
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design


Added on  2021-05-31

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BSBADM506Written questionsYou will need to complete the following questions for Assessment Event 1. Complete your answers on this document and submit to the online area for this assessment event.Questions1.Describe how an organisation can evaluate its current and future capability in designing and using documents.There are many ways to design and document processes. The hard part is to make them relevant for the organizational staff so they are also executed. The only point is to add value to the business. This requires staff involvement, ease of use and continuous change. Hence the organization is required to monitor and check the documentation procedures regularly. the most important things in evaluating the documentation procedure would be:Are all documents being stored in the database? This could render the application andexperience very sluggish. Its better done via metadata and stored locally within the organizationIs there a proper and easy to use version management system? There are several versions to each document and storing each is quintessential to understand the project entirelyAre there too many forms and fields in forms that create your metadata? If so users usually would skip filling all of it altogetherIs the system flexible enough to avoid running to support for minor changes? Usually the document management systems installed with large organizations are like legacy software and a very small change in a form field needs support and therefore money is one of the factor that woud habve to be considered as the documentation procedures have to do with equipments that require money.Is the document flowing properly across departments? Documents need to transmitted to other departments with proper approvals and this workflow creation and editing needs to be flexible as people come and leave the organizations over time. Updating the system should be easy.Most of all is the storage system of the documents secure? As because the system would store the most confidential documents like POs, estimation and design.2.Provide two examples of how an organisation can monitor the quality of documentdesign and storage.Generally the organization can monoitor the quality of the document using the two practices:Complaince monitoringThis process invoves the analysis made in-depth for the project or the process of the organization. The organization would be checking the documents with the requirements of industry, organizational and laws standards and codes, principles of accepted community, good governanc and ethical standards'. (AS 3806 - 2006: Compliance Programs, section 1.3.3). Consistence observing and consistence examining mean to build up whether a procedure or tmpem2639_i2220171_682987903_724790.docxRevised: 31/05/21Page 1 of 5
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BSBADM506strategy is completed in conformance with significant outer necessities, regardless of whether set through enactment, controls or bearings. It includes analyzing, at a genuinely clear level, how associations 'accomplish something' and affirming 'consistence' with criteria. (CB029 - 2003, The Audit Skills Handbook, segment 1.8). Open workplaces ought to routinely survey theircongruity with the commitments of the State Records Act and the related norms and codes of best practice to guarantee that the association is consistent and that issues of rebelliousness are rectifiedPerfromance monitoringThe process involves the monitoring and analysing theprocess and checking weather the documenst are stored effecinetly in the system and also the organization can set up measures for themselves that would help them check the document and make the evaluqation of the document according to the measures set by them. 3.List two types of legislation that document designers should consider when managing document design and development? Provide an explanation of why they are important.The documents of the organization would have tom complaice with the standards approved by the legislative boards. Hence the organization can follow two types of legislation for the designing of the documents. The two type of legislations can be Privacy and compliance. Forexample the Archive Act of 1983 can be considered and for the support the act of Privacy Act 1988 is provided. In the archive act the national archivesa are used to oversee the documentation practices in the 0organzations across the country.under the act the roganizations would be :Demolition, exchange, or modification of Commonwealth record subject to Archives' approval. Following of records administration norms and different commitments set by the Archives. Exchange of documented assets of the Commonwealth into Archives' care.The organization is required to take some reasonable steps for the matianance of the privacy of the data and documenation. This Act controls the treatment of individual data about people. This incorporates its gathering, utilize, stockpiling and revelation. The Act contains 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which direct the treatment of individual databy most Australian Government offices. Application 4 and 11 contain arrangements for the de-identrfication of individual data where it isn't contained in a Commonwealth record. Application 10 plots the need to keep exact, avant-garde and finish individual data. The Act likewise directs the utilization and administration of Australian expense document numbers, individual data for therapeutic research and credit data.4.Provide three examples of the costs associated with document design and management.For the documentation for the organizations the would be have to undergo three types of cost compenasation. They are:Costs for the time based calculations:The cost for the documentation is calculated by the time required to write a document. In addition to this, it is also known that a pre existing document would take up less time than that of a document that has to be started from scratch.For professionally made content the cost of documentation would go up. The realistic estimates:tmpem2639_i2220171_682987903_724790.docxRevised: 31/05/21Page 2 of 5
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