An Insight into Decision-Making Process for Purchasing Chocolates
Added on 2019-09-18
15 Pages3262 Words366 Views
Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................1Method of consumer research for Chocolate...................................................................................1Purchasing process...........................................................................................................................3EKB model......................................................................................................................................4Decision-making process.................................................................................................................7Consumer and Brand theory Role in Decision Making Process......................................................8Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................9References......................................................................................................................................111
IntroductionChocolate is considered the most popular sweet dish in the world which is liked by everyone. Inthis paper, the decision is made regarding the purchase of chocolate. Apart of this, the purchasingchocolate should of dairy milk brand. It is purchasing to give a birthday gift to someoneimportant. Chocolate can be the effective gift because it spreads various good memories. It is asweet and brown food product which has different flavors like vanilla or others. It prepared withthe Cocoa beans that are considered the fruits of the Cacao tree. Chocolate is developed in theform of liquid, block or in a paste form which works as a core ingredient in developing otherproducts. It can be said that purchasing process is different from person to person. But, it mainlydepends on the nature and behavior of a person who is going to make a purchase. The mainimportant part of the overall purchasing process is decision making regarding purchasing of aparticular product. Agree on a particular brand helps individual in making sustainable purchases.Chocolate with dairy milk brand can make the occasion very special. It can also be said thatchocolate comes in different flavors like vanilla and others. Thus, it can be said that purchasingof chocolate highly depends on the taste and preferences of people. On the basis of its popularity,it can be said that chocolate has the number one food product preferred by more and moreconsumers especially children. But, taste and quality of dairy milk chocolates make it differentfrom others. It is mainly produced by the Cadbury Company in a combination of differentflavors. 2
Method of consumer research for ChocolateConsumer research is performed by using shopping blogs and video diary. Both methods givesignificant knowledge about the consumer reviews and quality of dairy milk chocolate. Theyboth play an important role in giving significant knowledge about retail insights and trendsespecially shopping blogs. Shopping blogs makes the purchasing process easier and convenient.Shopping blogs of dairy milk chocolate gives significant knowledge about the product, itsingredients, and different available flavors. For example, Chocablog shopping blog of chocolatelists all chocolate posts and reviews regarding the dairy milk chocolate and its customers (Li,2013). Apart of this, it also represents the different rewards schemes which a customer can get bysubscribing its services. Chocablog helps me in selecting the best alternative chocolate formaking the occasion happier and memorable. Different reviews of customers regarding the dairymilk chocolate help me in making good decision. Furthermore, a different flavor of chocolategives me the option to select one with better taste and quality. Thus, it can be said that shoppingblogs on chocolate give me significant understanding about different things of chocolate brandand customer responses which ultimately improves my purchasing experience. On the other hand, video diary also plays an important role in taking a decision and formulatingpurchasing process. It influences our purchase decision in a significant manner. The visualfeature of diary influenced the audiences in a great manner. Generally, it is said that one will notunderstand the value of a particular thing until it becomes a memory (Claiborne, 2015). Videodairy proves this. Video diary of dairy milk chocolate display most beautiful memories andmoments of chocolate. This makes us more attractive towards the product. Video diary posted onyoutube gives us significant information about the layout, taste, manufacturing process and3
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