with the nature and it is this notion of the hardwired desire of the human beings for the
natural world which is continuously driving the discussion over the past several years (Erich,
1973). The term Biophilia is quite new nevertheless the idea and its execution in the built
environment is quite old. Talking about the first arrival of the Biophilia, it was the golden age
in the mid-20th century. It accompanied with the increase in the multinational firms. First of
all, these companies settled their business in the cities however as their attention moved to
research and development, they shifted to rural areas where they find sufficiently spaces with
cheap prices. Further, they have found their campuses there in both function as well as form
and set in landscaped grounds flaunting the relationship with the nature and apparent social
awareness of the company.
During the course of the 1950s and 1960s different companies such as AT&T, Bell
and John Deere, General Electric developed their campuses in peaceful background through
the US. Furthermore, in the United Kingdom, different pharmaceutical firm such as ICI has
also purchased the dilapidated hall as well as 350 acres of nearby parkland at Alderley Park
in Cheshire in the year 1950. This was bought by them for creating their own bucolic campus
which comprised ponds, farms and research buildings. The popular biologist Edward O.
Wilson have attributed that nature holds the key for aesthetic, cognitive, spiritual as well as
intellectual satisfaction of all human beings (Wilson, 1984). This statement has been
appeared to be debateable to some, certainly, it grips the real meaning of Biophilia. Biophilia
as a hypothesis is being defined as an association of human beings with the nature as well as
environment which cannot be avoided. In the year 1984, Wilson has defined Biophilia in his
book as the need to associate with other forms of life. It is quite true to say that the
relationship of human and the nature is from the time when the man itself was a sub-section
of nature as well as ecosystem. Nonetheless, across the century, human beings have
developed and progressed marvellously which has altered the overall planet in aggregation.
The achievements in history have proved that manhood can make adjustments in the overall
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ecosystem in their success. Human beings have revolutionized as a fast pace however the
blossom of the abilities of the human appeared in the historical period (Gullone, 2018).
Because of the rising level of knowledge, technology and innovation, has made
human beings one of the greatest species of earth, indeed all are now suffering from world
crisis, health problems and varied kinds of disease. All have forgotten something very special
that is bond with the nature. In the present time, the term Biophilia is quite unknown for most
of the people across the globe. Deprived of any hesitation, this could have been anticipated
because of the people living in the technological contemporary period wherein persistent
wish to flourish as well as continuous fight to endure in ‘urban jungle ’has alienated human-
beings from the roots of their ancestors (Gillis and Gatersleben, 2015).
Talking in relation with the term Biophilia, it stems from the Greek roots which
signifies love towards the nature. It was coined by the great psychologist Erich Fromm and
was pioneered by Edward O.Wilson for bringing the human beings back in contact with the
Figure 1: Biophilia Design or architect
(Kellert, 2018).
The design concerning to Biophilia are mainly emphasized on development of strong
association amid the manmade surroundings and the nature which can offer different
advantages to health, psychology and wellbeing to humans. Further, the term Biophilic
architecture is defined as an adaptation or design of a building to the environment. There are
importantly six main components of Biophilic design such as it must have environmental
characteristics, the shapes and forms must be natural, there must be proper light and spaces,
patterns and processes of the building must be natural, evolved human as well as nature
association and finally there should be place based connection (Gehl, 2020). Furthermore,

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Biophilic design is being referred as the notion being utilized within the building industry for
increasing the inhabitant connectivity to the natural environment by using direct nature, space
as well as place situations. Such type of designs are being utilized both at the city scale as
well as building and this has gained certain arguments that the concept has different
advantages such as environmental, health and economic for constructing inhabitants along
with the urban environment with insufficient disadvantages.
Considering the example of one building that makes use of Biophilic design is
Huddersfield University Business School, UK. The building of this university has an organic
stone curved wall with an elevated up walkway which offers potential extensive outlooks to
the grass as well as flowers of the grounds (Kellert and Calabrese, 2020).
