
International Market Evaluation


Added on  2023-01-06

16 Pages4820 Words93 Views
Advanced Diploma
of Business
International Market Evaluation_1

Table of Contents
SECTION A: International Market Evaluation...............................................................................1
Global Market Overview........................................................................................................1
Analysis and Assessment of International Business and Electronic Commerce Market.......7
A Risk and Impact Analysis of the Potential Market.............................................................8
Marketing International Management Strategy.............................................................................10
Company Background..........................................................................................................10
Objectives and Risk Management........................................................................................10
Approach and Operational Structure....................................................................................12
Performance Management....................................................................................................12
Business Communication.....................................................................................................13
Marketing Outcome..............................................................................................................13
SECTION C: Marketing International Management Strategy (continued)...................................13
Process Evaluation and Improvement..................................................................................13
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SECTION A: International Market Evaluation
Global Market Overview
A market alludes to an institutional structure that permits associations and individuals to
trade work, merchandise, and administrations. The European Union and the United States are
instances of a market. The United States, Mexico, and Canada structure a semi free market
administered by the North American Free Trade Agreement. Globalization grabbed hold of the
overall economy in the twentieth century creating groundbreaking thoughts and ideas intended to
control and clarify the conditions now existent for financial specialists. As far as capital stream
and speculation, a global market is the prime main thrust behind global exchange and account.
The global market manages ideas on both a miniature and macroeconomic scale. Ideas, for
example, alternatives, trades, and prospects are concentrated worries as far as the worldwide
economy, impacting the achievement of interests in assorted business sectors. While a specific
geological district may offer a superior incentive for specific businesses or products, others
regularly reward the financial specialists with a better yield rate for a similar measure of capital
World Trade
Very often alluded to as international trade, world trade can be comprehensively said to
be a as a worldwide business that includes making and gathering instalments for exchanges in
merchandise and ventures, and making them accessible to the intrigued markets. The World
Trade Organization (WTO) is the main worldwide international association the arrangements
with the principles of trade between nations. At its heart, are the WTO arrangements, arranged
and marked by the greater part of the world's exchanging countries and confirmed their
The world trade generally identifies with physical merchandise. Despite the fact that it is
developing, trade in goods represents a much lower share. The world trade in merchandise was
generally esteemed at $16 trillion, while trade in administrations represented about $5 trillion.
The trade in merchandise as well as services quickly bounced back to reach pre-crisis levels by
2011. The estimation of world trade in merchandise considerably declined in 2015 and kept on
declining in 2016, nonetheless, the trade in facilities has been stronger. The world trade in
merchandise has drastically expanded in the course of the most recent decade, ascending from
International Market Evaluation_3

about $10 trillion of every 2005 to more than $18.5 trillion out of 2014 to then tumble to about
$16 trillion out of 2016. Trade in facilities incredibly expanded somewhere in the range of 2005
and 2016, from about $2.5 trillion to nearly $5 trillion.
Australia is positioned the 22nd biggest export economy in the world. The nation
exported $195B and imported $187B in 2016, which prompted a positive trade equalization of
$7.92B. During the year, the GDP of Australia was $1.2T while the GDP per capita was $46k.
Utilizing the 1992 correction of the Harmonized System (HS) classification, Australia's
significant exports are:
Item Value (Billion dollars)
Iron ore 38.1
Coal briquettes 30.7
Gold 20.5
Petroleum gas 14.2
Aluminium oxide 4.22
On the contrary, the significant imports of the nation tend to include:-
Item Value (Billion dollars)
Cars 16.6
Refined petroleum 10.7
Computers 6.13
Packaged medicaments 5.61
Crude petroleum 5.42
The most significant export locations for Australia are acknowledged to be China
($65.4B), Japan ($27.2B), South Korea ($14.2B), India ($9.3B) and the US ($8.86B) while
significant locations for imports are determined are identified as China ($43.8B), US ($21.5B),
Japan ($14.5B), Germany ($10.1B) and Thailand, ($11.6B).
The Global Financial Crisis
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