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Business Finance: Working Capital, Budgeting Approaches, and Their Impact on Organizations


Added on  2023/01/09

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This document provides an overview of business finance, focusing on topics such as working capital, budgeting approaches, and their impact on organizations. It explains the difference between profit and cash flow, the significance of effective working capital management, and the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and alternative budgeting methods. The document also includes a case study and recommendations for effective working capital management.

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Business Finance

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EXECUTIVE SUMMERY.................................................................................................................................3
TASK 1..........................................................................................................................................................3
1) A) Meaning of profit and cash flow and description of their difference..............................................3
B) Explanation of working capital, receivables, payables and inventory.................................................4
C) Explanation of changes in working capital effect cash flow...............................................................5
2) Impact of changes in working capital on business organization..........................................................5
3) Recommendation related to effective working capital management....................................................6
1) Explanation of importance of budgeting approaches and their advantages and disadvantages............7
2) Effect of traditional and alternative budget approaches on organization.............................................9
3) Analysing whether a traditional or alternative budgetary system is appropriate to all or any parts of
the business in its planned future form....................................................................................................9
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Business finance is linked to human resource management to meet the operating institution's
regular basis necessity. In other sentences, it is a money raising and resource gathering system.
Business entity is using this concept to opportunity to expand its business-and control its capital
assets. An entity's progress consists on whether efficiently it is going to spend its resources in
diverse initiatives to run its business (Al Rahahleh, Ishaq Bhatti and Najuna Misman, 2019).
Company financing is concerned with the management of existing organizational specifications.
The role of working capital in decision-making processes was established in this study, and how
shifts in working capital and their specific state on capital expenditures were analyzed.
1) A) Meaning of profit and cash flow and description of their difference
Profit: It describes as disparities between the cost of the products being sold and the
price of a product being sold. Revenue represents the amount of money required to fund as an
investment tool.
Cash flow: Net value generated from cash inflow and cash outflow associated matters is
known as working capital quality. In other sentences, cash flow represents the sum produced by
payments with cash and cash equivalents.
Most people will consider income and cash flow as the similar phrase, although there are
significant variations between cash flows from operations.
Particular Profit Cash flow
Meaning Good discrepancies among
sales revenues and
manufacturing and delivery
provisioning costs.
Cost of money which moves in
or out over such a specified
time period.
Time There would be no fixed time
in which to measure income.
On a monthly or week after,
Report on cash flow is planned
at the close of the budget

