
Brand Management: Importance, Strategies, and Analysis


Added on  2023-01-11

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Brand Management
Brand Management: Importance, Strategies, and Analysis_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Explanation of branding as an important marketing tool and uses in business practice...3
P2 Analysis of key components of a successful brand strategy.............................................4
P3 Analysis of various strategies of portfolio management, brand hierarchy and equity
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P4. Evaluation of how brands are managed in partnership at a domestic and global level....9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
P5. Different types of techniques for measuring and managing brand value.......................11
Books and journals...............................................................................................................13
Brand Management: Importance, Strategies, and Analysis_2

Brand Management is recognized as a marketing process that comprises various measures to
enhance the market structure and value of a particular brand. Mostly with aid of positive
messages and connections, successful branding strategy aims to strengthen faithfulness between
customers (Abrahams, 2016). There are several benefits of label management for a company that
involves being likely to maintain worker for longer time, increasing employee satisfaction, and
differentiating for other competitors. Brand management includes identifying the results
presently received by the product line throughout the market process in order to plan how well
the company should be obtained on the market in order to achieve the branding's strategic goals
as well as to secure those goals in such an acceptable setting. In this following report to better
understand the value of branding strategy Cadbury is selected which is an international
organization that trades globally through the sale chocolate and other related goods.
In this report, explanation of how a brand is created and handled for long term, analysis
of how various brands are grouped into separate portfolios is discussed. In addition, description
of how brands are increased both nationally and overseas is also elaborated.
Cadbury is a large corporate British chocolate maker company that is controlled by
MONDELEZ international. Cadbury has its headquarters in Uxbridge and John Cadbury, who
shipped tea, coffee as well as chocolate drinks in a limited café, founded company in
Buckingham in 1824. Presently it is becoming a national brand that sells the
chocolate worldwide known and is mainly known for its quality and also various choco products
such as dairy milk chocolates, the cream egg as well as the segment container.
P1 Explanation of branding as an important marketing tool and uses in business practice
It is essential to recognize what is mark in order to recognize the definition of branding as
well as management. Brand may be defined as a word, name, design emblem and any other
display used by an organization to identify a seller's individuality as a good or service provided
by a vendor that distinguishes it from rivals (Ashill, Semaan, and Williams, 2019). Brands are
usually used in corporate promotion and promotional purposes because they like their goods or
services to have a different image so they can draw consumers and retain a specific identity.
Brand Management: Importance, Strategies, and Analysis_3

The principle of branding inside the company can be used as a marketing tool for
publicising and attempting to make a unique identity of product in competitive market. Cadbury
also uses the term brand identity which helps them to become a completely separate brand that
sells faithful products across domestic boundaries. This brand marketing switch of the Cadbury
is of sufficient amplitudes that are mentioned below:
Branding enhances the reputation of firms: Branding immediately impacts the image of
the company and creates a potential market interest. It is because advertising deals directly with a
solid institution that it can create its own distinct image and can gain longer stretches of time
even in times of economic downturn (Aziz, and Ngah, 2019). It also has a completely separate
brand identity in the sense of Cadbury that helps to increase its value as well as launching a new
product lines together under the brand name.
Branding actually creates new customers: Effective branding always attracts customers
to the organization that is also successful in stimulating new customers. Even though marketing
will create a different individuality of the product categories mostly on industry and also enhance
advertising and market strategy through use of brand awareness. Both of these campaign
techniques will draw the existing client to the company which will increase the current consumer
Create confidence in the global market: A professional portfolio or well-strategic brand
recognition would always support the company to build confidence with prospective consumers
and new buyers. This can be seen in the particular instance of Cadbury, as it has a great brand
image throughout the market that will allow them to business in a beautiful and attractive
manner representation by enticing its buyers and ensure a consistent confidence.
Brand pyramid and implementation: It is consider being important kinds of tools aimed
at binding consumers by making sure they can select the identical goods with almost the same
brand until next time. In the context of, Cadbury this tool is beneficial in providing a legal aspect
if business and obtaining desirable results by selecting the interaction, added benefit,
productivity, significance and efficiency.
P2 Analysis of key components of a successful brand strategy.
In the present time maintaining an appropriate brand identity inside the company for
designing and maintaining brand image is beneficial. Brand value seems to be the term used by
the advertising industry to receive the brand's value in or on its own. This contributes explicitly
Brand Management: Importance, Strategies, and Analysis_4

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