
Challenges and Barriers in Communication During Online Classes


Added on  2022-12-28

2 Pages645 Words36 Views
Business communication
Challenges and barriers in communication during online classes
There are many challenges and barriers during the online classes which are there due to effect of
COVID. Due to having new for students and teachers there are some challenges and barriers are
there which is going to discussed further.
Voice clarity- This is the one which is one of the most common barrier during the online
communication in the field of education. This may be due to network issue or due to some technical
problems students and faculty member also faces issues during the online classes.
Slow internet Speed- In middle of lecture, due to slow internet connection there is loss in attending
the class and not able to get the proper information which is due to lost in connection. This leads to
interruption in the study which is big challenge during the online classes.
Use of old device- Due to having the old device there is many challenges which need to face which
is due to having old processor. This leads to delay in connection and creates the problem along with
dissatisfaction in online classes.
Effective strategies for overcoming communication barriers
Don't hesitate for help- This can be one of the effective strategy which is there can help
one to get the better understanding of the lecture during the online classes. There is no
need to get hesitate when there is any confusion or any issues during the lecture. This can
help students to communicate in better way during the online classes.
Connect with other student during online lecture- There is need to connect with other
students which can help one to get better communication in which part when there is any
confusion. For this, there is need to know each other along with having the way to connect
personally when it needed.
Training to overcome from technical issues- This is one of the required one for students
and teachers. Proper training can help to get rid of the technical issues which are there
often during the online classes. This is very necessary to learn this because there are many
time when there are little technical issues is there. But to not having the proper knowledge
about how to overcome through this. This can help so much during the online classes.
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