
Volkswagen Scandal and Ethical Implications


Added on  2020-02-17

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Volkswagen Scandal and Ethical Implications_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK1.............................................................................................................................................31.1 Background and development of theoretical approaches of ethics..................................31.2) Compare and contrast of relative and absolute ethics.....................................................41.3) Ethical issues which affect the activities of the firm.......................................................5TASK2.............................................................................................................................................62.1) Business objectives affected by ethical consideration....................................................62.2)Implications for business and its stakeholders to perform ethically................................7TASK3.............................................................................................................................................83.1) Role of the firm as the moral agent.................................................................................83.2) Development of the mechanism for involving the employees........................................9TASK4...........................................................................................................................................104.1) Current ethical issue......................................................................................................104.2) Improving aspects that the firm can execute to meet the objectives.............................114.3)Ethical code of conduct in the business activities of the firm........................................11COCLUSION.................................................................................................................................11REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................1
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INTRODUCTIONEthics is the philosophy which helps an individual to differentiate between right andwrong. It is the strategy through which the person can opt the correct options which is verynecessary for his/ her life. Similarly in the organisation the firm has to be very ethical in itsoperation, it should do all the acts with the effective manner and it does not harm and affect theenvironment and the people of the society. Business ethics is the study of he resolution of theconflicts and the problems that arise in the organisation, in the economy, between competitorsand between the responsibilities, integrity and morality (Bageac, Furrer and Reynaud, 2011).There are many ethical issues that can be seen in the organisation such as gender diversity, racialdiscrimination, sexual harassment, age discrimination and many more.In this report the ethical aspect of Volkswagen will be studying. The scandal in which itgot involved like the emission scandals was one of the most unethical act was performed by thefirm. Hence business ethics helps in understanding the actual things that has to be understandwhich does not impact the moral values of the society and the surrounding where the firm iscarrying out their activities.TASK11.1 Background and development of theoretical approaches of ethics.Business ethics is the situations in which the business of the firm is been carried out. Theoperations that are performed by the firms are done with the principles of ethics. Theorganisations have reputation in the market the brand image that is been made by the firm is dueto the ethical aspects followed by the organisation. There are many companies who just focus tomaximise the profit and the money where as there are many such firms who are concern more forthe maximisation of the customer's satisfaction along with the earning of money. Hence ethics isthe aspects and the principles that gives value and moral support to the firm to perform all itsactions. The theoretical approach of ethics-Deontology- It is the approach of ethics which shows and tell about the moral valuesresponsibility, rights and duties (Becker, 2012). If Volkswagen want to make the decisionin moral manner then it is very necessary for it to know the duties and the responsibilitythat it has to perform for itself as well as for the society of the nation. To know whether
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the organisation is fulfilling its duties or not is can be known by the respect that it isgiving to the duties that has it the part of the firm.Moral relativism- The culture moral values are different and it varies person to person.The organisation also have different values and thoughts for the society and for the workthat it will perform in earning as well as concerning about the customers and the peopleof the society.Volkswagen firm as the finest and the biggest well known auto mobile company has indulged inthe unethical performances in few times back the emission scandal's news was spread all aroundthe society was starting boycotting the products of the firm as it has been polluted theenvironment so badly which has affected the health and the mental state of the people (Crane andMatten, 2016). Hence the morality and the deontology approaches were not attained andfollowed effectively by the organisation.1.2) Compare and contrast of relative and absolute ethics.The ethics is the action of doing and understanding what is right and what is wrong.Those who respect their jobs and duties are doing the right and justifying their profiles, theethical behaviour of every person in the firm has its values and importance therefore it is verynecessary for each and every people of the firm has to perform their job in the effective,appropriate and ethical manner. The moral belief of people are different and can not be changedas because this are inculcated in their upbringing and they have it as the inherited traits of thefamily. The thoughts and values of every person not necessarily be matched with every one,some may promote education but some are against it, some believes in god some does nottherefore ethical aspects are different for person company and nation.1.Absolute ethics- This is the approach of ethics which defines that the standards of thebehaviours is universal it can not be changed and the people of the world has to be verycareful about it and must obey it, should not be disrespected or avoided (De Cremer andet. al, 2011). It says the moral standards are the only truth of the truth that all mustunderstand and follow. It specifically defines and make all understand the differencebetween what is right and what is wrong.2.Relative ethics- This is the ethical aspect which defines that there is no truth of theuniversal code of conduct. There is just a single code of conduct that every person has toinculcate and follow in their life. Here the standards of behaviour is single and there is no
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