
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business


Added on  2023-01-12

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FinancePolitical ScienceLaw
Business Law
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business_1

Section 1..........................................................................................................................................3
P1 Explain different sources of law.............................................................................................3
P2 Explain the role of government in law making and how statutory and common law is
applied in the justice courts.........................................................................................................4
M1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system in terms of recent reforms and
P3 Using specific examples illustrate how company, employment and contract law has a
potential impact upon business....................................................................................................5
M2 Differentiate between legislation, regulations and standards to analyse potential impacts
upon business...............................................................................................................................6
P4 Explore how different types of business organisations are legally formed............................6
P5 Explain how business organisations are managed and funded.............................................7
M3 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the formation of different types of business
BUSINESS DISPUTE-1..................................................................................................................9
BUSINESS DISPUTE 4................................................................................................................11
Employment Law – Dismissal...................................................................................................11
BUSINESS DISPUTE 3................................................................................................................13
Breach of Contract.....................................................................................................................13
BUSINESS DISPUTE 4................................................................................................................15
The legal rules on the implied sale of good and the supply of service......................................15
The statutory provision on the transfer of property and possession..........................................16
The statutory provision for the buyers and sellers.....................................................................16
BUSINESS DISPUTE 5................................................................................................................17
Commercial Property.................................................................................................................17
Learning Outcome 4 and Assessment Criteria..............................................................................20
P6 Recommend legal solutions for resolving a range of disputes using examples to...............20
demonstrate how a party might obtain legal advice and support...............................................20
M4 Compare and contrast different sources of legal advice and support for dispute...............20
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business_2

D3 Evaluate the effectiveness of legal solutions, legal advice and support for dispute............21
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business_3

Section 1
P1 Explain different sources of law.
In the context of the law, it has bene clearly stated that’s there are various sources of the law as
to protect the individual and business against the any level of lawsuit or the illegal activities.
There is there major level of the sources of law in UK have been discussed as follows
Human right law is considered to be there important slae which is have been developments and
implement to have the protection of the country people. All the people or individual living in the
country have the right as per this leave stating that’s they can protect themselves form any level
of illegal lawsuit (Khairandy, Hernoko and Huda, 2017). This can be extended as the protection
against fraud, crime or any level of illegal activity. Hence there all the level of discussed feature
stat has proving the human right to the individual in country in making the people safe and
secure there.
Legislation – this is the aspect of the legal system which is commonly known as legislature in
order to have the being the body to create the laws. In the legal system of the UK, House of Lord
and House of common are known as important 2 parties. So, it can be said that legislation has
power to pass laws which are being made to apply in all 4 countries of the UK. The body have
the involvement of more than 8000 members as the first important party participants known as
the house of lords. This have the major level of responsibility to provide the valuable vote in
making laws. As on the other hand 650 members have the house of commons in order to been
the participants in developing the laws.
European Union law is the main and important part of UK as per this act all the law are tends to
be applicable sin the European Union along with its applicability on UK (Ndzi, 2017). On the
other hand, after the implication of the Brexit, the EU is not having nay level of bination to have
afforced level of applicability to follows the regulation.
Case law is the law which have the tendency to be followed u the England and Wales which
have the development of the law with help of common law.
Equity have been considered as the effective measure in more way of providing the justification
to take the fair decision. The judge has found that’s it has been easier to take decision as it helps
in the equity and satisfy aggrieved party.
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business_4

P2 Explain the role of government in law making and how statutory and common law is applied
in the justice courts.
Government have been major body by tasking the major level of responsibility in order to
provide the proper level of protections of the country by making and development of appropriate
laws. It has been clearly stated as there is importance of government to make the law on to keep
the country, the business ad respective function safe (Blanco, and Pontin, 2017). There is the
major consideration of some steps for the development of law which show the effective roles and
Bill- It has been referred to the situation when the proposed legislation or the draft have been
passed in order to make the new law as the part of legal system in the Lord of house Common.
This is the time when making of bill is moved for the further processing as this stage have been
considered as important aspect.
First reading- The next step is the proposed level of legislation is moved to the chamber of the
Lord of House of Common for first reading. This have the clear aims to pass the bill for fist
reading as make that all the elements in the draft have been into the right manners all the member
of the chamber has agrees to all term of rules and regulation.
Second reading- Moving on to the next stage, it have bene critic as their member of this
chamber have the deep and structure level of discussion on all elements and all areas. The bill is
needed to be properly evaluated in more to have the identification of areas which have
requirement of further modification to make it consistent and effective. Hence this have bene
discussed as the important aspect as all the level of discussed feature stat has proving the human
right to the individual in country in making the people safe and secure there.
Committee stage- this is one of ending stage as there this have the aim to make the proper level
of assistance over the group to make it effective decision masking aspects (Varuhas, 2018.). This
have been properly reviewed by the peers as the House of common have the proper level of
explanation al element in detailed expulsion mannered and make out to be part of effective
Final reading. This is the stage of confirmation as all the member have the accepted or rejected
the proposed draft. the final decision will be taken by the House of common. For making the fair
decision, voting is being conducted and on the basis of majority of votes the final decision of
making law is being made.
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business_5

M1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system in terms of recent reforms and developments.
The legal system have the systematic level of motivations as there law have the changing level of
aspects as the major level of inclusion of the major political, financial or social inquiries, are
taking into account their legitimate intricacy probably not going to be acknowledged without
exceptional institutional procedures. Hence this have bene discussed as the important aspect as
all the level of discussed feature stat has proving the human right to the individual in country in
making the people safe and secure there (Haines, 2018). On the other hand , in the UK , there is
major level of experiencing o there the substance of changes in law which have tune to make the
creation of new law or significant change in framework.
P3 Using specific examples illustrate how company, employment and contract law has a
potential impact upon business.
Employment, contract and company laws are important laws by which all parties involved in
these laws get protection as well as security.
Contract law: As per the stamen of this law, the both level of parties are stated to agree in to
the contract have the right to provide protection to themselves against any level of illegal
acts which is done by the other parts. As the parties have bene in the contract make the
completion of legal entities in the parentship and all the firm have requirement which
execute the contract by completing the effective level of documentation.
Company law: the company have the regulation to make incorporation by telling the ways of
the conducting the business which is needed by the edhs and every company formation
along with repetitive guidelines to succeed as per the respective government regulation. the
firm have the major ethical responsibility to accept company law as to have the great level
of transparency and accountability. On the other hand the change in the increments have
the benefit as the impact in the increase in the incremental cost have the base lines and the
expense on the purchases not the level of entrepreneur.
Employment laws: this have been developed to protect the right of employees and employers
in order to protect them form any level of harm (Monkhouse. and Spiro, 2020). For the better
example - as in the situation the employee has the breaking the rule of employment law them the
employer have the right to provide the termination. On the other have employer are also have the
Exploring Different Sources of Law and Their Impact on Business_6

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