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Business Analysis for HR Management System


Added on  2023/06/18

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This article discusses the business analysis for HR management system including key artifacts and deliverables of BA for the project, business requirement document, process maps, employee journey map, and more.

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Business Analysis

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QUESTION 1..................................................................................................................................3
Approach on starting analysing work for explaining key artifacts and deliverables of BA for
the project....................................................................................................................................3
QUESTION 2..................................................................................................................................4
Business requirement document..................................................................................................4
QUESTION 3..................................................................................................................................7
Process maps for all the processes...............................................................................................7
QUESTION 4..................................................................................................................................8
Employee journey map................................................................................................................8
QUESTION 5................................................................................................................................11
Transcribe the Business requirements Documents....................................................................11
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Approach on starting analysing work for explaining key artifacts and deliverables of BA for the
When work is started to be analysed it was identified that best approach that could be used for
this project is waterfall approach. Waterfall approach is one of the most appropriate and
pragmatic approach that can be used for identifying main artefacts of a project. When a project
starts role of BA within a project is extremely important because it directly helps in preparing
business requirement document (Krishnamoorthi and Mathew, 2018). BA plays a vital and
important role in delivering deliverables of project and in waterfall model their role is crucial
because there is no scope of going back. For this they need to identify main artefacts of the
project and prepare business requirement document. Using waterfall approach main deliverables
of BA for the project identified are as follows:
Artifact: To develop functional requirement document
Designing a phase where, designing of system will be done on the basis of business analyst input
and requirement document, so that any kind of doubts about the document can be cleared. This
helps in clearing out any kind of doubt in terms of system requirement at initial stage itself.
Artifact: design documents of project and UML diagrams are prepared
For core development of project it is important for BA to prepare product design, prepare all
UML diagrams so that more clarity of the project can be gained by coders, developers and other
team members. If still there are some doubts then in such case developers can contact BA and
ask or clear doubts about requirements so that chances of issues or doubts can be reduced (Kery
and, 2019).
Artifact: code
In this phase coding of project or software is done as per the business requirement documents
and UML diagram prepared by BA. In terms of coding if developers face a doubt or issue then
business analyst can be approached and business case of particular coding section can be brought
improvement in and chances of error within coding can be minimized
Artifact: Test cases and test results
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BA helps testing team in preparing test cases so that they can understand all the main and
important requirement of system (Berghaus and Back, 2017). This will help them in developing
effective test cases and testing all the functionalities of the project.
Implementation, review and user satisfaction review
BA has to review the whole system and hand it over to users as they are the one who known
every nooks of the project and due to this if client has any kind of changes in their mind then it
has to be reviewed and understood by BA So that they can clarify those changes to team
members (de Vreede, Briggs and de Vreede, 2021).
Business requirement document
Today management of employees has become a bit difficult task for HR of an organization.
Project Onxy will help in ensuing that all the employees of the organization are brought in one
frame within HR management system. This new system will allow HR to get easier access to
system by employees, job seekers (Al-Hroob, Imam and Al-Heisa, 2018). Not only this, partners
will be able to check the system as per their convenience. It is an effective system that will allow
HR to complete all the HR processes related to employees within single system such as out
bounding, terminating, recruiting, transferring etc.
To create a system that will hold all the details related to employees and job seekers for
HR management so that they can update details of employees, transfer, access information
related to job seeking candidates, prepare termination letter of employees who have resigned or
been terminated, post job related requirement on portal or website that can be accessed by job
Constraints and assumption
Basically this could states about the stakeholder that could create more stockers towards
the related about the update for the employee which might be related with their job seeking
(Haleem, Farooqui and Faisal, 2021). This could also led with engaging about their system and
can keep their outreach from which there might be having more stakeholder about their theme
and make sure for having their high sources and resources about their job seeking. While

