
Breast Cancer Treatment And Aftercare


Added on  2022-08-08

11 Pages2774 Words24 Views
Data Science and Big DataNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global Health
Running head: Research proposal
Research proposal
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Breast Cancer Treatment And Aftercare_1

Breast Cancer treatment and aftercare
Breast Cancer treatment and aftercare
Breast cancer is a very prevalent public health condition amongst the women living in
United Kingdom. It is to be noted that the various aspects of the disease is attributed to the
fact that the reasons or rather the aetiologies are so many and so intricately involved in the
developed in the development of a breast cancer disease in a woman that it is hard to prevent
or manage the cases of breast cancer in a public health scenario across the globe (Wyatt &
George, 2020). United Kingdom, although has a lot of advanced technologies and biomedical
information technologies in practice in their daily day to day clinical services, being
undertaken in the hospitals and the other health care institutions in addition to the very
community care services being developed to the indigenous and minority groups living in the
communities – still the number and the prevalence of the breast cancer condition is increasing
day by day and it is highly important to understand that the reasons and factors leading to the
causation of the disease in a public health scenario of United Kingdom are multi-faceted and
this should be seen as a central problem (Jacobs, 2019). Breast cancer is caused by both
inherited genetic factors and environmental mutagens as well (Kennedy, 2017). The family
history also play a very critical role in the development of the disease and thus it is important
that the various aspects of the disease are correlated with the history first. Any relative having
breast cancer in the past or present increases the chances of having breast cancer in the person
as compared to the ones who do not have any such issues with family history. Next, having a
previously made cancer diagnosis also play a huge role in the development of breast cancer in
the woman. Having a prolonged stage of hormone therapy also increases the extent of
chances of having a breast cancer. Anatomical and the physiological reasons also play a
critical role in the development and progression of cancers sand one of such critical and most
Breast Cancer Treatment And Aftercare_2

Breast Cancer treatment and aftercare
cardinal reason is having a dense breast which as shown by the reports have more chances of
developing cancer as compared to women with less dense breast (Alwan et al., 2018). Early
menarche also increases the chance and severity of having a breast cancer and precocious
puberty can considered as one such great problem as well. Late menopause is an important
marker of the disease and one of the prime aetiologies that lead to causation of breast cancer.
Age also play a very critical role in the development of the disease that is breast cancer and if
the age of the person is 50 years or more – then it becomes one of the most cardinal
predisposing factors to the development of the cancer condition that affects the breasts.
Hence, as analysed, that there are so many or rather numerous factors that causes breast
cancer in the women and there are so many assistive or aggravating factors like smoking,
drinking and other psychosocial addictions that hinder the treatment process and worsens the
presentation, the clinical signs and symptoms of breast cancer. More importantly, it can be
said that breast cancer is such a scenario where a particular segment or aspect of the society is
not affected but the entire the society as a whole. Urban and community living women are
affected in a drastic way with breast cancer in United Kingdom and of course, in the
interplay, the social determinants of health that is otherwise known as SDOH, also play a
huge role in the development of breast cancer and in a public scenario, the same must be
understood as well (Woods et al., 2019). According to the statistical reports, the rates of
breast cancer became more severe with the advancement of age, that is amongst 100,000 20
to 24 age women, 1.5 were affected to a maximum of four twenty one breast cases in 100,000
women (who are of seventy five and seventy nine years of age). According to the reports,
ninety five percent of the women who are more than 40 years of age in United Kingdom –
showed various aspects of predisposed risk factors of cancer that may lead to the disease in
the advancing years (Hilliard, 2018).
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Breast Cancer treatment and aftercare
Problems statement –
The treatments of breast cancer ranges from chemotherapy, to targeted therapy,
adjunct therapy and in severe cases of cases where the cancer has already progressed –
mastectomy is performed (Parsons, 2017). Cost effectiveness of the treatment and after care
and effectiveness of the treatments are critical to be analysed and as the side effects of the
treatments are many affecting the quality of life of the patient, the treatment interventions and
after care interventions such as physical exercise, breathing exercise, restraining from
smoking, alcohol and other triggers also play a huge role in the management and prevention
of breast cancer (Brennan, 2017). Poor prognosis, lack of after care and lack of control of the
comorbid situations are the main problems associated with the management and prevention of
breast cancer in United Kingdom. Obesity, dyslipidemia and other clinical metabolic
disturbances are also cardinally related to the breast cancer disease and more importantly, it is
the very aspect of lack of education or knowledge about the disease amongst the communities
living in United Kingdom led to the causation of the disease in a much increased and elevated
rate. While there are various risk factors there to aggravate the condition of breast cancer and
the incidences of the disease, lack of collaboration at the clinical level and lack of technology
knowledge amongst the health care staffs has been seen to misinterpret the diagnosis of the
disease and delayed diagnosis, led to more severity in breast cancer symptoms in women who
are affected. The morbidity and the mortality rates were also very high. As discussed above,
the various social determinants of health are very much responsible for the development of
the diseases in the public health scenario such as breast cancer amongst the women in United
Economy and finance such as the socioeconomic factors play a huge role in the
development of the breast cancer. Lack of education and awareness about the development
and prevention of breast cancer is the key problem. Diet that is inadequate in nutrition and
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