
Business Law Legal System Assignment


Added on  2020-07-22

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Business Law Legal System Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Section 1- Nature of legal system....................................................................................................1P1 structure of the legal system and the different sources of laws that organisation mustcomply with............................................................................................................................1P2 Role of Government in law making and statutory and common law is applied in the justicecourts......................................................................................................................................4Section 2- Impact of the law on business organisations..................................................................5P3 Employer legal obligation and the relevant employment and contract law potential impact.................................................................................................................................................5Section 3- Legal solutions to business problems.............................................................................6P4 Appropriate legal solutions from the case 1& 2................................................................6P.5 Justifications for solutions................................................................................................7Sections 4 – Recommending appropriate legal solutions based upon alternative legal advices.....8P.6 Concept and benefits of using alternative disputes resolutions process..........................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8
Business Law Legal System Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness law plays an important role in organisation and it deals with the various issuewhich will occurred with the interaction from stakeholders of firms. The report divided into thefour section and each of them have different element on business law. The legal system andvarious source of laws that organisations must commonly with. Government role in making lawand statutory and common law potential impact. As the employer legal obligation in relation tooccupational health and safety, workers compensation, Harassment, Equal opportunities. Theappropriate legal solutions for each case discuss in the report about their business problems.Justification for the appropriate solution by referring to a relevant statue. The concept andbenefits of using alternatives Disputes.Section 1- Nature of legal systemP1 structure of the legal system and the different sources of laws that organisation must complywith.United kingdom have the different sources of law which makes the organisation moreeffective. It will help in the critical situation arise in front the business. The smooth operation inorganisation can be conduct with the appropriate. The structure of the UK legal system dividedinto four categorises (Allen and Kraakman, 2016). As the supreme court is the upper most courtof appeal in whole nation.Senior court of the England and Wales: it is formed by the Act of Judicature as supremecourt administration of the justices. This can be such as Court of Appeal: it can be divided in totwo categories such as UK Civil court section which will monitored the issues from the highcourt, nation court with other top judicature on the other hand criminal section only monitoredappeals from the crown court attendant to a endeavour which are most serious crime. High court:The function of the high court will be based on the civil court beginning request and a civil andcriminal proceeding court for the matter from the top tribunal. Crown court: it will hear criminalmatters for the both the attendant and real legal power and decisions (Blanpain and Bisom-Rapp,2014).Subordinates Courts: It is the another form of structure in UK legal system which consist asuch as follows such as Magistrate's court: In this court the matter are monitored carefully bymagistrate subgroups or regional judge posted in all the areas of local justice. Magistrate courtdon't have any juries members. Family proceeding courts: This court will hears the householdlegal proceeding which consider issues related with the care. They have power to give1
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permission to the adopt. But it is not open for the common people (Buppert, 2017).Youth courts:This court deals with the children of age between 10 to 17 years who had done any illegalactivity. As the youth court is monitored by the highly trained judge team members. Countrycourt: These are the regional level court which is presented in the 92 cities and administrativedistrict of the England and Wales. Special Court: There are the some other court consist in thelegal structure such as Corner court: These court handle the issuers related with death in dubiousconditions. Ecclesiastical court: It is also an special court which deals with issues of geographicarea of the church in England. Other Court: it can be consist such as Military courts: It ismonitored by the military members top deals with the issues of martial court. Election court: itdeal with the petition suites against the outcomes of polls. Patent country court: This will handleissues related various rational geographical area.The various sources of laws that business need to complied such as Legislation orstatutory law: It is the act of parliament which is also known as the primary legislation (Cavusgiland et.al, 2014). This will be valid after the great discussion in the House of common and thevarious exclusion which are in progress will be considered in the parliament Act 1911 to 1949.2Illustration 1: United Kingdom Legal System StructureSource: Hierarchy structure.com
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