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investigation and resigned either terminated from the job. That could keep them for having more
production system for which they can easily come to know about how they can usually dealing
and keeping their more sources for working with employee about their managements. Workforce
terminated about their access from the portal or websites about through which they can easily
make them for working with high sources and keeping with more effective manner.
Operational business requirements/ Functional business requirement
High level of business requirement and employees are being more registered about their
portal and websites about their sources. This could also led them for working with having job
seeking about their resources about various termination and related to the employees. While
having such things activities that could led them for working with sources and keeping them for
portal access and working with more termination about their system. High level of functional
business requirements about those receiving the amended registration records and variants
alongside for which the system (Younas and, 2018). It shall be highly successfully for those
activities and make sure for having their highly termination for which they can amended about
their sources for which the organization and keeping active about portal. This could keep
working system and job seeking for having their high connection and having more effective
terms. For employee having their job seeker about their activities and also working with many
effective manner cost.
Registration level Description Impacted service Must/nor
High level functional
requirements for
having the customer
that could applied
with websites for the
better scheme.
Must have
High level Registration details
that must be stored
with the documents
Data protection
Must have
High level It shall about for Business Must have
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keeping those
activities which could
provide with having
the high estimation
High level While this could work
with having the high
level of requirements
and also make sure for
keeping them with
more estimation
Customer service Must have
High level This might be also
important for them in
applying about the job
and hr will look out
their application and
make sure for their
Services management Must have
Non- functional business requirement
Description Impacted
Priority Rationale
Availability Job seeker
portal and
websites that
are required
to be access
Must To allow
more and
employee for
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for applying
the job in
and make
towards job
and make
their profile
with high
skills and
Performance Job seeking
for having
high response
towards the
job and
keeping them
with working
Must This could be
important for
having the job
seeker and
make their
websites for
working with
and keeping
them with
Capacity To keep more
things and
average about
4 to 5 month
per day with
Must This could be
important for
about those
things which
could make
them for
working with

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Ivascu and
and also
working with
many places
User roles This will keep
about for
to working
with their
portal and
keeping them
for working
with high
and various
other roles in
Must While this
could be
important for
about how
they can work
and keeping
person who
are trying for
This could keep about the functional requirement in business and non-functional
requirement for business. While having such things this could be easily led with having those
activities which might be important for taking more high risk and keeping the maturity about all
over and make their session for working with highly impacted (Sosa-Reyna, Tello-Leal and
Lara-Alabazares, 2018). As organization should also not required for keeping them access
towards the portal and websites that could be easily work and keep their people engaged with
highly impacted and make sure about their high stream.
After the completion of documents ISO 9001 must be required for keeping their quality check
work and that could also ensure about those variety of things which could make them with
having the high level of work. As customer and HR should also check their quality of product
and services about what they are offering to the customer.
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Process maps for all the processes
Process map can be defined as a too which is usually used to describe flow of work. For
this project, process map will help in explaining all the stages or processes involved in waterfall
project will be explained with the help of below process map of waterfall model project.
Figure 1Process map
System Engineering: at this level background and scope of project is identified which is an HR
management system is required to be developed with the help of which HR managers will be
able to post for job, update employee details, terminate, transfer etc (Keim, 2019).
Analysis: at this process both functional and non- functional requirement of system will be
identified by BA that can be used by developers for coding.
Design: at this process design of system is made with UML diagrams in order to gain more
understanding of the system. These system design and UML diagrams are made by BA
Coding; At this stage developers do coding of the system in order to develop system as per
client requirement
Testing: At this stage BA help testers in developing test cases for testing the system
Maintenance: BA hand over the system and identify if there is requirement of bringing some
changes within system (Keel and, 2017).
Employee journey map
Employee journey mapping that could be visualization with having the high timeline
experience, starting when people are considering with applying position and leave their
company. This could also despite while for understanding about touch points and employee are
also required for having their needs while at time of applying the things (Başaran, 2021). The
worker scheduling measure takes about having the viewpoint of representatives, accentuating
minutes that substance most to them. These minutes range from very commencement at work
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and primary paycheque, to going too far reaching convention and seeking after new prepare
openings. Similarly as client venture fluctuates across organization, so can delegate expedition.
Excursion guides should characterize this variety surveying requirements and objectives of
various kind of workers.
While this stage could be required with considering more about generating the high
estimation sources and that could also led them for knowing about in applying for the job
seeking. This could also help them for knowing about high estimation in organization and also
empowered for the stages (Savla,2020). That led the, for providing with high stage an recruiting
process with having more proper terms and condition also make their more completion over
through which this could also led them for knowing about how attraction things that are being
measured. Each stage provides the better opportunities for positive employee, offering more
about the help for having the digital tools and solve out some of the critical business challenges.
On boarding
After the accept order but before stepping the door, as there are many ways for requiring
the engaging in hiring. Along with this also help them for knowing about how usually they are
dealing and make sure for having their high impacted over through which the business can easily
run and make their more proper hiring (shivakumar, 2020). Getting more acquainted in culture
about for inviting them in joining with high company social networks and peruse the latest
company news. While this could be easier for gaining more high impacted over through which
the system can work and make sure for having their profile about various job offers.
Ongoing leaning and development which might be important for the employee and that
could be ensure for keeping in future aspects. Continually more about depending on employee
knowledge and skills which could be integral part of the any journey (Townsend and,
2020). While this could led them for working with many effective process and also make sure
about for having their estimation in sources for providing with better places as in organization.
Digital knowledge management solution being abler for grow the situation and keeping them
with store, capture, growth and share out many culture wisdom.

