
The Role of Laws in Business Organization


Added on  2020-07-23

13 Pages4230 Words131 Views
Business Law
The Role of Laws in Business Organization_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Section 1...........................................................................................................................................1P1 Structure of the English legal system and sources of laws....................................................1P2 Role of government in law-making and statutory or common law in justice courts.............2Sections 2.........................................................................................................................................4P3 (a) Legal obligation of employees.........................................................................................4(b) Employees and their effects and contract law on their company..........................................4Section 3...........................................................................................................................................5P4 Legal and effective solution for the business problems.........................................................5P5 Justification for solutions.......................................................................................................6Section 4...........................................................................................................................................7P6 (a) Concepts and benefits of alternative resolution of their disputes.....................................7(b) Recommendation for alternative legal solutions...................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
The Role of Laws in Business Organization_2

INTRODUCTIONLaws are generally posted by legal bodies or authorities that works under the set ofprotocols for the purpose of creating a free climate from any crime. Policies and procedureswhich are created regarding the many of firms or industries in which included the set of beliefs,values, norms for the corporate world. These policies as well as procedures have to be followedby the companies for bringing effective legal working environment. In this project report, it willdivide into three parts and these will describes all roles and responsibilities of every individualswho are working within the organisation (Bagley, 2010). There will also defines various laws ofemployment so that company can easily understand the case in effective manner. Thisassignment will helps in identifying various importance of laws, procedures and policies whichhas made by the government legal authorities for the all business firms. It also elaborate asystematic hierarchy of legal bodies as well as various ways for making decisions on any things.Employees plays several roles for getting success of the business in effective manner. Section 1P1 Structure of the English legal system and sources of lawsEnglish legal system is defined as the European legal frameworks that are expanded atvarious countries including earlier English colonies etc. these systems are related with doctrineof judicial precedents where they play role for judgement and they are bound with it regardingseveral tribunal. These laws are related with society for their welfare as well as implemented fordeveloping the safety and security of community or any other regions. English Legal system isgenerally concerned with several policies and decisions that taken by higher court which will beconsider as final. These decisions must be acceptable as lower judiciary have to accept thisjudgement. It can be understand by its categorise which are divided into two parts such as:Civil Law: In this law defined the various conflicts with in organisation and it may beresolvable that company and management can solve these issues or problems. In other words,Civil Law are categorised into two parts which are statutory and Non-statutory. In Statutory law,they considered many of problems or conflicts of customers, suppliers and vendors (Bodie,2014). These all are concerned in civil law that may be arise at daily basis or day to dayproblems which is depends on the complaints or sued for any losses and damages of goods. On1
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the other side, non-statutory considered the the breach of contacts as well as wrongful acts duringagreements etc. Criminal Law: In such kinds of Law, government body use this for the purpose ofsociety welfare against the crime that can destroy the humans lives so this act is made forprotecting people from such crimes. Therefore, in this concerned only those case which is relatedwith criminals, terrorism as well as somewhere which are making interrogation in the case. Sources of Laws:-There are various sources of laws that support to frame these as in this includes severalcriteria such as norms, beliefs, code of conducts, rules and regulations which must be consideredin the acts by the legal bodies or authorities for the best English legal structure. Sources of lawssupport in finding the reason behind the introductions of several things because every and eachnorms, rules and regulations have some specific motives or purpose (Kane, 2014). There aresome sources of laws that are discussed under below: Statutes: In this defined that Legal bodies are considered by the UK legislationassembly for the parliament development. So these Act was enacted by parliament forthe maintaining environment and its development for the society welfare.Customs: In this consider various customs, traditions and religions of the country.Therefore, some rules and regulation are enacted for that and different people have toanalysed all these of every region. Treaties: It also known as code of conducts of the country and it must be required tofollow all rules and regulations by the people because this is the society's part and thisshould be obeyed in effective manner. In other words, Laws are generally related withseveral treaties. There are some court structure in the UK explained in this. The different types of courts in theUK legal system and their interrelations are as following;Supreme court: It is the most important tribunal in the system of hierarchy of UK courtsas in this decisions are made by the judges which is considered as final decisions. It must benecessary to obey these decisions by other assemblies.Criminal Court: This is generally related with crimes and handles these kinds of caseswith favourable decisions. In this included murder cases, rape, kidnapping and many morecriminal cases.2
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