
Report on Laws and Legislation in English Legal Structure in UK


Added on  2020-06-06

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Report on Laws and Legislation in English Legal Structure in UK_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Format of English legal system and various resources of laws, organisation apply..............1P2 Role of government in making laws and regulations, statutory and common laws of justicecourts...........................................................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P3 Employers' legal obligations..................................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P4 Appropriate legal solution in respect of business problems..................................................6P5 Justification for solution by referring relevant statute and appropriate case study................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8P6 Alternative dispute resolution process and recommendations an legal solution...................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Report on Laws and Legislation in English Legal Structure in UK_2

INTRODUCTIONBritish law is also considered as English law. It is legal system followed in England andWales (Business Law, 2017). This law is basically divided in two sections as civil law andcriminal law. This report explains the laws and legislation made in English legal structure in theUK. It defines various type of laws that are complied in organisational context. Government'srole is defined in respect of framing the laws and legislations. Application of statutory andcommon system in terms of justice courts described in this context. Employers' legal obligationsare explained subject to occupational health and safety, workers compensation, harassment andequal opportunities. Legal solutions are provided for business problems. Alternative disputeresolution process also discussed subject to given case scenarios. TASK 1P1 Format of English legal system and various resources of laws, organisation applyEnglish law system is based upon principal elements and concepts. This system isauthorised structure of statutory legislation which constitute the acts of parliament, bye laws andregulations (Lawrence and Weber, 2014). This legal system is used in absence of common laws,statutory laws. Principles of stare decisis forms the residual, source of law, judicial decision andcustom usage. Legal structure of English is divided in below partsLegal terminologyCivil laws and criminal laws: All the criminal cases and crimes are considered in thislaw. Civil laws contains the cases related to tort, bailment, agreements and contracts. These aretreated as companies law tribunal and effective case studies. There are enforcible claims andcompensations cases treated in civil and criminal laws.Common and civil laws: This law is considered as systematic legal structure in Europe.Civil laws are founded by Roman law, there are some significant parts and chapters consideredin common civil law. Common laws and equity: this law is considered as judge made law of the King's Bench.Court of Chancery is known as now defunct or equity. This law mainly centralised around trustand similar curatives. This law majorly works around principles of maximum of equity.Common law was combined with statutory reform by the end of 19th century. 1
Report on Laws and Legislation in English Legal Structure in UK_3

Private and public law: this is the law which contains the rules related to lawgovernment relations. This law is formed to resolve the issues and conflicts related to public andprivate relations in respect of managing the ethical public, private and social relation inenvironment. Legal remedies: this indicates towards the rights and compensations in respect of claims.There is lawful consideration provided by the court to the parties (Kojima, 2010). This indicatestowards the self help remedies, lawful wishes to remove. This law provides own steps and inrespect of proceeding the private nuisance. Various type of legal sources and legislations applied on organisationEmployment right acts, 1996: this act is formed in the year 1996 to protect the rights ofemployees in organisation. This act is divided in fifteen parts and contains 245 sections inrespect. It protect the disclosures, meanings and protection of wages and compensation. This actis a combination of multiple sections and chapters which bifurcate the legal terms and norms ofemployment complaints. This act covers the normal rules and legislations as leaves, finalpayments, termination and adoption of employees in organisation. Pension Act, 2008: this act contains the rules and guidelines related to payment ofpension to employees. In 2017 some amendments are made in new pension scheme act in whichlegislations are dived in three parts. First part covers the rules related to master trust, second partcontains the rules related to administration charges and third part covers the legislations relatedto general. Legal norms and regulation are described in respect of final payments to employeesafter completing their service period. Sections and laws are made to provided flexibility toreduce the long procedures. Employees are authorised to get full and final payment of theirpension amount or part withdraw of the amount. Employees has to go through a formalprocedure to get the amount of pension in time. Different type of scheme are made whichcontains the rights of final withdrawal and payments. Working time regulation act, 1998: this is the act which defines the rules and regulatorsregarding working hours. There are some amendments made in 2016 regarding working hours,late shift working, working hours in manufacturing and production industries, time duration inservice providing organisation (Wheelen and Hunger, 2011). There are some specific provisionsand rules made for extra working hours and overtime. Business and organisations are bound to2
Report on Laws and Legislation in English Legal Structure in UK_4

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