
Business and the Business Environment


Added on  2020-12-09

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Business and the Business Environment_1

Business and the Business Environment_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness environment is the actual environment that gets influenced by many internal andexternal factors. There are many organisations such as private, public and voluntaryorganizations that will succeed in the environment. This report briefly illustrates the gap betweenlarge, medium, small and micro enterprises. It also describe the organizational structure, mission,goals and relationships between the functions of the company. Finally, the impact of the Pestleanalysis on the Sainsbury PLC activity and its impact on supermarket decision making wasdemonstrated. It also illustrates the various factors that influence business performance.SECTION 11.Types of organisations and purpose of these firmsBusiness refers to the process of converting skills and materials based on customerrequests or providing services based on customer requests. Customers are very important for thesurvival and prosperity of the organization. Public, private and voluntary organizations are threemain types of organisations (Chang, 2016). The public firms ruled by the government andmanaged by the government for the population. People pay state taxes and this money is used to finance most of the public sector. Themain purpose of public firms is to offer satisfactory and quality services to people. NationalHealth Service is publicly funded enterprise. With its development in 1948, he succeeded increating the most effective and comprehensive image of healthcare in the world. NHS works toserve people and improve their health. There is no profit motive; instead the main purpose of itsexistence is the right to equal care and medical services. Patients are very satisfied with NHSservices. Private companies are managed by individuals. Sainsbury is private organizations.Sainsbury operates more than 1,200 supermarkets with 165,000 employees worldwide (Charter,2017). Now Sainsbury is a UK registered company that serves a variety of customers every day.Its main purpose is to generate revenues and expand business globally. Over years, Sainsbury hasfocused on creating loyal customers by serving customers at the right time. Volunteer organisations are such as charity, business community. Theseorganizations are mainly non-profit and non-government organizations. Oxfam has beenidentified as a volunteer organization popular in the UK. In most cases, they try to help3
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certain people, such as guide dogs, Oxfam etc.. Therefore, this business is managed byvarious types of organizations on behalf of citizens and their general welfare.2.Size and scope of the organisationsNHS size and scope of businessLarge companies like National Health Services are independent companies managedprivately by owners. More than 250 employees under these large organisations. Statistics showthat large companies make up only 4% of the total sector of the company, but their annualturnover is above the remaining 96% from SMEs. Large companies are very important foreconomic survival of any country which helps in sustaining their business. The big advantage oflarge companies rather than small businesses is that large companies can easily raise moneythrough shareholders compared to small businesses (Deasy and et.al., 2016). The difference between SMEs and large companies is mainly based on impactfluctuations in resources in income, budget and staff. At the macro level researchers have foundthat size is important for social and environmental performance.. In addition, international tradefacilitates capital transfers with minimal costs, which leads to long-term sustainable businessgrowth. Size and scope of Oxfam Oxfam is an association of 20 independent charitable organizations and comes undersmall enterprise dedicated to reducing global poverty. It works as large non-profit group with alarge number of operations. The Oxfam Behind the Brands campaign evaluates ten of the biggestpolicies and practices of food and beverage companies in the fields of social and economicjustice and environmental sustainability. This campaign tells consumers about what thisimprovement means for poor people in developing countries who help produce the food anddrinks they consume. Oxfam spends 25% of its wages and operating expenses: Last year, thecharity spent £ 103 million, including £ 700,000 in salaries and benefits for seven senior civilservants (Prajogo, 2016).Size and Scope of Bellymose. Bellymose is a micro enterprise which offer fast food. This business has only one profit motivewhen serving close relative that without image or global brand. Therefore, Bellymose works forgetting revenues by selling goods. Definition of micro, small, medium and large enterprise4
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