
Business ethics and sustainability | Assignment


Added on  2021-01-02

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Case study report of acurrent ethical and/orsustainability issue inbusiness.Contents
Business ethics and sustainability | Assignment_1

A. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................3B.Detailed description of case...........................................................................................................3C. Analysation of various issues of ethics and sustainability of business.........................................5D. Learnings from the case................................................................................................................7E. summarisation of the case.............................................................................................................7Source of information............................................................................................................................8A. INTRODUCTIONGlobal fashion industry has a very harsh evidence the environmental and socialimplications that are associated with waste generation .growing customers awareness relatingto environmental and social impact of fashion of fashion product has created a fresh market.
Business ethics and sustainability | Assignment_2

for ethical or sustainable goods. Case study is based on Sri Lanka handloom textile industry,the report has explored a production approach which is committed to designed to wastemanagement. the study reveals a model of business that is positively contributing towardssustainable household income for rural people and providing various employmentopportunities. This report is highlighting that this kind of environmentally consciousproduction process and fair trade is addressing three basis of sustainability i.e. social,economic, environmental. The manufacturer should redesign the current fashion productionsystem for waste management issues are hindering the sustainability. The handloom industryhas faced the biggest problem of growing waste that are associated with environmental andsocial impact. When this wastage was dumped in in open surroundings it causes varioushealth and environmental issues. due to which industry was facing monetary lost in twostages: at the stage of procurement of raw material, at the time of high wastage incurred afterproduction process. which was affecting the overall productivity and profitability of industry.Waste is also representing the inefficiency manufacturing process. due to which industry wasfacing a big problem of monetary loss. B.Detailed description of caseSustainability can be explained in several ways in case of Apparel business; itrefersto cultural validity, protection of environment, social equality and faireness in economic.Because of globalization and technological development have changed the pattern fashionindustry of the world. the global fashion industry are facing many challenges and issues forits sustainability as in the marketplace fashion is continuously changing and continuousproduction of short-term productswas becoming a regularity. Fashion has become globalisedby the influences of global trends due to which cultural essence of fashionable trend havereduced. the increased number of cheap and low quality goods are increasing theconsumption of fashionable product or early disposal of fashion product. Fashion industry isknown for unsustainable manufacturing practices, that usually ignore the environmental andsocial losses. However consumers are also becoming more aware relating to environmentaland social impact of fashion consumption is influencing them their decisions of buying forsustainable or ethical apparels. By the integration of modern fashion trends has gained highattention relating to this context mostly because of High contribution for the high sustainablegrowth in future. Hur have identified the responsibilities of handcrafted products inpromotion of sustainable and ethical trends in the context of consumption as well asproduction. craft practices and social sustainability share common goals and if the craftproduct is aligned with sustainable development principles, probably it will assist craftproduct to find new market. the very useful approach that is applied by the ethical fashiontrend is commendable, under that various attempt has beendone in order to unite withcraftpeoples from the world of developing stage to the international apparel sector. That is soclear, the practices of handcraft in fashion can point out various dimensions of sustainabilityand environment. As it helps in promoting the standards of the craft communities and lives ofvarious manufacturers of local areas and also community of craft on the way to a welldeveloped and sustainable well-being.
Business ethics and sustainability | Assignment_3

fashion craft industry of Sri Lanka that mainly operates in handloom products are themost important source of earning for communities ofrural areas .in the past, due to need ofdevelopment of country craft industry of apparels is considered as highly essential industry todevelop rural population and for improvement poverty, increment in rural businesses anddevelopment of opportunities of new business. Because of development of local craft fashionbusiness is not only achieving economy but also promoting production by maintainingsustainability and also consumption at a slow rate. the increased demand for environmentalsustainable products globally is expanding global market for crafted products.Handloom business apparels is traditional craft of weaving clothes. the generation ofartisans has introduced this weaving craft techniquefor creating innovative and attractive designs.handloom industry which require large number of workforce and it has decentralised its industry itsvarious production units are generally situated in rural economy. This units are environmentallyfriendly and low energy driven industry which is involved in encouraging fair-trade productionpractices. The industry has maintained important demand at the time commencement in Sri Lanka.because of its cultural artefacts, designing abilities, heritage. The industry had also faced decliningface ,but due to increased needs for the development of the country in past period. The industry hadrepositioned itself as an essential business to introduce various opportunities for successful businessand achieving high development of local economy. The industry or its hand crafted apparels andaccessories has become an important lifestyle for its customers internationally as well as nationally.now handloom industry is carrying an essential potential for growth and expansion and generatingemployment by achieving high profitable earning through export. The industry is recognised for its new creative and latest designing fashion knotted withtradition kind of craftsmanship as well as for its highs quality products in local and internationalmarket. the goods generally offered to the international markets in which there is a huge demand forhandcrafted product of high quality is mostly preferred. Fair trade approach represent as an approachof ethically manufacturing of apparels. The main ethical approach is very essential for removingpoverty in the international south area at the time of contributing to construct environmentally andsocially sustainable international trade. the main aim of this practices is to provide support system tovarious farmers and craft men who was marginalised in terms of socially and economically. The mainreason of this trade practices was to develop community and empowering women. and mitigation ofsocial environmental impact. it promotes positive cultural relations among associates. personengaging in fair-trade practices develop their own culture and also add value to it and in theirquality of product. fair-trade approach provide support to local communities in order to organise andoperate collectively. that assist in increasing trust among local communities. (WFTO) representsglobal networking of fair-trade principles that are committed towards standards of world tradefair.this network involves various retailers and manufacturers who is involved in driving values. Theyare following various compliances criteria based on ten fair trade practices such as – creatingopportunities for economically disadvantaged producers, payment of fair wages and salaries toworkers and employees, fair trade practices. that are also focusing on providing better workingcondition and reducing environmental impacts(world fair trade organisation) . the main aim of trade-practices is to reduce impact of production process of business on environment. They have prioritiesthe application of production of sustainable product and management of waste. The growingwastage was impacting the environment as well as increasing the monitory losses for industry andalso representing the inefficiency of manufacturing process. It is very important to eradicate theincreased wastage from the growth of economy for minimizing the impacts of environment and forconversing wealth . Many industries have committed to adopt a zero-waste approach. That is based
Business ethics and sustainability | Assignment_4

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