
Understanding the Legal System in the United Kingdom


Added on  2023-01-11

14 Pages4711 Words97 Views
Business Law
Understanding the Legal System in the United Kingdom_1

Table of Contents
Sources of Law............................................................................................................................3
Key Terminologies in Legal System-..........................................................................................5
Difference Between Civil Law and Criminal Law......................................................................5
Role of Government in the Law Making Process........................................................................6
Impact of Law on Business Organization....................................................................................7
Legal Structure in business organization.....................................................................................8
Explaining how business organization are manage and funded. ................................................9
Recommendation for the Case Study.........................................................................................10
Understanding the Legal System in the United Kingdom_2

A legal system of the country is consists of various rules, regulations, processes and
institutions through the activities and business organization are regulated by the government in
country. This is report is providing brief of legal system in United Kingdom. Business law is also
considered as commercial law. Business law is mainly considered as the branch of the civil law.
Various causes related to the business organization, employment contract are analysed in this
branch of the legal system (Allen and Blackham, 2018). The legal system of United Kingdom
will be analysed in report. Various sources of law will be considered in report which are used by
the government to form the constitution or legal system of the country. Difference between the
commercial law or business law and criminal law will be analysed in the report. Role of the
government in the law making process will be analysed in the report. Implementation of
statutory and common law in legal system will be analysed in the report. The impact of the
business law on business organization will be studied in report. Different type of legal structures
that are used by business organization will be studied in report. On the basis of case study
various recommendation will be provided to find better solution for the legal issue faced by
people or organization.
Sources of Law
The legal system of United system is based on different sources that are used by the legal
authorities to form the legal system of United Kingdom. There are different sources are used by
the authorities to form a legal system in country. There is no proper written legal system is used
in United Kingdom. This sources of law are used by the business organization to meet the legal
standards in organization. Mainly in Legal system of United Kingdom four different legal
sources to form united legal system of country (Croce, Ughetto and Cowling, 2019). These four
sources of legal system of UK are- domestic legislation, common law, European law and
European Convention if Human Rights. These are the main sources of UK law that are
considered by the legal system of the country to maintain effective condition in country.
Domestic Legislation
Understanding the Legal System in the United Kingdom_3

In the UK law domestic legislation is categorised in two different categories which re
primary domestic legislation and other one is secondary domestic Legislation. In United
Kingdom primary domestic laws are passed by the parliament. These laws are presented in UK
parliament in form of bills that are passed by both houses and royal asset for form a new la in the
legal system of the country. Secondary domestic laws are different from the primary sources of
information. Secondary domestic laws are based on the cases studies and previous decisions of
the court. In the implementation of the secondary law previous cases are considered by the
judges to take legal action on basis of previous case. This is how primary domestic laws are
written and can be taken directly in order to take proper decision. These laws are writer in the
legal system of the country but the secondary laws are depended on the case studies where the
decisions and judgements that are passed by the judge are based on previous cases and the
verdict that I passed at that time. This is how previous case studies are used as example in order
to pass verdict for a case.
Common Law
Common laws are considered as Anglo American laws that are applied to the all people
in country. These laws come from the middle age or eleventh century. This type of law is known
as the case law where legal system of the country develops by implementing improvement in the
judgement passed by the judges for each cases (Karnell and Ryder, 2017). This is how common
law is the legal system that is develops with the time and experience. This is general that is
applied to the al people of UK. All the cases that falls into the common law are judged by the
common law courts in country. This law is practiced since middle ages in England. Similar legal
system also can be found in the American legal system. This laws are also derived from general
civil law and now these are practices to the normal people of the country. Common law is
applicable to the all people in the country. This is how common law feature of the England’s
legal system is considered in the legal system of United Kingdom.
European Law- European law is considered as the law that is formed for the countries who are
the members of the European Union. There is a law formed in European Union after world war
2. The main objective of the European Union Law is to develop better legal condition in union in
order to develop peace in the countries who are member of the European Union. All these
countries have to follow these law in order to maintain peace in the country. As United Kingdom
Understanding the Legal System in the United Kingdom_4

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