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Business Ethics Case Study: Cultural Clashes in Organizations


Added on  2023/06/05

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This case study analyzes the ethical dilemma that arises in organizations due to cultural clashes. It discusses the case of a female employee who finds it difficult to interact with a male colleague due to her cultural background. The study provides recommended solutions to the issue for ensuring better relationships between the organization and the individual.

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The study focuses on ethical dilemmas that can arise in organizations due to the cultural
inclinations of the individuals associated with it. The report considers the case of a female
employee that finds interacting directly with a male colleague against her culture. The various
consequences of the same have been discussed. The essential perspectives behind the actions
have been evaluated. The study has provided recommended solutions to the issue for ensuring
better relationship between the organization and the individual.
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Table of Contents
Applicable Code of Ethics...............................................................................................................3
Applicable Code of Conduct...........................................................................................................3
Australian Legislation......................................................................................................................4
Consequence Analysis.....................................................................................................................4
Action Analysis...............................................................................................................................5
Recommendations and Decisions....................................................................................................5
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Ethical considerations are essential in all aspects of personal or professional life. They are
important in order to ensure smooth functioning for individuals within organizational
frameworks. The report considers the ethical dilemma in an organization where one’s traditional
values are clashing with the productive environment of the organization. The various dimensions
of the ethical issue has to be considered for better analysis of the case.
Applicable Code of Ethics
The primacy of Public Interest
Professional Development
Applicable Code of Conduct
confront attempts to limit diversity in the workplace, and ensure that opportunities
foremployment, advancement, remuneration and other working conditions are based on
theactual skills and performance of employees, free of stereotypes and prejudices
corporate actions of the Society are subject to this Code, and you should do whatever you
can to ensure that the ACS and its officers meet this obligation;
neither require, nor attempt to influence, any person to take any action which would
involve a breach of this Code
refrain from any conduct or action in your professional role which may tarnish the image
of the profession or detract from the good name of the ACS
have pride in your profession, and protect and promote professionalism in ICT

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Australian Legislation
The Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Commission has established laws to
ensure the upholding of human rights for people from all cultural, ethnic and religious
backgrounds. Racial discrimination Act 1975 is in place for dealing with discrimination at
workplaces or other areas.
Consequence Analysis
The case needs to be essentially analyzed by taking into consideration the various
religious and cultural clashes that can emerge at workplaces in Australia. In the specific case
being considered, Ilnaz is an Iranian immigrant to Australia and has been hired in an Australian
company. However, she has to interact directly with men for her professional requirements and
this is completely against her religious culture (Crockett et al. 2014). The ethical dilemma is
prominent here as there is a strong clash between the cultural values of a Muslim woman and the
workplace requirements of a westernized country. It is very important to consider here what kind
of issues can be faced if Ilnaz works with her male colleague. The benefits of working with the
male college will be positive social interaction that can help to bridge religious divides. The
negative factor can be that she can leave the organization (Medeiros et al. 2017).
As her husband is not in favor of her doing the job it could be difficult for the company to
keep her in the job due to this dilemma. However, given that in her later professional life she
might have to interact with the male workforce of the company this issue is far more critical.
This kind of issues can create an environment of animosity between people of different religions
in the office.
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Action Analysis
The actions of Ilnaz can be very normal reactions against things that she perceives to be
against her culture. Moreover, it can be said that Ilnaz is 22 years old and she has a long
professional life in front of her. She has to understand that she has to live up to the ethical
requirements of honesty, equality and fairness (Gawronski et al. 2017). She has to give respect to
a person from a different faith, as that person might get offended because she is unwilling to
work with him. She has to understand that the rights of others need to be respected as well.
Religious customs and backgrounds can often limit positive interactions at workplaces. It can get
very difficult for employees to concentrate on a particular matter if an environment of religious
mistrust or segregation is created. The ethical value of prioritizing the productive work goes
against the cultural clash that is taking place. Ilnaz should focus on the future while figuring out
her next course of action in regards to the dilemma. Cooperating with colleagues is an important
part of a job (Dietz and Kleinlogel 2014). Thus, it is crucial to maintain mutually understandable
relationships between people. The religious or cultural barriers that are appearingwith regards to
the issue are a threat to the environment of gender equality in the organization. The least
problems are with the actions of the organization.
Recommendations and Decisions
Since the cultural principles of both parties need to be given equal importance while
handling the case, it is important to consider the cultural aspects of both. The most important
conclusion to the dilemma can be reached through effective participation of both the
organization and Ilnaz towards a mutual understanding. The essential relationship between Ilnaz
and the organization is that of mutual trust and respect for each other’s cultural backgrounds
(Knights 2015). Thus, the best course of action will be to develop an environment where Ilnaz
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will be able to interact with Mark strictly on a professional basis. Another woman can be
included in the project in order for Ilnaz to feel relatively safer. It will be even better if more
people, preferably women are included in the team. Hence, Ilnaz can be more comfortable with
this decision as she will be able to tell her husband about the large number of women she has in
the team and does not have to interact much with Mark, who is a male member. The organization
rules will not have to be changed completely and at the same time, the cultural problem can be
resolved (Zheng et al. 2015).
It has to be remembered that at times organizational ethics may clash with traditional
values of individuals or religious inclinations. The best way to address these issues is to take a
cooperative approach towards resolving any cultural clashes that may have risen. In order to
uphold diversity in organization acceptance of various cultural perspectives are much required.

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Crockett, M.J., Kurth-Nelson, Z., Siegel, J.Z., Dayan, P. and Dolan, R.J., 2014. Harm to others
outweighs harm to self in moral decision making. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 111(48), pp.17320-17325.
Dietz, J. and Kleinlogel, E.P., 2014. Wage cuts and managers’ empathy: How a positive emotion
can contribute to positive organizational ethics in difficult times. Journal of business ethics,
119(4), pp.461-472.
Gawronski, B., Armstrong, J., Conway, P., Friesdorf, R. and Hütter, M., 2017. Consequences,
norms, and generalized inaction in moral dilemmas: The CNI model of moral decision-making.
Journal of personality and social psychology, 113(3), p.343.
Knights, D., 2015. Binaries need to shatter for bodies to matter: Do disembodied masculinities
undermine organizational ethics?. Organization, 22(2), pp.200-216.
Medeiros, K.E., Watts, L.L., Mulhearn, T.J., Steele, L.M., Mumford, M.D. and Connelly, S.,
2017. What is working, what is not, and what we need to know: A meta-analytic review of
business ethics instruction. Journal of Academic Ethics, 15(3), pp.245-275.
Zheng, D., Witt, L.A., Waite, E., David, E.M., van Driel, M., McDonald, D.P., Callison, K.R.
and Crepeau, L.J., 2015. Effects of ethical leadership on emotional exhaustion in high moral
intensity situations. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(5), pp.732-748.
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