
Business Analysis Report for Learning Management


Added on  2020-02-24

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Business Analysis Report
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Business Analysis Report for Learning Management_1

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Page 1 of 52
Business Analysis
Executive Summary
The topic was concerned with the identification of issues related to the
Human activity system used for the learning management at Griffith University.
The various stakeholders have been identified along with the management of
various business activities to resolve the kind of issue faced. The need for
implementing an effective IT system has been fulfilled and the various study
materials have been accesses by the students with the help of new online student
portal made available for them,. The flexible options available along with the
enhancement of quality of higher educations services have further helped in
attracting more students and retained the existing ones too.
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Business Analysis
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................4
2. Identification of Business Problem and Need..............................................4
2.1. Business Problem/s and Need/s.........................................................5
2.2. Business Goals & Objectives........................................................10
2.3. Desired Outcome/s.........................................................................11
3. Stakeholder Analysis....................................................................................13
3.1. Stakeholder List...............................................................................13
Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities.....................................................13
3.2. Attitude & Influence........................................................................14
3.3. Stakeholder Relationships and Mapping......................................15
4. Approach to Req’s Life Cycle Management...........................................16
5. Change Strategy, Value, Recommended Solution........................................19
5.1 Solution Scope...............................................................................19
5.1. Potential Benefits...........................................................................22
5.2. Risk Assessment............................................................................23
6. Requirements Analysis................................................................................24
6.1. Business Requirements..................................................................24
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Business Analysis
6.2. Stakeholder Requirements for the Top Business Requirement.......25
6.3. Functional Requirements.................................................................25
6.4. Non-functional Requirements.........................................................25
7. Conclusion....................................................................................................27
Appendix A. List of Goals & Objectives.....................................................33
Appendix B. SMART Analysis...................................................................33
Appendix C. SWOT Analysis......................................................................34
Appendix D. The 5 Whys............................................................................36
Appendix E. Key Stakeholders’ Role, Authority, Interest and Influence....36
Appendix F. Stakeholder Matrix.................................................................38
Appendix G. Onion Diagram.......................................................................39
Appendix I. RACI Matrix............................................................................42
Appendix K. Organisational Structure of Specific Department..................43
Appendix L. The Five Conflict Handling Modes.....................................43
Appendix M. Problem Statement.................................................................44
Appendix N. Force Field Analysis..............................................................45
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Business Analysis
Appendix O. Decision Tree Analysis..........................................................46
Appendix P. Potential Benefits Table..........................................................46
Appendix Q. Risk Assessment Table..........................................................47
Appendix R. MoSCoW Analysis.................................................................48
Appendix S. Use Case Descriptions............................................................49
Appendix T. The functional attributes of the various events have been
understood with the help of Use case descriptions.......................................49
Appendix U. List of Non-Functional Requirements Analysis.....................50
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Business Analysis
Table of Figures
Figure 1. Stakeholder Matrix Diagram............................................................................38
Figure 2: Onion Diagram.................................................................................................40
Figure 3. Department xxx Organisational Structure Diagram (SAMPLE ONLY)........43
Figure 4. Conflict Handling Modes Diagram...................................................................44
Figure 5. Force Field Diagram.........................................................................................46
Figure 6. Decision Tree Diagram.....................................................................................46
Figure 7. MoSCoW Analysis...........................................................................................48
1. Introduction
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Business Analysis
The report discusses the various issues related to the Human Activity System that is
being used for the learning management at Griffith University in Australia. The topic
will demonstrate the various findings concerning the issues that have been faced due to
the implementation of the Human Activity system for learning management. The Human
Acclivity system is an effective system used for the management of learning approaches
and ensures that all the students get proper education facilities and become successful in
their professional career with ease and effectiveness. Certain issues may arise and can
even deteriorate the performances of students studying within the University and make
their career growth slowdown. The topic will also illustrate about the various
stakeholders involved and how they have been involved with the management of
learning approaches within the University (Aaij et al., 2016). The problems are
addressed, values have been analysed and recommended solutions have also been
provided in the end for ensuring that the issues with the Human Activity system used for
learning management are reduced and the limitations are overcome as well with ease and
efficiency. The report will analyse the goals and objectives, based on which, the issues
and opportunities that may arise will be examined as well.
2. Identification of Business Problem and Need
(7 Points). Explain this section briefly (1 paragraph).
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