
Blacklisting and GDPR: Impact on Employment Relations & SHR 0202


Added on  2023-06-17

9 Pages2486 Words499 Views
The Employment Relations &
SHR 020-2
Blacklisting and GDPR: Impact on Employment Relations & SHR 0202_1

Why Blacklisting is illegal, justify it by applying employee relationship theory.....................................3
Advise based on the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to modify their
present data management practices..........................................................................................................5
In the light of the GDPR rules discuss the cost firms can pay by mismanaging employees data.............6
Blacklisting and GDPR: Impact on Employment Relations & SHR 0202_2

Employee relation are defined as efforts that and organization create and maintain to
provide a positive cultural environment to their employees. It is simply defined as the
relationship between employer and employees which helps organizations in surviving and
operating business smoothly. Blacklisting of employees are described as boycotting or listing
employees Who are not suitable for organization and stops them to work in other companies of
same industry (Ticlea, 2017). To avoid blacklisting of employees it is very important for
organisations to maintain a healthy and positive employee relationship. The following report
covers why blacklisting is illegal in the justification has been provided by applying employee
relation theories. The report also focus on what advice would be given to general data protection
regulation to modify their present data management practices. Furthermore, the report also
discusses the GDPR rules which discuss the cost companies could pay bye mismanaging data of
Why Blacklisting is illegal, justify it by applying employee relationship theory
Blacklisting of employees refer to when authorities boycott an individual and recommend
other organization in the same industry to not hire in future. Blacklisting is a secret tool which is
used by companies to keep out people that they didn’t like in the organization. Sometimes
companies make informal list of workers who are eligible for the job role but might not meet
other criteria that would relate with corporate culture or subordinates. Blacklisting is illegal
because it is an unethical way to prevent someone from working again in the industry (Itodo,
2019). This action is completely illegal and companies could face legal consequences. In the
provided case study blacklisting employees hazard devastating impact on the workers of freedom
of association which discourage their moral.
Employment relationships are defined as the inter relationships between employer and
employees labour or trade unions. Employees who are satisfied with their job roles are always
productive and give maximum outcomes. Companies need to make their employees happy and
provide them positive workplace environment. For this companies adopt various practices that
helps them in keeping better relationships between the management body and the workers. There
Blacklisting and GDPR: Impact on Employment Relations & SHR 0202_3

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