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Team work: After selecting employees, it is important for HR to introduce selected employees
with existing ones. There are numbers of tasks that employees need to work in a team and for
that HR needs to focus on team working. By working in team, employees can complete their
tasks in a timely manner, it improves their relations and they feel valued at workplace.
Training: Team work improves relation of employees but it is important for employees to ork
individually. For working individually and independently, HR need to provide training by which
they can complete their tasks and can accomplish their goals. Training is vital and employees
have to go through this stage as it increases their knowledge and make them able to perform their
job roles with effectiveness.
Performance appraisal: A successful employee’s journey is the one where employees feel
valued and motivated. When employees become loyal towards their companies then they are
more likely to help company in meeting their goals. In this regard, it can be said that, HR and
managers require making employees feel valued and let them know about their actual position
within organization. it is possible with performance appraisal. It improves employees’
performance and productivity as well.
Termination. Resignation and so on, while this could keep them with having their high
powerful sources and make sure for having high things and led them for working with journey
(Gallan and, 2021). The end of their powerful system can be measure with having different
for every employee and their mapping with highlights with having the different sources and also
led them with making high effective manner. Starting small by mapping out one or two moments
and that could become the whole employment life cycles and make sure for having more
stakeholder for working with their sources.
Transcribe the Business requirements Documents
This could discuss about those effective things which could led them for working with
many effective things and easily make sure for having their more pricing activities. The scope for
job seeker will take high time framework such as 4 months for making their business
requirements and make their process for completion over the documents (Naicker and Maharaj,
2020). While such things also led them for working with many effective things and measure
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about their sources for which the functional business and non-functional business requirements
can developed the 2 months time framework. This will help them for knowing about how they
can deal and keep the employee attraction.
Background This new system will allow HR to get easier access to system by
employees, job seekers. this could also complete the HR for all process
related to employee within single system such as terminating, bonding,
recruiting, transferring and so on.
Assumption and
the update for the employee which might be related with their job
seeking. websites about through which they can easily make them for
working with high sources and keeping with more effective manner.
I could create the account
At time of opening with account and registration desk online.
apply for the job in organization
Look out more details about jobs
I have details about the job description
I make myself register while at time of having the offers and
I might be easily apply for the job on portal
I am able with completion in applying the job
I am access the portal and make sure for about what requirements as they
might be required.
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I make sure for requested for registration
I am able to provide eligible data in necessary format required.
Update employee
I am following job policies and procedure about how they are required
with high estimation
I am applying for job portal and this could be duty for the HR for hiring
their employee
I have taken the steps towards the proper dataset.
Keeping high sources about their job portal and working with many job
Functional business requirements:
But to accept the bottle is very important that individual must mention correct ID password so
that they can easily access the bottle and take the benefit of various features which is being
provided by the portal. This kind of portal may provide all the necessary details and services to
the individual which they are looking for and HR also no water were updated by the individual
or candidate.
Portal can get accessed by any individual especially those while looking for an opportunity.
After successfully login in individual can easily access to image opportunity which is being
available on the portal and they can easily apply on those opportunities in which they are
After applying for the job it can be seen by the human resource manager and they may shortlist
their IEA profile so that if they remain interested then they can easily approach the employee or

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