
Business law in the United Kingdom (UK)


Added on  2020-10-23

10 Pages3015 Words447 Views
Business Law
Business law in the United Kingdom (UK)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Division of UK Law:..............................................................................................................1Sources of UK law:................................................................................................................1Problems associated with English legal system:....................................................................2How an act of parliament is established and applicability of law in act in a firm:................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3Determination of Diver's employment status in Pegasus.......................................................3TASK 3............................................................................................................................................4Legal status of a registered company.....................................................................................4Procedure to register a company...........................................................................................4Roles of directors....................................................................................................................5Decision on constitution of the company...............................................................................5TASK 4............................................................................................................................................5Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)....................................................................................5Arbitration..............................................................................................................................6Legal advise............................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
Business law in the United Kingdom (UK)_2

INTRODUCTIONIn a business it is necessary for to comply with the legal legislation which are essentialsfor carrying on the business operation in a firm. Laws and provisions are applicable from thestage of formation of a firm and go on till the dissolution of the organisation. In the presentreport Pegasus is presented with a report on what is the legal framework of the UK and what aredivision of law, sources from which UK gets it law and the problems associated with the Englishlegal system. Along with his the employment status of the drivers in Pegasus who hires Vansform firm is determined. Alex and Jay are advised on how to form as company and firm isprovided with alternate to solution resolve their business dispute.TASK 1Division of UK Law:The division of the UK law means the branches of the law in under which differentdisputes are being tried and remedies are determined, IN UK the law is divided into:Civil law:This branch deals with the action of civil wrong done by ab individual or organisation toanother person of firm. In this a party facing damages do not face any physical injury or harm.The laws are made to determine the nature of the wrongful act done and to provide remedies tothe innocent party (Adams, 2016). The civil wrong action can be negligence, tort, familydisputes, cases of personal injury, breach of the contract, employment law etc. Criminal lawUnder this, crimes and offenses which are more serious in nature and provision relatedwith such crimes are made. The harms and damages occurred in-this type of crimes is to thewhole society or a lager group of people. This includes offense related with thefts, stealing,murder, rape, sexual assault, battery etc.Sources of UK law:Primary legislation: this is also termed as act of parliament which is one of the majorsource of a formation of law in UK. The laws are made by following a proper procedure definedin constitution to establish a law. Secondary legislation: in the power and authorities are given by the parliament to public bodyand authorities to make laws related with certain specif matter for a local area or the community.The extent of these law can be limited to that specific area or community.1
Business law in the United Kingdom (UK)_3

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