
Communication Barriers and Challenges in College


Added on  2022-12-15

5 Pages717 Words301 Views
Professional Development
Communication Barriers and Challenges in College_1

Business communication
means sharing the information
from one person to another so
that they interact with each
other which helps the business
in achieving their goal.
Business united is a private
college which is based in
London which provides
business courses and seminars
to students. This leaflet covers
the communication barriers
which faces by United College
students and lecturers due to
Covid-19 situation along with
strategies which applied by
college to overcome the
Physical Barriers: Physical
Barriers in studying online is
the students are not habitual
to sit over the laptop and
computer for long time.
Noise Barriers:
Noise barriers comes
when some students create
noise in online lectures and
teacher is not going to
punish that student because
of online lecture.
Communication barriers
The Teacher should
focus on each and
every student and
give punishment to
those students who
disturb the other
The teacher creates
friendly nature with
students, so they can
share their problems
and issues with them
and feel safe to talk
with them.
Teacher should not
encourage the
misbehavior of
student towards them
as well as other
Lecturer has to use
common language
while studying, so
that every student can
Communication Barriers and Challenges in College_2

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