
Business Environment Analysis: Saudi Arabia


Added on  2020-07-22

15 Pages4678 Words102 Views
Business Environment Analysis: Saudi Arabia_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Different types of organisation..............................................................................................1P2 Size and scope of organisation...............................................................................................2M1 Way in which structure, scope and size link to business objectives.....................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3 Organisation structure & functions........................................................................................4M2 Merits & demerits of interrelationship between organisational functions and structure......5D1 Critical analysis of complexities of different business structures & their link withfunctions......................................................................................................................................6PART 2............................................................................................................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P4 PESTLE analysis to identify negative & positive impact of macro factors on retail sector..6M3 Application of PESTLE model to support analysis of macro environment.........................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P5 SWOT and five force analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses....................................7P6 Interrelationship of strengths and weaknesses to external macro factors..............................8M4 Application of SWOT and five force analysis to justify their impact on decision making..9D2 Critical evaluation of impact of business environment factors on objectives & decisions...9CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Business Environment Analysis: Saudi Arabia_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness Environment is defined as sum total of all the internal and external forces that affectsthe functioning of business. It is a collection of entities, individuals as well as other componentsthat may or may not be in control of firm, but influence its profitability, growth, performance andsurvival (Business environment, 2012). This assignment is based on supermarket sector ofUnited Kingdom including Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Asda and Sainsbury's. These chains hasannounced plans in order to restructure their businesses to become more competitive as well aseffectively handle and response to changes that takes place within environment of firm. Thereport covers different types, purposes, size, scope and functions of organisation &implementation of PESTLE model to determine positive & negative influence of macro factorson retail sector. SWOT analysis is also conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses as well asto define their interrelationship with external macro forces. PART 1TASK 1P1 Different types of organisationThere are various firms operates in market to attain its objectives and each has its ownpurpose. Difference between profit, non profit & non governmental organisations:Basis of Comparison NGONPOFor Profit MeaningThese are nongovernmental firmsthat are established byindependent citizens. Such organisations aremainly emphasize onproviding effectiveproducts & services. These firms focuses onproviding innovativegoods and services toearn high profits. GroundsofOperations LargeLimitedCan be both Aims Administer welfare tosocial and economicalfactors. Art, Commerce &science are beingencouraged for certainmotives Earn profits by sellingproducts and servicesof high quality. Public sector: 1
Business Environment Analysis: Saudi Arabia_3

These sectors are owned and operated by government. All the policies and regulations ofsuch organisations are formulated by government only. Profits earn by these sectors are utilizedfor economic purpose. Their aim is not only to earn profits, but to work for development andwelfare of society. Example of public organisation is Barclays bank which provides financialservices to public and contributes in society welfare (Aithal, 2016).Purpose: Main purpose of public sector organisations is to earn profit and along withthis, improve economic condition of country as well as society. The purpose of Barclays Bank isto administer financial services to public and uplift their standard of living. Private sector:These firm are owned and run by private enterprise or individuals. Structure of thesecompanies are being formulated according to the policies of government. These organisations areoperated for the purpose of earning high profits. Tesco is a private firm which is a multinationalgrocery & general merchandise retailer. Purpose: Major purpose of Tesco is to earn high profits by providing high quality goodsto consumers. The firm is diversified geographically in areas like clothing, electronics, retailingof books, financial services, petrol, toys, furniture and software. Voluntary sector:These organisations are run for single purpose only, that is, society welfare. Voluntarysectors are non profit firms that serves people who are in need. For running their operationssuccessfully, these firms takes permission from government. Oxfam is the example of voluntaryfirm which provides services to people who are in need. Purpose: Main purpose of these voluntary organisation is to improve living standard ofpeople and uplift economic and social condition. Oxfam is work for the purpose of removingpoverty from nation (Aterido, Hallward-Driemeier and Pagés, 2011). P2 Size and scope of organisationSize and scope of every type of organisation is different and are classified on that basis:Micro: These are small businesses and are operate with very less number of employee.Micro firms are started with minimum capital and its aim is to render products and services todomestic people. Owner of such companies solely operate and control activities of business.Their objective is to earn money for the survival of family members. Plumbers, carpenters,2
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