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businesses can be measured
their income (Bonetti, Magnan
and Parbonetti, 2016).
Calculation Revenue can be studied using
different financial
management methods or.
Income for the financial year
determined by planning
declaration of profit and loss.
The cash flow document is
intended to describe cash flow
operations where the assigned
task their net cash flow
Purpose Establish organisation's
competitiveness inside the
business world.
Recognizing Company
profitability ratio recognizes
practices that help produce
B) Explanation of working capital, receivables, payables and inventory
Working capital: This term applies to the provision of short-term funding fund to
operate the company's regular economic activities. Working capital is broken down into two
groups. Net working capital applies to the overall volume of liquid assets and to the gaps in net
working capital. This would assist in corporate operating transaction's responsibility for pay
Receivable: This describes as sue allegations on consumers for using company
organization’s goods. Receivable amounts are represented as assets on the balance sheet side, as
the estimated sum to be received by their future clients
Payable: This concept describes the monetary value of the payment payable by company
organization to the providers. The number is attributed to the costs of production and other
necessary equipment for drug manufacture. It generates responsibility on the company of the
corporation, and it will be seen in the helps users of financial statements responsibility section
(Brooks and Schopohl, 2018).
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Stock: It is also recognized as an agency inventory. This concept leads to a net price of
manufactured goods, and the products kept by corporations for retail sale. Corporate entity's
productivity rate depends on how it handles the inventory stock of its goods.
C) Explanation of changes in working capital effect cash flow
Changes in working capital are expressed in a statement of cash flow for a business. Here
are several illustrations of how this would affect money and working capital. When a sale boosts
liquidity and solvency according to the same level, the working capital does not change. For
illustration, if a corporation obtained cash through short-term debt that was to be settled in 60
days, the statement of cash flow would improve. There will be no change in working capital,
though, as the loan taken would be a current asset or currency, and the investment and financial
would be a relevant cost, because this is a quick-term loan (Chatnani, 2018). If a corporation had
bought cash stock, there would have been no difference in capital expenditures, because all stock
and money are cash flows. Stock levels acquisitions would reduce the capital flow, nonetheless.
Change in cash flow alone does not significantly reduce cash flow; these have to be seen in the
sense of the sector. However when capital expenditure is inadequate, the capacity of the business
to function in an optimum manner is limited.
2) Impact of changes in working capital on business organization
Fitt limited is manufacturing trainers and leisure footwear that supplies different designs
to organizations under their own brands. There are mentioned about the company’s concepts
such as:
Profit: The other investors are preoccupied with business. Because there seems to be more than
enough money coming in and the last year was relatively successful and generate profit 55
million pound with the interest and tax. The last year generates turnover excess of company 250
Receivable: Because of the conflict with Sadidas Ltd, the allocation of accounts receivable is
growing which negatively affects the cash conversion cycle because it is important that the
company will lose its future clients.
Payable: Because of the lack of management policies business cannot find suppliers with whom
they compete on benefits. Payments made ratio is an improvement which means it takes a very
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longer time for the company to pay its debt. They emerge with Fitt ltd, company Ltd in case of
Sadidas Ltd disputes, because they can provide them with poor dimensional stability (Ferrando,
Popov and Udell, 2017).
Cash Flow: Only money and chartered accountant activities were regarded to this definition.
Cash inflow practices produced during the last year through the distribution of their goods.
Business spends with employee union and it will charge capital inflows produced to them.
During last year, the organization also had turnover of 50 million.
Working Capital: The word applies to the total number of existing resources after accounts
payable have been deducted. Working capital of Fitt Limited, Sadidas Ltd will be negatively
affected in their business operations due to conflicts and efficient leadership strategies
researchers competing resource position is seen to be unfavorable but attributable to good
financial position organization they can comfortably handle their week and-to-day operating
3) Recommendation related to effective working capital management
Effective working capital management is important to the essential economic stability
and operating performance of a organization as a corporation. The capacity to use working
capital management to keep a steady equilibrium between growth, productivity and flexibility is
a hallmark of good management consulting.
A company uses working capital in its day-to-day operational activities; present value is the
difference between some of the total assets of a corporation and existing or debt commitments.
Working capital acts as a proxy for how much a business works in the brief period and how
comfortable financially it is. Fitt Ltd is in dispute with their prospective buyers and their supplier
is even suing them in favor of nonpayment of manufactured goods purchases. Such items would
affect their cash flow operations negatively (Flori, 2019). It'll lower their level of expansion.
Director needs to implement appropriate cash flow management plans to solve these issues, from
that they can effectively assume debt obligations for their continuing operations. To this end,
they have to build an successful debtor strategy that helps attract and motivate people to pay their
obligation in a short amount of time. It will help with shareholders equity additional time.

