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Changes in Business Management


Added on  2020/12/30

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Business management INTRODUCTION 1 Main body1 Conclusion 4 REFERENCES 6 INTRODUCTION Lemchester News is a newspaper, which is printed in Lemchester. Copywriters opposed changes because of there personal reason.Further it discuss about three process unfreezing, changing and refreezing, which was introduced by Kurt Liews and different ways to deal with refusal to change. To solve this problem they decided to change timings of copywriters from 10 am to 7pm from 1pm to 10 pm.This will

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Business management

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Table of Contents
Main body........................................................................................................................................1
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Lemchester News is a newspaper, which is printed in Lemchester. This is printed for
5days in week. Recently sale of these newspaper has decreased. Managers conducted research to
figure out reasons. Superiors provided solution to solve problem. This project consist about
changes that are proposed by senior manager (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, 2016).
Copywriters opposed changes because of there personal reason. Further it discuss about three
process unfreezing, changing and refreezing, which was introduced by Kurt Liews and different
ways to deal with refusal to change. This project briefly describe about Kurt Liews theory.
Main body
Lemchester Newspapers agency is facing there down fall. Market research identified
reason being unsuccessful. Newspaper published news that was not up to date. Due to having
there printing hours early, they miss some of important news. To solve this problem they
decided to change timings of copywriters from 10 am to 7pm from 1pm to 10 pm. This will
allow to publish newspaper on time. Copywriters does not like change in there timings. They
refused to change there working timings. Primary reason for there failures is, they publish there
article one day before, they avoid sports event and various different events that are held in
evening (Morvan and Connor, 2017). If they want to increase sale of there newspaper, it is very
important to cover all the events. They are not able to print evening events because they prepare
them to early. Management decided to change time, in order to cover both morning and evening
news event. Digital designers are responsible for designing newspaper article, they are 40 in in
number. If they work from 1pm to 10 pm, this will include details about every events that take
place in evening. This will provide leaders with updated news. Timings change is one solution
to problem faced by Lemchester Newspaper. This solution was not liked by copywriters, they
decided to protest against change. Senior manager have critically examined the problem, and see
no other alternate. They offer them with same working hours without change in terms and
conditions. Copywriters gave suggestion to have two working shift. This give flexibility to
employee to choose from. Delegation of work make target easy to achieve. 10 staff are enough to
work on late night shift. They can switch there shift to over time if they wish to. According to
_______, here are some options that management can use to reduce rigidity of workers. Kurt
Lewins interpret changing process. It help understanding importance of change. This model is
largely used by business organisation (Miner, 2015 Batras and, 2016).
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Unfreezing : many people in organisation do not like changes, before implementing any plan, it
is very important to study behaviour of people. Employees of organisation come from different
backgrounds, having different mindset. it is very necessary to make employees informed about
need for change. It is every important to convince employees to adapt new strategies. In case of
Lemchester Newspaper they failed to get market because, there news was outdated. News
published by them does not carry much information. Readers were not happy with article of
paper. As it was printed earlier, they fail to publish some important new. It is necessary to find
out honest reason of failure. They should discuss with employees about possible threats and
problems. They must offer an opportunity, and make them agree to it, with honest dialogue.
This company realised that they should change there working style. Employees were convinced,
to take necessary actions for implementing change. They discussed possible solution. If people
in organisation support change, this will create positive environment. In this situations
employees were not pre informed about change, that will take place in organisation. it is very
necessary to make employees informed about need for change (Huarng and Mas-Tur, 2016). It
is every important to convince employees to adapt new strategies. In case of Lemchester
Newspaper they failed to get market because, there news was outdated. News published by them
does not carry much information. Readers were not happy with article of paper. As it was printed
earlier, they fail to publish some important new. It is necessary to find out honest reason of
failure. They should discuss with employees about possible threats and problems. They must
offer an opportunity, and make them agree to it, with honest dialogue. This company realised
that they should change there working style. Employees were convinced, to take necessary
actions for implementing change. They discussed possible solution. If people in organisation
support change, this will create positive environment.
Changing : after making them understand importance of change. People are motivated to adapt
these changes and move towards them. This is a stage in which organisation can transform
strategies and plan. According to employees this new existence (Billig, 2015). Changes are
dynamic in nature, it is very important to create balance between opposing workforce and
working environment. Target are explained to them, that organisation is trying to achieve.
Employees must be motivated to support change. There are guiding principle that help in
achieving target. They plan and strategies different business activities. Business opportunities
are accepted or rejected. To make changes more concrete, they implement new strategies.

