
Understanding Inherited Genetic Errors


Added on  2019-09-23

10 Pages2771 Words373 Views
Running Head: Blog WritingBlog Writing- Topic Whatare the aims of moleculargenetics?
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2Blog WritingMolecular Genetics-What are the aims of Molecular Genetics? 25th June 2019 Molecular Genetics Molecular genetics is an important field of Biology which focuses on the study of functionand structure of genes at the molecular level. It employs techniques of both Genetics andMolecular Biology. It is mainly linked with gene expression and chromosomes of anorganism with the aim of providing insights into genetic variation, heredity, and mutations.Molecular Genetics is an important field of developmental biology study which is highlysignificant in understanding several genetic diseases and in providing suitable techniques oftreating such diseases. Molecular Genetics mainly deals with the activity and structure ofgenetic material at a molecular level. The data which have been accumulated by severalscientists of the initial stage of the 20th century has brought us several compelling pieces ofevidence debiting the fact that chromosomes are the fundamental carriers of genes. But wecan see that the nature of genes is not at all investigated upon intricately as we do not haveany particular or specific evidence-based understanding of the nature of genes. It is also animportant aspect to understand that the mechanism by which genes exert their impact andinfluence have also not been prominent to the expected level. Basically, we can see thatMolecular Genetics is a particular field of biology which focuses only on the function andstructure of genes at a molecular level. The structure and function of genes have been the twomost important aspect of concern to the scientists and biologists. The analysis of genes couldhave provided with several other aspects which could help in understanding the mysteriousnature of the genes. As we have all heard about the word DNA, which is an agent of heredity.In the year 1869, Johann Friedrich Miescher who has been a Swiss chemist extracted aparticular substance which had phosphorus and nitrogen from nuclei cell. The substance hasbeen originally known as nuclein but now it is termed as deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. DNA can be defined as the chemical composition of chromosomes which is mainlyresponsible for the staining properties present in microscopic preparations. The chromosomesof eukaryotes have a wide range of proteins along with DNA. Now, it is very important tounderstand whether the proteins or the nucleic acids or both have been the carriers of genes orgenetic information or not. During the 1950s, the majority of the biologics have beenconvinced that proteins are the major carriers of heredity. There are only four unitary
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3Blog Writingbuilding blocks in nucleic acids. On the other hand, proteins are composed of 20 amino acidsof different types. Therefore, we can see that proteins have appeared in a diverse structurewhich in turn has increased the diversity of the genes. DNA basically plays the role ofcarrying genetic information. This fact has been portrayed by some simple microbiologicalstudies in an exquisite manner. In the year, 1928, Frederick Griffithwho was an Englishbacteriologist have been studying two strains of bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia. One ofthe strains was virulent or lethal to mice and the other one was anti-virulent and or harmless.He found that the mice had been inoculated because of living avirulent bacteria or heat-killedvirulent bacteria. But in reality, the mice had been inoculated because of a mixture of both ofthe bacteria and the mice got infected and finally died. This incident has clearly indicated thatsome chemical transforming principle had been transformed into avirulent cells from deadvirulent cells. This transforming principle had changed them. In the year 1944, Oswald T. Avery who was an American bacteriologist along with his co-workers observed that the major transforming factor was nothing but DNA. Avery along withhis entire research team gathered mixtures from the heat-killed virulent bacteria. They haveinactivated polysaccharides or sugar subunits or, proteins, lipids, DNA, or RNA (ribonucleicacid). They have also added an individual type of preparation to the avirulent cells. Theyobserved that the inactivation of DNA has prevented the transformation to virulence. Thisanalysis has depicted that the molecular class of DNA has the power of transforming but itcould only transform hereditary material. Molecular genetics is used in many cases to refer toa fundamental theory which aligns genes to every life process through polypeptidesproduction. It is also considered as one of the modest fundamental theory which deals withregulation and expression of genes at the molecular level. Molecular Genetics is also used ininvestigative approach which can be applied to biomedical science. It is basically aninvestigative strategy which has its roots in the fundamental theory of genes. MolecularGenetics has been one of the major fields of interests in the field of philosophy. MolecularGenetics is more responsive to being a theory or inclined to theoretical aspect more thanlaboratory methods or investigative approaches. From an early philosophical analysis, itcould be said that molecular genetics is one of the basic theories which is mainly responsiveto expression, makeup, and regulation of genes. Theoretical reductionism has been the majorarea of its focus. The rising of developmental biology or developmental genetics has madephilosophical attention to be drawn towards molecular genetics. The attention hassubsequently shifted to fundamental theory with relation to contemporary genetics.
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