
Business Law and Ethics: Legal Profession in UK


Added on  2023-01-11

7 Pages1780 Words62 Views
Business Law and Ethics: Legal Profession in UK_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Legal profession in UK...............................................................................................................3
Business Law and Ethics: Legal Profession in UK_2

Business law is referred to as the rules and regulations which the company and other
organizations has to follow in order to manage the working of the business (Fort and Haugh,
2020). On the contrary the ethics are the moral values which the company has to include within
the working so that the working of company in correctly done on basis of the ethical values.
Thus, the present report will analyse the legal profession in UK in relation with the ethical
perspective and different cases and argument related to the business law and ethics.
Legal profession in UK
The legal profession is the field which works for the providing justice to the people who
are suffering from many different types of problems and other legal issues. It is very essential for
the countries to have a strong and fair and ethical legal system within the country. This is due to
the fact that if the legal system will not be good then the people living within the country will not
get proper justice and they will not like this. This profession is very essential as this works for
the betterment and solving of the legal issues of the sufferer. For this there are different system
and different types of courts being set up by the governing and regulating body. All these people
and courts are directed towards providing of justice to sufferer in ethical and morally correct
Difference between two types of lawyers
The major type of legal profession being followed in UK is the Solicitor and the
Barrister. These are very essential for the legal system of UK as they work in the direction of
providing justice to the people who suffer from any of the legal issue. Both the solicitor and
barrister are necessary to work in proper and ethical manner as if the legal system is not good
and they both not perform their activities in good and effective manner (Cowton, 2017). There
are many difference between the working criteria of both of these legal professional which is as
Solicitors Barristers
These are the qualified practitioner which are
responsible for the preparation of the legal
On the other side the barrister is the one who
are qualified legal professional who offer for
Business Law and Ethics: Legal Profession in UK_3

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