Figure 2: Huddersfield University Business School, UK
(University of Huddersfield, 2021).
The University structure displays the Biophilic design and is being designed for
people as an organic creature, regarding the mind-body systems as pointers of wellbeing and
health in relation with the thing which is suitable nearby as well as receptive. This is a perfect
example of a good Biophilic design which has been drawn from influential viewpoints that is
standards and prospects related to social-culture, health situations, time period of the user
experience, earlier experiences and pace at which it has been come across. Further, the
structure of the building of the University is nurturing a love of place. Other than this, the
design of the university is adding to withstand the operative, competence as well as strong
point of the natural methods tirelessly (Lefebvre, 2014). Furthermore, when it is asked about
the need of this Biophilic design of Huddersfield University Business School, UK then it as
mainly due to several reasons. In cities, most of the people are away from their homes as they
are in their offices or in the public areas such as malls or bus stands. Due to the rapid
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urbanization of the building, there has been reduction in footprints and there has been
construction of tall buildings.
Additionally, in business school students and teachers are required to work full day in
a compact structures which results into stress, anxiety and illness. It has also been forecasted
that this will be the fundamental reason behind the sickness by the end of the year 2020. The
major drawback of this is there has been complete loss of connection of men with the nature
and the outdoors. Therefore, considering this in intellect, there has been requirement of
developing a linkage between the man and nature by implementing Biophilic design in
building for enhancing the future of human beings (Alvarsson, Wiens and Nilsson, 2020).
Alteration in the natural methods surely can be witnessed in the key progression as well as
construction of building of the business school. Due to this application of Biophilic design in
the construction of University in UK has modified the environmental needs of a building and
the landscape for a shorter period of time however for the long run it has also supported a
healthy as well as natural society which is quite sustainable. Due to this successful
implementation of Biophilia in the structure of the building, extensive variety of benefits such
as physical, psychological as well as social can be accrued. Some of the benefits of Biophilic
design is being elaborated in the subsequent section.
Incorporation of Biophilic into the design of building is considered to have different
benefits such as health, environmental, economic and sustainability & resilience. Talking in
relation with the health benefits, components such as nature sound and plants helps in making
improvement in the mental health of an individual. In addition to this, a study being
conducted by Gillis and Gatersleben (2015) have originated that including plants or flora in
the interior and exterior of the building helps in reducing the level of stress in people and also
augments the pain tolerance in them. Furthermore, the utilization of the water components as
well as implementation of view of nature are also invigorating for the brain of inhabitants.
This also supports in improving the concentration power of people and lower levels of
asthma. This has also resulted into reduction in the rates of mortality and disparities of health
amid poor and wealthy were also been observed in the neighbourhoods which are quite
Secondly, another important benefit of Biophilic design is concerned with
environment. Adding of plant, trees, physical natural components, rain gardens and green
roofs to the built environment and buildings helps in running off of storm water effectively.
This is due to the fact that there are very less amount of impermeable surfaces. Furthermore,
for maintaining these natural system in reasonable manner, extra grey water can be reutilized
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for watering plants and trees. Additionally, green roofs along with vegetative walls also helps
in decreasing water pollution as plants are being considered as bio filters. It also supports in
reducing carbon by carbon requisitioning in the roots of plants throughout the photosynthesis.
The amount of heat absorption is also reduced through utilization of green rooftops, shading
of structures through vegetation. Bio-diversity also increases in that area if native species are
being planted and green facades are added (Ryan, 2014).
Moving further, the third advantages of Biophilia design is economic benefit.
Utilization of Biophilia is quite expensive as the addition of natural components needs
regular maintenance and are considered as higher prices organic items. Nevertheless, the
professed health as well as environmental welfares are supposed to contradict this high cost.
