
Biopsychosocial Assessment for Tom and Jenny Banks


Added on  2023-06-10

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Healthcare and Research
Biopsychosocial Assessment
Client Details (Name, address, phone number, date of birth)
Tom Banks and Jenny Banks
Referral Information (Source of referral, reason for referral)
The referral information was given by the local council’s emergency relief worker and the generalist social worker was
supposed to speak with him.
The main reason for referral was that Tom Banks was looking for food vouchers and assistance with gas and electricity
payments and local emergency relief worker’s wanted to review whether Tom was in need of such help or not. This was also
important as they cannot go on giving him money and vouchers against the systematic process.
Sources of information (All people who provided information for the assessment, whether the information was
obtained face-to-face, by telephone, or through written form, dates on which the information was obtained, whether others
were present at the time)
The following people gave information related to the assessment:
Local council’s emergency relief worker: Information related to the assessment was provided by the local council’s
emergency relief worker by telephone. The worker provided the information that Tom came back for the second time to get
assistance with gas and electricity payments.
Primary school principal: The principal gave information about Tom on 31/10 at 9:30 am
A woman at the supermarket: A women at the supermarket also gave some detail on Toms on 31/10 at 5:30
Doctor Jones: Doctor Jones gave some important detail on 7/11
Minister: On visit to the Allan Parson on 8/11, the minister gave detail about Tom’s family
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Presentation During Assessment (Orientation to person/place/time, mood, affect (eye contact, facial
expressions, tone of voice, rate of speech, and gestures and whether affect is broad, restricted, blunted, flat, labile or
inappropriate, engagement)
Tom’s presentation during assessment:
While interacting with client during the telephone assessment, Tom’s tone of voice gave the information that he was very
irritated by the call. He was not in good state of mind after receiving the call and his expressions suggested that he was not
happy with the council’s action taken so far.
worker’s action of constant coming around and instructing him what to do. He gesture was also not adequate and this is
evident from the fact that when the social worker visited him, he did not welcome him with a smile or good welcome note.
His tone of speech constantly gave the idea that he was irritated by the Council’s response and added that he was not doing
something wrong by asking for help.
During the assessment, Tom gave details on his family problems and explained rationale for putting his family first instead
of his work. His daughter Christie’s diagnosis of Down’s syndrome was the main reason for Tom to leave his job and give
priority to his family. He was well-oriented to place and time. However, his speech patterns changed when the social worker
asked if he could speak to the GP for his wife’s depression. He wanted help only for himself and no interference from others.
When asked for contacting the school for help, Tom was reluctant. The review of gestures and speech pattern of Tom
suggest that he is irritated, annoyed as well as worried about the well being of his family.
Jenny’s presentation during the assessment:
In contrast to Tom, Jenny’s rate of speech was very slow. In addition, Jenny’s response clearly revealed that she was in a
very depressed mood after learning about Christie’s diagnosis. Her explanation revealed that due to her child’s health issues,
she has lost her independent and she cannot do all those things that she wanted to do in life. She gave appropriate response to
questions and she did not raise her voice or express anger to the social worker. Overall, she was a supportive client and
agreed to sign a release of information form too to discuss the situation with the doctor and the minister.
Personal Information (Age, ethnicity, religious/spiritual beliefs, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation,
relationship status, dependents, pets, living situation, housing/security of housing, risks to safety)
Age: Tom is 36 years old and his wife is 35 years old. They both have three children namely Sarah (9 years old), Terry (6
years old) and Christie (8 months old).
Ethnicity: There is no details related to ethnicity of the Banks Family
Religious/spiritual beliefs: Tom is not very religious. However, Tom’s wife Jenny is very religious and she used to visit the
church a lot. Her faith was very important to her and she was very activity in the church community. But after Christie’s
illness she stopped going to the church as did not believed that God could do this to her family.
Gender identity: Jane and Tom’s gender identity is normal like other person
Relationship status: Tom is married
Dependents: The Banks family have three children and they do not have any other dependents like parents of either Tom or
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Pet: The Banks family do not have any pets
Living situation: The Banks family were leading a good quality of life before their daughter’s Christie’s diagnosis. This is
understood from Tom and Jenny’s interview with the relief worker. Before marriage, Jenny was working in the office at the
Council and Tom got a job with the outdoor team. Jenny was involved with her church too and Tom had good relationship
with his in-laws then. However, after Christie’s diagnosis of Down’s syndrome, the couple began to face psychosocial issue.
Jenny failed to cope with Christie’s disability and this is understood from the fact that she could take care of her children as
she was required to do. She increased the burden for Tom as she remained in bed for long time and Sarah had to get ready
for school herself. Jenny’s irresponsibility affected the normal growth, education and well-being of all the three children.
The couple also received no support from Jenny’s parent as Tom did not trusted them and he had a big fight with Jenny’s
parents. He never allowed Jenny’s family member to come along and Jenny could meet them outside only. Their living
situation deteriorated after Tom left the job and was struggling to meet his daily life expense.
Security of house: As Tom and Jenny lives alone, they had no other member to take care of the house and their children
when they were away. The family members are not there to help because Tom does not trust anyone and his friend lives far
away. Tom has expressed that his and Jenny’s family are very different and he not had good relationship with his in-laws. In
everyday life, social support is essential both for the well-being of client as well as for the family members. However, Jenny
and her children experienced poor health and psychological issues because of no support from their family members.
Risk to safety: Risk to safety for Jenny’s children is high because she wakes up late and not attentive towards learning needs
of her children. Jenny is also vulnerable to risk and this is evident from her depressive symptoms and avoidance of daily life
activities like caring for her children and looking after their needs. She spent lot of time in bed.
Family History (Family composition and relationships with biological, foster, adoptive, and/or chosen family.
Significant life events, attachments, births, deaths, separations, divorce, geographic moves, family history of abuse, health
issues, addiction. Consider use of genogram.)
Family composition: Banks Family comprises Tom Banks and Jenny Banks and her three children. Tom Banks’s parents and
other family members live in Albury which is too distant and they do not visit. In contrast, Jenny’s family live in the same
place. Tom also has two elder brothers who live in different parts of NSW.
Significant life events: Christie’s disability and Jenny’s inability to deal with the new that Christie has Down syndrome are
some significant life events for the Banks family
Attachments: Both Tom and Jenny has extended family members. However, there is no attachment with the family members.
Tom’s brother lives in different parts of NSW and they do not have regular contact with Tom. Tom talks with his parents
only once a month and he does not visit their parents on any occasion. There is not attachment with Jenny’s family to as
Tom has stopped them from coming in his house as he can tolerate their criticism.
Geographic moves: Both the couples Tom and Jenny have shifted from their geographic locations since their marriage. Tom
lived with his parent at Albury and he moved to other town in 2004. Tom met Jenny and married her and stayed back at the
Health issues: Based on review of the case scenario, health issues has been experienced by Tom’s wife Jenny and her
Daughter Christie. Tom’s daughter Christie has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. His wife experience short episodes of
depression and bad mood.
Divorce: No incidence of divorce found
Family history of abuse: There is no family history of abuse.
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