
Business Environment of NATWEST


Added on  2020-10-04

11 Pages2614 Words30 Views
Political Science
Business Environment
Business Environment of NATWEST_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Different purpose and types of organisations...................................................................1P2. Size and scope of various types of organisations.............................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3. Relationship between various organisational functions and its link with structure andobjectives of enterprise...........................................................................................................4TASK 3 & 4.....................................................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONSurroundings in which commercial activities of a business takes place is known asbusiness environment. This is made up of large number of influences called internal and externalfactors of business (Chavis, Klapper and Love, 2011). All these elements directly affect theoperations of a business. So, identification of these factors and their effect on the activities oforganisation is very important. NATWEST a private bank based in the UK is chosen in thisreport for study. Types of business enterprises with their scope, size and purpose; all are detailedin this report. Interrelationship of macro factors with the strengths and weaknesses of enterprisealong with assessing positive and negative impacts of these elements on the activities oforganisation are detailed here. TASK 1P1. Different purpose and types of organisationsDifferent types of businesses are carried out by large number of individuals with an aimof earning huge amount of profits. For this, organisations first identify the needs of its customersand after that, make products and services in order to better satisfy their wants. One of the mainpurposes of almost every firm is to generate profits. Operations of a commercial enterprise getaffected by its size and nature. Big firms execute their activities on a large scale whether smallenterprise performs the same on a lower level. Various types of organisations and their purposescan be understood by the following points:Public limited company:Firm which is owned and regulated by the government is refer as public limitedcompany. These type of firms make and deliver innovative products in order to satisfy the wantsof individuals and make a large amount of profit every year (Commander and Svejnar, 2011).Shares are also issued by these firms to invite large number of customers to buy the shares forraising funds. These type of enterprises keep PLC after the name of the organisations. A meetingcalled annual general meeting is held by these types of companies in order to take suggestionsfrom its stakeholders regarding the various issues and decisions about the firm. Approval andsupport of shareholders is very necessary before taking a big decision and action. For example:Tesco is a public firm. Legal structure of a public company can be understood by this:1
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General government: This is further divided into two parts:Central government:This is the apex body of government which control every activity ofwhole nation. In the UK, state and central government both share the same powers.Central government print money and collect taxes from the businesses.State government:This government control the activities of a particular state. This alsoplay a big role in controlling the activities of education universities and at the same timeenforce the education of children. Local government: Regulation of a small area like a city and town is done by this type ofgovernment. Local government have small amount of authority to solve the issues relatedwith the specific areas. Private company: 2
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