With the addition of Biophilic design as well as structures in the cities such as London and
New York, there can be saving of around $470 million because of the enhanced productivity
of the worker. The last benefit of Biophilic design is sustainability and resilience. In the
cities, Biophilic design will enable them to better familiarise to pressures which takes place
from alteration in the local environment and climate. The resilience of the city is being
increased due to adoption of green, physical and Biophilic measures (Browning, 2018).
Thus, overall it can be said that Biophilic design is more in regards with reinstating
the association of human beings with the nature as compared to accepting a new practise for
scheming the built environment. The achievement of this will certainly need a basic
movement in the awareness of human which results into novel ethic of accountability for
caring for the mother earth and relationship of human beings to it. Furthermore, it can also be
said that a Biophilic design and structure possess the capability of providing considerable
advantages. It encompasses different psychological as well as social advantages to the
inhabitants and economic along with the functional welfares to the cities at large.
Amalgamation amid the nations is also needed for facilitating sharing of knowledge on
research policy upgrade, smart innovation as well as Biophilic planning. This not only helps
in promotion of cities for becoming resilient and sustainable to climate, however it also adds
to the novel financial instruments for supporting technology, urban infrastructure as well as
maintainable Biophilic city environments (Eltringham, 2021). Other than this, it is also
crucial that more amount of money should be invested in the sustainable public transport for
reducing the air pollution and for motivating physical activity. It is also important that there
must be establishment of sustainable urban environment for complementary to the designing
of Biophilic cities. This tool will integrate the ecological as well as protective functions with
educational, social as well as entertaining functions and will raise the status of human beings

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and nature association. For achieving this, there is a requirement of sustainable approach
towards the urban planning still appears to idealistic as things presently stand.
Books and journals
Alcock, I., White, M.P., Wheeler, B.W., Fleming, L.E. and Depledge, M.H., 2014.
Longitudinal Effects on Mental Health of Moving to Greener and Less Green Urban
Areas. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2), pp.1247-1255.
Alvarsson, J., Wiens, S. and Nilsson, M., 2020. Stress Recovery during Exposure to Nature
Sound and Environmental Noise. International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, 7(3), pp.1036-1046.
Browning, B., 2018. The Impact and Benefits of Biophilia in the Workplace. Coalesse.
Erich, F., 1973. The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. New York: Fawcett: Fawcett Crest.
Gehl, J., 2020. Cities of People. Washington, DC, USA: Island Press.
Gillis, K. and Gatersleben, B., 2015. A Review of Psychological Literature on the Health and
Wellbeing Benefits of Biophilic Design. Buildings, 5(3), pp.948–963.
Gullone, E., 2018. The Biophilia Hypothesis and Life in the 21st Century: Increasing Mental
Health or Increasing Pathology? Journal of Happiness Studies, 1(3), pp.293–322.
Kahn, P.H., Severson, R.L. and Ruckert, J.H., 2019. The Human Relation with Nature and
Technological Nature. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(1), pp.37-42.
Kellert, S.R., 2018. Nature by Design: The Practice of Biophilic Design. Yale University
Lefebvre, H., 2014. Towards an Architecture of Enjoyment. London, UK: University of
Minnesota Press: Minneapolis.
Ryan, C.O., 2014. Biophilic Design Parameters: Emerging Nature-Based Parameters for
Health and Well-Being in the Built Environment. International Journal of
Architectural Research, 8(2), p.62.
Wilson, E.O., 1984. Biophilia. MA: Harvard University Press.
Online references
Document Page
Eltringham, M., 2021. Biophilic design has a long history and an even bigger future.
[Online]. Available through: <
history-and-an-even-bigger-future/>. [Accessed on 2ndMarch 2022].
Kellert, S.R. and Calabrese, E.F., 2020. The Practice of Biophilic Design. [Online]. Available
through: <>. [Accessed on 2ndMarch 2022].
University of Huddersfield. 2021. [Online]. Available through:
[Accessed on 2ndMarch 2022].
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