
Business and Business Environment - M&S Assignment


Added on  2021-01-01

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Healthcare and ResearchEnvironmental SciencePolitical Science
Business and business environment
Business and Business Environment  -  M&S Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO1..................................................................................................................................................1P1 Types & purpose of organisation and its legal structures......................................................1P2 The size and scope of differences types of organisation............................................................3LO2..................................................................................................................................................5P3 the relationship between organisational functions its objectives and structure....................................................5LO3..................................................................................................................................................8P4 negative and positive impacts of macro environment upon business operation ...................8LO4................................................................................................................................................10P5 Internal analysis of organization in order to identify their strength and weakness.............10P6 Strength and weakness interrelated with external factors....................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Business and Business Environment  -  M&S Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness environment includes all those external and internal factors (ex. Legal, political,economical, sociological, ecological factors) that influence business and for analysing businessenvironment there are various tools like SWOT, PESTLE etc. Present study is based on Marksand Spencer, it is a multinational retail organisation is a private company has its own legal rulesand business environment. The report will explain purpose and legal structure of about differentpublic, private, voluntary enterprises. Furthermore, it will explain size, scope of these companies.In addition, report will conduct pestle analyses of M&S and will describe positive and negativeimpact of these factors on business. LO1P1 Types & purpose of organisation and its legal structuresTypes of organisation Public companyA public company comprise of organisations which are owned and operated bygovernment with the motive of providing services to society with no motive to earning profit.National Health services is and health and social care organisation of UK. The firm is consideredto fifth largest employer across the globe. The firm provided different kind of health careservices like mental health, learning disability and children's nurses. Purpose of NHS is to meetresponsibilities and commitments which are in interests of patient and staff. The vision of firm isto operate fairly regardless of any differences. Legal structure of NHS is governed by the presentversion of the National Health Service Act 2006. In accordance with this Act organisationprovides comprehensive health services and the act is completely influenced by Health h andSocial Care Act 2012.Private companyA private company is the company set up directly by registering the company withcompany’s house .it has its own separate legal entity to its shareholder and directors. Forexample - Marks and Spencer is the private co. it has to complete various legal formalities toregister itself as a private company. Purpose of this company is to maximise profit and expandoperations globally (Quinlan and et.al, 2019)There should be an Article of Association and Memorandum of Association that shouldcover following details - the objectives of the business, its headquarters and registered office, the1
Business and Business Environment  -  M&S Assignment_3

amount of capital to be raised from sale of shares, details concerning meetings within thebusiness , the arrangements for auditing the accounts of business. Voluntary company A voluntary company is the company or an association where members enter into anagreement , usually as a volunteer to achieve a common goal, it do not have separate legal entity,cannot own property in its own name , both members of the association and member of thecommittee may incur personal liability and it is governed usually by a constitution .It includestrade associations, professional associations, environmental associations and trade unions. Themain purpose of such organisation is to improve wellbeing of people and offer them satisfactoryhealth services (Hamilton and Webster, 2018)For e.g. Welcome trust is a voluntary association, composed of members, power isdelegated to management committee to carry out association's activities.Micro small and medium enterprise (MSME's):Micro business has less than 10 employees in its organisation and turnover under £2million, small enterprises should have less than 50 employees and turnover under £10 millionand medium enterprises can be defined as the business carrying its activities with less than 250employees and turnover under £50 million. For example - Craft Brewery is a small enterprisethat produce 6 million barrels of beer or less and less than 25 percent of the craft brewery isowned and controlled by a beverage alcohol industry member that is not itself a Craft BrewerProfit and non-profit organisations Basis Profit organization Non-profit organizationsMeaningOrganization formed for thepurpose of earning profit isknown as for-profitorganization.Organization formed for thepurpose of serving society as awhole and has legal entity isknown as Non-ProfitOrganization.Type of organizationsSole proprietorship andpartnership firmPublic hospitals, trust, club etc.Sources of revenue Sale of goods and services ofMarks and Spencer ((MalesiosSubscription, membershipfees, donation etc. of Welcome2
Business and Business Environment  -  M&S Assignment_4

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