1BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Implication of Social Media Do you think it is fair that the personal social media presence may be considered by employers when making decision that will impact your career? It is not fair for the employer to keep the aspect of catering the social media and hence it will definitely have an impact on the career. When an employee posts on social media he or she could have repercussions on the professional life (Blountet al.,2016). It has the ability to cost the person its current job its opportunity in the future. There are many employers that use social media to screen their employee on social media platform while the hiring process is performed. There are even more than 43% of the employers who check the candidate on social media before hiring. Analysis of the social media presence. What is the impression that would be gained from viewing the social media? The impression that will be gained from the employer from viewing the social media is based on how he or she monitors and analyses the social media profile. The recruiters try to check the content out of the box and if the candidate fails in not fulfilling the basic requirements then the application does not go too far. The impression created on the recruiter in the first instances is positive because the recruiter gets an initial look from the profile picture present in social media. Do you think that having an online presence is necessary for professional success? Yes it is important to have an online presence for professional success because an in today’s world having an image on social media establishes a greater impact on the resume
2BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (Brigham, 2016). There was days when the recruiter only catered how impressive the grades were. In the recent time the employer looks for strong personality, communication skills and many other talents that are in search of. On the other hand having a web profile is more vital than just having a resume because it creates a larger impact on the recruiter.
3BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Reference Blount, J., Wright, C. S., Hall, A. A., & Biss, J. L. (2016). Social media: Creating student awareness of its use in the hiring process. Brigham, T. J. (2016). Online professional profiles: Health care and library researchers show off their work.Medical reference services quarterly,35(4), 440-448.