
Business and Business Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION


Added on  2020-07-22

16 Pages5105 Words438 Views
Business and Business Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Analysis of various kinds of organization.........................................................................1
P2 Evaluation of size and scope of different organization.....................................................2
P3 Explanation of different functions of organizations and interrelation with goals.............4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P4 Analysis of various macro environmental factors that impact on business operations.....6
P5 Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of cited firm......................................................7
P6 Assessment of link between internal and external factors. ..............................................9
Business and Business Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION_2

Business environment is one of the key significant elements that clearly the influence of
internal and external environment on the operations of business in an industry. It is also
considered as the major constraints that an business enterprise should analyse in order to
formulate strategies for the expansion of business and achievement of sustainable growth and
development (Craig, and Campbell, 2012). In this report, analysis of different type of business
organization is done top determine the difference in their vision, mission and objectives of
regulating business operations.
Along with this, it will also define the size and scope of two multinational firms operating in two
different sectors. There are some key functions of multinational firm are also analysed which
will determine their interrelationship with the organization structure. Apart from this, there are
some key macro environmental factors are explained that provide an understanding about the
challenges that which an business enterprise has to face in competitive business environment.
P1 Analysis of various kinds of organization
Business environment is recognised as the combination of internal and external factors
that define the opportunities for the different firms to gain its desired goals and objectives at
international level (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). Research of topic has determined that there
mainly three different types of organization prevailing in the business environment of every
country like private, public, voluntary organization. These organizations have their own
importance and regulate their business with different vision, mission and objectives which are as
Private organizations: Those business enterprises which operates their business with a
most specific aim of achievement of more and more profitability by utilizing the
resources from the country. It will also be considered as the organization that are owned
and regulated by private individuals or partnerships firms by investing their own capital
(Zott, Amit and Massa, 2011). In this context, Analysis Stemcor is taken in to
consideration which is steel trading organization in UK has 145 business units across the
45 different countries around the world. The main purpose of the firms is to enhance their
market share in steel industry as compared to other organization. It has also achieved a
continuous growth in the steel industry by offering quality of products like Long tubes,
Business and Business Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION_3

pipes and stainless steel etc. Along with this, it has also offered various services like steel
trading, shipping, stock holding, finance and raw materials.
Public organization: International business firms that regulates there business operations
with an aim of satisfying the needs of people and achievement sustainable profitability by
creating various innovations in products and services (Halbert and Ingulli, 2011). These
business enterprises are owned by private entrepreneurs, government and public. In
present context, British steel corporation is a major public sector organization which is
originated in 1967 with an aim to achieve provide d quality of steel products and services
to the people in UK like stainless steel pipes, long tubes and other steel equipments etc.
Voluntary organization: These business enterprises are generally developed and
regulated with an aim of satisfying the social needs and resolving the problems of people
rather than maximizing the profits or increasing the market share. Further, these are also
considered as social business institutions which are owned by some individuals or social
groups of society and develop unique products and services to satisfy the needs of people
and provide them various opportunities of employment and growth.
Apart from this, continuous growth of internal business environment has provided major
opportunities to the private and public sector organization to increase their profitability and
expansions of business operations. By introducing various policies and making agreements with
other countries, government of UK has also increased the growth and development of firms in
every sector ( Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich, 2010). There are various agreements Like NAFTA and
ASEAN has been made to remove the trade blocks for the firms so that they can provide better
products and services to people a competitive price.
P2 Evaluation of size and scope of different organization.
In competitive business environment, different organization regulate their business in
market with their own vision, mission and objectives that are to be accomplished by them in
particular time. In this context, international steel business firms STEMCOR also has wide
business operations and achieved a continuous growth by providing quality products and services
to the people.
Objectives of public organization: The main goals of these enterprises towards
regulation of business in international market is to achieve success and increase the
growth and development of industry.
Business and Business Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION_4

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