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1) Explanation of importance of budgeting approaches and their advantages and disadvantages
Budget: Budget is a financial plan that reflects an organization's revenue rate for the
future. Executives are planning budgets to determine their development's productivity rate in
point of time. Budget planning cycle is known as financial planning. Supervisors use various
budget-preparation processes. Budget is an accountant analysis tool that helps major corporations
assesses their efficiency in the workplace. Different approaches are often used in budget
planning that involves traditional techniques and standard techniques (Heminway, 2017).
Traditional approach: Based on past results, Expenditures are planned in this method. It is
among the budget planning methods that is most convenient. In this method planner plans budget
associated with performance analyzes of the last year.
Advantage: As opposed to other budgetary approaches, it is one of the easiest ways of planning
and interpreting budget performance. The method of planning budget is time intensive and
expense effective.
Disadvantages: Budgets are being planned on the basis of past results and company divisions
will not be expanding. Conventional methods of financial planning do not produce reliable
results, as circumstances are different.
Modern method of budget: With advances in technology, new strategies and procedures for
planning budgets are applied, these are listed below:
Zero based budget: It is an instrument of the process of financial planning. Management makes
budget drawing on statistics they gather by studying and evaluating current business situation.
Past reported data aren't included in this process. New projects use this approach for budget
planning (Hornuf and Schwienbacher, 2018).
Benefits: Through this approach, budget planning offers reliable data, because it is focused on
the compilation of current data collected.
Zero-based approach of financial planning aims to reduce additional waste production. This
would help to hold income down.
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Drawbacks: this would be very time intensive operation because it takes a lot of time to obtain
study results.
The level of truth of the results of such information is entirely dependent on the investigators'
Activity based costing: Expenditures from this methodology are determined on the basis of
gathering capital outflow from details leading to assigned costs. This is one of the most common
methods of budget planning. Those kinds of budgets are beneficial to manufacturing sectors.
Benefits: This approach increases inventory management as administrators use these estimates to
classify events on which costs have been sustained.
This strategy tends to hold the supervisors and their employees closer in communication.
Drawbacks: Budget planning by this approach is a very tough thing (Lagoarde-Segot, 2019).
Budget planning using this method is not feasible for increasing organization in specialized
service companies where the costs cannot be allocated the cost is dependent on the operations.
Therefore it has limited room.
Rolling budget: Under this system budgets are planned as annually or on a half-yearly or regular
basis for brief-term periods. Supervisors study last and budget and then shape their plans by
taking their weaknesses into consideration.
Benefits: The method helps businesses accomplish target with optimal resource consumption.
This strategy aids in time management.
Drawbacks: Rolling-based plans entail high costs, because time and expense are taken to plan
forecasts and compare them with the last estimates.
Owing to adjustments in budgetary policy, there is instability in the work climate and it triggers
information technology conflicts (Wang and Zhi, 2016).
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2) Effect of traditional and alternative budget approaches on organization
Phonus Plc is a multinational company engaged in the manufacture of Bluetooth routers
and Speakers, headsets. Functioning for 25 years, the firm had sales of £ 250 million the year
before. It was based in London Markets 10 years ago and has a £300 million market valuation
with £ 50 million debt. The business is preparing to set up a new Wolverhampton plant and is
exploring a strategic partnership venture with a Swedish firm. When the Swedish deal goes
forward it will entail setting up a Malmo facility that is projected to hire 200 workers.
Management may use conventional and also modern budgeting methods to determine projected
profits and policy plans to improve these tasks (Muneer and Ahmad, 2017). Budgets are created
in conventional budgeting system based on data over the past year. This system should be used
by managers because it will help them save their costs and to provide the information. The
institution's director division will use current techniques of budgeting process because it will aid
in providing reliable data that will assist in case of best project-related choices. Each of this
segments needs to be checked based on one. System allows them to plan an expenditure based on
the review of the knowledge current. When they have planned their expenditure from operation
financial planning then it will enable them to make effective use of their resources. Phonus Plc
has been running their company over the last year their turnover in the past 10 years was 250
million. It is their leaders' duty to plan their company by the present rate of likelihood, and for
this reason they should implement financial planning strategies that allow them to make
informed choices (Paltrinieri and, 2020).
3) Analysing whether a traditional or alternative budgetary system is appropriate to all or any
parts of the business in its planned future form
Phonus Plc is a multinational company engaged in the manufacture of wireless
headphones and Speakers, headsets. Functioning for 25 years, the firm had sales of £ 250 million
the year before. It was listed on the London Stock Market ten years ago and has a £300 million
enterprise value with £ 50 million debt. Adrienne, the creator, is the CEO, controlling 15 per cent
of the stock. The business has always used a conservative method of financial planning. The
finance department, Travis, entered three years ago and is worried that this strategy might not be
the most suitable one. Unless a change in attitude to the budget is now to be made, nevertheless.
Phonus Plc's management uses conventional method of money management, but this can never
have reliable data compared to modern methodology of financial planning. They make budgets

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to that end. For certain areas of this company, conventional and complementary approaches of
budgeting may be helpful, but both approaches are not acceptable to all sections. Organization
should use Zero-based budgeting approach for their Swedish project because it is their
organization's new target audience region and the expectations of consumers are specific owing
to the extensive commercial district (Rizzi, Pellegrini and Battaglia, 2018). For their Swedish
venture, Phonus Plc will use activity-based budgeting approach as their competition is small and
will have a beneficial impact on this task. Rolling financial planning approaches can help their
Swedish venture as managers plan budgets for the brief period and can assess the sales revenue
of their company on the Swedish economy after competitiveness of their project. We should
enforce certain strategies that aid in rising Indian consumer revenue ratio. But this budget
planning preparation strategy is not appropriate to the Swedish project because if the
administrator were using this approach for the Netherlands venture, therefore the expense of
budget preparation was very large. Traditional budgeting method would be acceptable to their
local chapters as the strategies and policies designed as per previous data by Phonus Plc.
It has been found from the above study that managers may use standard means of
financial planning and innovative approaches to predict their potential incomes and expenditures.
Although not all strategy is going to be advantageous for every event (Sadgrove, 2016).
Management must know their budget based on an analysis of all market factors within their
corporate environment.
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Books and Journals
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management in Islamic finance: A review. Journal of Risk and Financial
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