
Business Consulting: Issues Faced by Regent College London


Added on  2023-01-11

7 Pages1950 Words75 Views
Business Consulting
Business Consulting: Issues Faced by Regent College London_1

Table of Contents
Presenting the client and summarize the problem..................................................................2
Describing client in detail......................................................................................................3
Top three issue that client is facing........................................................................................4
Business Consulting: Issues Faced by Regent College London_2

Business consulting refers to that situation, where the company wants to discuss the
decision of the firm with other in order to determine the right path or direction. The chosen
part is Regent 2020 Campaign which is the institution that provide independent education for
students of all streams such that graduation and post- graduation. Also, in the same way, the
current report will also help to provide the detail analysis of the company’s problem, target
people and competitor and then provide top three ranking among all the problems.
Presenting the client and summarize the problem
Regent College London is the client and it faces many problem which are as mention
Lack of brand awareness: It is one of the top problem which the company is faces
such that the college provide the higher education and also diversify the operations in
multi- campus in London. But the school is not having a brand image at international
level and that is why, it cannot sustain the brand awareness at global context. That is
why, company consider this as an issue.
Brexit: Another issue of client which affect the financial performance of the company
such that in modern era, company is carry out its operation which is regarded as a
dynamic and senior position holder adopt the changes in order to make sure the
success is attain (Nissen and et.al., 2019). But, due to Brexit, the company is not able
to attain the define aim that is why, it affected the overall brand image in opposite
manner. Like, students and parents are not ready to spend amount in the schools
because of high fees.
Low value of school program: Quoted College did not have a brand image and that
is why, it faces issue of not having high value system in the school program.
Therefore, it is stated that, from last many years after Brexit, company did not provide
well- settled value to the student which in turn assist to attract range of customers.
Lack of student’s personal development: In this dynamic environment, it is quite
difficult for the firm to carry out the changes quickly and fastly. In the same way,
Regent College is also faces issue related to lack of personal development of student
and this is due to low learning ability, lack of memory power (Ward, 2016). As a
result, student are not ready to accept new challenges and this lead to stress and
Business Consulting: Issues Faced by Regent College London_3

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