
Mean salary for employees in Cleveland


Added on  2020-03-28

6 Pages762 Words291 Views
Business analysis 1TitleStudent’s nameProfessorCourse titleDate
Mean salary for employees in Cleveland_1

Business analysis 21.0 MEAN SALARY FOR CLEVELAND EMPLOYEESThe mean salary for Cleveland employees can be obtained by running a descriptive statistics forsalary. This is because mean is one of the measures of central tendencies contained as an item inthe summary statistics.The table below shows the summary statistics for employees’ salaryDESCRIPTIVE STATISTICSMean29.49064588Standard Error0.664290688Median26.1Mode22.5Standard Deviation14.07606732Sample Variance198.1356712Kurtosis2.180320472Skewness1.303650506Range82.5Minimum9.8Maximum92.3Sum13241.3Count449Table 1The mean salary can be extracted from the summary table above. The mean salary for Clevelandemployees is 29.49 thousand dollars (29490 dollars).
Mean salary for employees in Cleveland_2

Business analysis 32.0 PROPORTION OF VERY SATISFIED AND MODERATELY SATISFIEDEMPLOYEESThe table of number of workers and their rates of satisfactionRow LabelsnumberA little dissatisfied29Moderately satisfied195Very dissatisfied21Very satisfied205Grand Total450Table 2Proportion of moderately satisfied 43.43%Proportion of very satisfied45.66%It can be observed that those who are very satisfied constitutes to 45.66% while those who aremoderately satisfied constitutes to 43.43%. Therefore the moderately and the very satisfied are89.04% of the total employee population.3.0 TEST THAT THE MEAN SALARY IS 28,500 DOLLARS (28.5 thousand dollars)Prior to establishing the test results, a hypothesis must be put forward. A one sample t-test isemployed in this test to establish whether the mean salary of employees at Cleveland is above28,500 dollars.Hypothesis H0: Mean salary of Cleveland employees is more than 28,500 dollarsVersus
Mean salary for employees in Cleveland_3

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