
Business Communication for Managers Tasks 2022


Added on  2022-08-15

26 Pages7708 Words15 Views
Business Communication for Managers
Name of the Student:
Name of the University:
Author’s Note:
Business Communication for Managers Tasks 2022_1

1. Introduction:
Overview of which Skill and KSC are addressed by each team member
Group member 1
Skill-Self management
KSC- Proven ability to manage all the work and render help to the group members in an
accountable within the given deadliness
This will be ensuring the prospective employers that the job applicant is suitable for the
prospective job and that they will be able to carry on all the job responsibilities in a proper way.
Group member 2
KSC- Proven ability to develop an organized, crisp and easily understandable communication
system among all the concerned stakeholders
The group member 2 has the communications skill as this helps in carrying on with all the
different operations of the business. A sound communication system is needed in order to act as
the bridge between the CO, managers and also the rest of the employees.
Group member 3
Skill-Team work
KSC- Demonstrate a high level of effective team management
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Team work is the most essential skill that is needed among all the employees who are trying to
work in any of the respectable firm. This is mainly because of the fact that a sound team working
spirit is needed in order to put forward a joint collaborative effort. This is because there are
employees from different social, culture and the linguistic background. If there are differences or
disputes among group members regarding their differences then they will not be able to work as
one united group. It is for this reason that a proper team work or team spirit is needed. This
group members is able to make sure that he is imbibing an attitude of caring and sharing among
all the other group members. Therefore he thinks himself to be fit for this skill so that he can put
it to good use and also be able to carry it forward for the betterment of himself and also the
organization as a whole.
Group member 4
Skill-Problem solving
KSC- Proven ability to identify, analyze and solve each problems with the right solution
A proper problem solving skill is needed in order to face the different challenges that are rising
in the organization and also to make sure that they are being solved without losing any time.
There are several projects undergoing in all the industries and the organizations. Therefore it is a
very natural fact that that will surely be several unforeseen challenges arising in the organization.
In order to make sure that these challenges are not coming as a major obstruction in the path of
the smooth functioning of the business all the employees must be able to make sure that they are
coming forward and taking up the challenges in a very strict manner so that they are able to solve
the same.
First draft (The STAR technique)
Student 1
Skill-Self management
Business Communication for Managers Tasks 2022_3

This is the situation that occurred when I was involved in my previous part time job. I joined a
software consultancy firm and I was trying my level best to make sure that I am learning all the
given tasks in a proper way so that I am able to somehow survive in this tough competition.
I was given the task of preparing the content for the software’s that the company was about to
sell in the market to their clients. In order to make sure that the company was able to sell their
products to the local and also to their International clients they had to make sure that they are
being advertised in a proper way in the market. However as days went by, I was getting
overburdened with task. Though I was appointed as the content developer, I had to take care of
many other things. These included the client dealings, some of the live chat sessions and also
some of the accounts work as well in order to work on the mathematical software systems. I
realized that it is becoming very difficult to stay in a proper sync while working on so many
different tasks at the same time. This is because multi tasking is not really a very easy thing.
I realized that in order to stay in the highly competitive market I will have to work over my multi
tasking skills. I worked on this and decided to carry on with an extensive research system. I
researched over all the different sites and gathered the ideas that would help me in overcoming
my errors like that of the inability of multi tasking. I decided to use the strategy of bestowing 10
minutes time and undivided attention to each of the different works that I am undertaking.
Student 2
The situation took place about two years back when I enrolled myself in a part time job. This
was a research based consultancy form and I was working as the Personal Assistant of the
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operations manager. I realized that in order to get some good job positions in future, I will have
to gain a good amount of experience. I will be able to get some good job or employment
opportunities if I am able to make sure that I have some previous experiences. However after
joining this organization I saw that things were going good. After the passage of 6months things
started changing a bit. There were several complaints coming from the customers and also from
the end of the suppliers. This is because they said that they do not like the quality of the products
or the customer service that they are getting from the company.
I was given the task of looking after all the meetings of the operations manager and also to
collect the minutes of the meetings, I was also given the charge of scheduling the meetings with
the needed stakeholders that are actually needed for the overall functioning of the organization. I
realized that there are some issues in the front line employees that are the ones who are directly
in contact with the clients. As far as my knowledge the back office was working well and they
were all very efficient and worked as per the in instructions that were being given to them. I
realized that customers must also be involved in this survey activity so that the company is able
to know about what is exactly going wrong and how can they actually be solved.
A proper investigation must be carried on in order to go to the grassroots level and be able to
find out the actual reason that is causing this. I decided that there must be a proper survey
conducted among all the different employees of the organization. The surveys were designed and
were circulated among all the other departments. I made sure that the names of the ones
answering the surveys will be kept confined and will not be disclosed to anybody. This ensured
that the employees are totally freed from any kinds of fears or hesitations in giving the right and
also the honest answers. I designed the questionnaire myself and made sure that all the necessary
questions are being involved in the same so that we are able to know the uses that is present in all
the department starting right from ye reception areas, to the online customer service executives,
back office, manufacturing department and also the supply and the logistic and the customers as
well. This was a very big survey and so it took about a month to be completed. After this all the
experts were gathered to analyze the results. It was seen that the company is following a top
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down approach and so the communication is getting hampered. Due to lack of horizontal
communication and easy flowing system the employees are often not able to take part in the
business decision making process and there are several misunderstandings that are always taking
place in the origination.
Therefore special communication programs and sessions were designed so that the employees
are able to develop an open and horizontal communication where all the employees have the
absolute right to give in their opinion.
The entire company management was very happy with me and also praised my method of
designing the non verbal communication strategy that is via the surveys. It was only through this
that all of issues were brought into the limelight and the needed solutions could also be
established in order to making sure that customer satisfaction can be maximized. However I
remember that one of the senior managers gave a very important feedback. Though she
appreciated me a lot but at the same time said hat I have to work on both my verbal and non
verbal skills. As the non verbal methods like circulating surveys is a very time consuming
method, I must focus on my personal growth in terms of verbal communication as well.
Student 3
Team work
The situation occurred when I was in the first year of my graduation. I was working in an
internship project along with eight other members. I realized that the team was not able to work
in a very sound or a very smooth manner. This was mainly because of the fact that there were
several differences that were arising among the members. I was the youngest of the group and
did not know what as actually taking place
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