i attached two files the file which name is law 110 is assignment and the other one which name is second assignment is helping meterial
college want this assignment under ILAC method which is written below
Do not apply consumer law
every law you will use should be according to austrailian laws please
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Please do not consider the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or the Sales of Goods Act 1923 (NSW) in answering these questions, as we have not yet covered that topic. Be advised that the word limit of 2,000 words is a total for both questions (not 2,000 words for each question). Please make sure you follow the presentation and stylistic rules contained under 'Presentation' below.
Familiarise yourself with the ILAC model by complying with the weekly activities. These activities have been designed to teach you how to structure a legal analysis of a problem based question. ILAC stands for Issue, Law, Application, and Concl