
A Comparative Research Paper on Service Quality in Winter Garden, Landmark


Added on  2023-04-10

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A Comparative Research Paper on Service Quality in Winter Garden, Landmark_1

Brand management 2
Table of Contents
Description and analysis..................................................................................................................3
Application of SERVQUAL model to evaluate service in Winter Garden, Landmark...............3
Expectation disconfirmation and consumer satisfaction.............................................................5
Gap analysis.................................................................................................................................7
Technical versus functional quality.............................................................................................9
SERVQUAL importance weight and change-needs..................................................................11
Recommendation for Winter Garden, Landmark......................................................................12
Appendix 1:...............................................................................................................................20
Appendix 2:...............................................................................................................................21
Appendix 3:...............................................................................................................................22
Appendix 4:...............................................................................................................................23
Appendix 5:...............................................................................................................................24
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This particular study aims to unveil the determinants of consumer perception in a luxury service
setting. To acquire a practical understanding of the issue service quality of Winter Garden,
Landmark has been assessed using the questions and framework of SERVQUAL model. In
addition, several service quality assessment models have been used not just to analyse and
interpret the findings from the SERVQUAL questions. This is done not just to evaluate the
service quality in Winter Garden but also to assess their applicability in general in evaluating the
service quality of businesses operating in the luxury service sector.
Description and analysis
Application of SERVQUAL model to evaluate service in Winter Garden, Landmark
The SERVQUAL model provides a multi-dimensional, empirical tool to evaluate and compare
the performance or the service quality provided by a business organization with the service
quality needs or performance expectations of the consumers (Jain and Aggarval, 2015). For this
the SERVQUAL model offers a set of 22 questions that inquire about five different performance
factors, namely, tangibility, reliability, assurance, responsiveness and empathy. Applying the
SERVQUAL model, the service quality of the luxury service restaurant Winter Garden has been
reviewed, for which the 22 performance related questions are answered both in respect of the
perception of the service received and the expectations related to the service aspects. The
following figure provides an insight to the findings of the comparative research (for details refer
to appendix 1, 2 and 3).
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Brand management 5
Advsnced equipments
Well-dressed Employees
Meets time assurances
Successful first time attempt
Error-free records
Promptness of service
Quick responsiveness of staff
Safety of transaction
Knowledgeable staff
Personal attention from staff
Consumer best interest
Expectation Score
Perception Score
Chart 1: Comparison between need and perception
(Source: refer to the appendix)
From the chart above it is evident that while in certain performance aspects the organization
meets the consumer expectations in many cases it fails to achieve that goal and in no case except
that of the punctuality the organization surpasses the consumer expectation. The score assigned
to the performance aspects based on the questions asked in terms of the perceived performance,
when tallied with that of the expectations, represent the satisfaction level of the consumer. In
most of the cases it can be seen that the expectations have not been met which might be an
indicator of the consumer dissatisfaction. This might be the consequence of the perceived service
quality of the consumers which, according to Arora and Arora (2015) is not just determined by
the service provided but also by the predetermined notion of the service that consumer’s generate
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through external factors like the word of mouth messages, advertisements, price and prestige. For
instance, the manner in which services of the Winter Garden is reviewed by other entities also
influences the perception of the consumer’s perception. In addition, the promotional promises
that the organization makes in its multiple promotional channels, like its official website
increases the expectation of the customer which naturally creates a higher chance for gap
between the expectation and performance (Whyte, 2018). This might be explained further
through the expectation confirmation theory.
Expectation disconfirmation and consumer satisfaction
The expectation confirmation theory explains the consumer satisfaction as a consequence of the
relationship between the performance, expectation and disconfirmation of the pre-established
belief of the consumers. Oghuma et al. (2016) identified that the disconfirmation of the
consumer expectation has the potential of generating extreme responses from the consumers.
When it is positive disconfirmation, the consumer might generate long-term loyalty and even
advocacy for the serviced provider. On the other hand, negative disconfirmation has the potential
of strong disregard among the consumers regarding the brand harming its image in the market in
considerable manner (Hsu and Lin, 2015).
For instance, if the consumers’ expectation is disconfirmed negatively, that is, if the consumer
receives less than what is expected of the service provider then the consumer would generate
negative perception concerning the service e provider which might be the case for Winter Garden
as it fails to meet the consumer expectation in case of the tangible factors, responsiveness
factors, empathy and assurance (refer to appendix 3). On the other hand, Susanto, Chang and Ha
(2016) identified that the positive disconfirmation, that is, if the organization surpasses the
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