2BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Introduction From the different article sources that discussed the effects of bad communication resulting in poor organizational outcomes within Assessment 1A an argument can be made that if business leaders and managers have poor communication skills the performance efficiency of the whole organization is heavily impacted. Main body From the article of Evans, Suklun & Nunn (2017) it can be inferred that managers and leaderneedtobeproficientandcompassionateenoughwhilecommunicatinginan organizational workplace. For accurately predicting the internal and external changes within an organization the managers need to understand the employees and staffs that are working within the organization. Kelvin-Iloafu (2016) identified that by addressing the gaps that are associated with the need sand job satisfaction of the workforce an efficient performance can be maintained. Odine (2015) mentioned communication from the manager’s end is effective when the individual can interact with diverse culture and make efficient and moral decision. According to the article by Agarawal (2012), organization’s communication effectiveness is channeled by managers and leaders and are established after successful feedback from the recipients. This makes the communication complete and therefore the leaders and managers are required to monitor all the communication response. It was further argued by Neill (2018), leaders can implement a poor communication by following autocratic way in order to eliminate the resistance among its employees. Conclusion The paper highlighted about poor communication leading to poor organizational outcome and argued that manager and leaders are expected to be proficient in every mode of communicationtodriveanorganizationtowardssuccess.Theworkforceareheavily influencedthewaymanagersandleadersestablishcommunicationmethodsinan organization.
3BUSINESS COMMUNICATION References Agarawal, A. (2012). Lack of Communication a Stumbling Block to the Development of an Organisation.International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 1(10), 121-130. Evans, A., Suklun, H., & Nunn, S. (2017). Workplace diversity and intercultural communication: A phenomenological study.Cognent Business and Management, 4(1). Kelvin-Iloafu, L. E. (2016). The Role of Effective Communication in Strategic Management of Organizations.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(12), 93- 99. Neill, M. S. (2018). Change Management Communication: Barriers, Strategies & Messaging. The Public Relations Journal,12(1), 1-26. Odine, M. (2015). Communication Problems in Management.Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and Banking, 4(02), 1615-1630.