
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact


Added on  2022-12-27

9 Pages2734 Words83 Views
Ethics, Sustainability
and Social Impact
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact_1

TASK A...........................................................................................................................................3
1: Should Law Enforceable Agencies be allowed unrestricted access to such complete and
intrusive information on people's lives?......................................................................................3
2 What would be the worst scenario you could personally imagine in regards to unrestricted
access to the digital communications of the general population?................................................3
3 Should we afford data stored in private email accounts as much protection as letters in a
locked desk drawer, that is, stored where law enforcement agencies would otherwise need a
warrant to access and review the documents...............................................................................4
4 Describe which are most relevant to Support each of them with an example in relation to IT.
5 what are the argument as to why closing the digital divide is important?................................5
TASK B...........................................................................................................................................5
1 Which are the ethical principles relevant to international business. Give example.................5
2 Research Project: 1...................................................................................................................5
3 Research Project: 2...................................................................................................................6
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact_2

Ethics are the moral values which governs the behaviour of a person in their day to day
activities. It is the branch of knowledge which deals with the moral principles. Sustainability
means the ability to maintain certain things. Ethical values should be used in Information
Technology which helps in the development of Information Technology sector as well as
development of society. In international business there are issues related to Ethical Values
because every country determines their own ethical values. The difference of opinion makes the
issues on the international platform.
1: Should Law Enforceable Agencies be allowed unrestricted access to such complete and
intrusive information on people's lives?
Law enforcement agencies are those authorities which has the power to enforce the law in
the specified zone. They are separately organised in every legal system to take safety and
security measures in nation (Henninger and et. al., 2017). When these authorities have the power
to access the information of the general public without any restrictions then that will harm the
right to privacy of every individual. It is not safe for the public also because the authority might
use their information in the wrong manner or may be interpret it wrongly. In other words, it can
be saying that the authority should not have a unrestricted access on the information cause that
amounts to the breach of their Privacy. This has a bad impact on the lives of the people because
the people will find the other ways to protect their information, as everyone has some personal
information which they don't want to share with the other fellows (Green and et. al., 2019). The
authority may access to that information which they thought that information will have a impact
on the safety and security of their nation.
2 What would be the worst scenario you could personally imagine in regards to unrestricted
access to the digital communications of the general population?
In this context if every individual has the right to access to information of others without
any restriction than that will harm their privacy. The worst scenario can be everyone will be use
the information in a manner they want. Everyone will access and interpret it the way it will be
useful for them. It will be easy for them to edit the information. This amounts to zero value of
information because that will be treated as the tampered information. The digital communication
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact_3

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