
Business, Society and Environment: Shared Value Creation and Sustainable Alliances


Added on  2022-11-14

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Business, Society and Environment: Shared Value Creation and Sustainable Alliances_1

Part- A
Topic 6, Session 6 – Shared value creation and innovation
Innovation and shared value creation are both very significant aspects of organizational
sustainability over long term. It is important to note that shared value can cause more number of
organizations to survive productively for long. Innovation greatly complements the factors that
ultimately lead to the creation of essential shared value. In today’s world organization need to
align their technological resources towards creating better shared value for the industry.
Presently, it can be seen that a large number of organizations have come together to form
strategies that are innovative on the one hand and on the other hand sustainable over longer
periods of time. Innovative value creation exercises have taken place among organizations for a
long time. Creating Shared Value or CSV is the act of creating a shared value for production of
goods and utilization of the required resources in the same (Pfitzer et al.). Nexera canola and
sunflower seeds have been used in 2005 to create cooking oils that can provide greater yield to
the farmers. Some have emphasized the formation of the blended value system. Meaning that the
integration of environmental, social and technological factors and resources that are available.
Others have focused on the sustainable value, cleaner technology usage and pollution prevention.
However, these are not the only perspectives that exist with reads to shared value creation as a
number of other factors have been considered for providing essential views on shared value and
sustainable growth of organizations. Increasingly it can also be seen that the organizational CSR
activities are being linked with the CSV activities.
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Post seminar
In the seminar some of the important aspects of thinking that were challenged were in
regards to the productive outcomes of organizations. Previously it was thought that profit
maximization, cost reduction and optimal usage of the available resources were very important
for the essential growth of organizations. However, this was a significant aspect that was
challenged due to the fact that I learnt about the various communities that were very intrinsically
related to the organizational procedures. Hence, an organization is not only a profit making entity
but at the same time it is involved in various social functions. It was confirmed that the
organization has to function in relation with the communities that were part of their operational
environments. The development of the communities along with the development of the
organization is very important for creating sustainable organizational growth. The main
questions that were answered were how organizations work in environments that they share with
the local communities, how organizations share essential relationships with their operational
environments, how organizations take onto consideration the growth factors that affect their
progress considering the local communities and environments and how technology can be used
to create better shared values.
The session have helped me to think differently in terms of sustainability value and
effective resource utilization. The session has been important as it has made me understand
deeper and greater values that are related to share creation of value and sustainable development.
The sessions have been systematically effective in developing essential learning about the
various processes that are intrinsically related to better resource based organizational growth
factors. Hence, it becomes important that they develop in ways in which the society or
communities around their production facilities and organizations also develop at the same time.
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Session 8- Alliances, supply chains and value alignment challenges
The session is to touch upon some of the most important topics that concern the current
corporate environments within which organizations tend to operate. One of the key factors that
large corporations across the world have recently focused on is sustainable supply chain
management. In the wake of recent reports that have shown the deplorable conditions where the
workers work to make clothing for some high profile names in the fashion industry,
organizations are taking preventive measures. Large fashion brands are trying hard to provide the
same working conditions to the workers in the developing countries that are present in the
developed countries. The examination of 9 such fashion companies that have taken these
necessary steps revel that they have improved their sustainable supply chain conditions much
more than previous times. The companies have worked well towards finding out the problems in
the production process of the developing source countries. Moreover, they have established
standard code of conducts for both the developed countries and their subsidiaries in the
developing world. There is a need for making better alliances (Turker, Duygu, and Altuntas).
This include utilizing better stakeholders, engaging more effectively with the environment and
developing sustainable approaches that ensure diversity and sustenance.
Post seminar
The seminar reading challenged the thinking about the purpose of supply chain of an
organization. At the same time the thought about organizational alliances were greatly
challenged. Previously it was known that organizations need to utilize sources that are cheap to
reduce cost of production. However, the price that are paid by people in the developing countries
to make the desired source products were seen to be very high in terms of their health and
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