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Lemchester consider ideas of employees. They provided suggestion of working in two shift. This
gave employees flexibility of choosing from either of shifts. It will motivate employee to work
effectively. To achieve goals, visions are linked to strategies. Organisation focus on gaining
advantage from identified opportunity. Employees carefully understand strategies, and stay
committed to work. Employees feel motivated as there are considered in decision making.
Satisfied employees create positive working environment. To implement change, it is necessary
to understand people behaviour and interest. Lemchester can motivate there copywriters to adapt
different timings. senior manager must communicate there ideas effectively and clearly.
Instructions must be given in a manner that copywriters can easily interpret (Hussain and,
2016). They are provided with proper training to adapt change. Company can arrange workshop,
to provide them proper guidance. Effective communication can help them to understand
situations better. Changing is a process in which individual will learn new process of thinking.
Different strategies make easier to adapt changes. Most people of organisation find difficult to
overcome changing environment. If reasons of changes are explained clearly, it will become
easier to understand and follow them. Employees are guided to become familiar with changes.
Employees must continuously reminded about benefit of changes. This process must be
deliberately planned and executed. Flexibility of employees, push them into desired level. This
process make employees more liberal.
Refreezing : according to this theory it is final stage. This make plan more concrete. It is
important to create stable working environment. All changes made in strategies are solidify. As
in case of Lemchesterser decision taken seniors manager to work from 1pm to 10om is followed.
This schedule help to publish news related to events held in evening. It important to be stable in
changing world (Stoyanov, 2018). Refreezing of step avoid people to follow back there old
strategies. It is believed that, positive change help organisation to grow and flourish. Employees
of organisation are motivated to work according to changes. This process guarantee that changes
will be followed. Without this step employees will get confused between old and new plan, this
can decrease productivity. Feedback about different strategies are taken from employee's. Plans
are strategies are changes according to there effectiveness. Changes are accepted by people and
become very usual foe everyone. They adapt, these changes in routine. They form new
connection with people and become comfortable with new working environment. People need
time to follow changes. This process will give employees motivation to survive in new
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organisation. Some people think change is regular, this will make them more capable of
adjusting according to situations (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown, 2016).
There are many factors due to which people resist, here are some options from which
organisation can avoid changes.
Dividing organisation in teams, that can control and manage change of organisation.
These group coordinate efforts of employees towards beneficial purpose. Lemchester
Newspapers employees cooperate efforts towards useful changes. To make plan successful it is
very important to work as a team. Groups are made according to there working style, skills,
knowledge, etc. employees working if different groups depend upon each other for completion of
task. This enable employees of organisation to work together as a team. Company ahs crated
different groups of people, they will unite there efforts to achieve goals. Delegation make work
easy. Effective division of work , can help to achieve target easily. Groups must have effective
communication. This give opportunity to figure out your passion in organisation. It develop
individual personality. This provide employees with exposure to business. There are different
departments in organisation, employees are given freedom to choose there work and department.
Resources of organisation should be fully utilised to achieve different department target. Proper
coordination avoid duplication work. Employees of organisation must cooperate with each other.
Lemchester guide and motivate different groups (Morvan and Connor, 2017). They implement
new strategies. Different employees from organisation having unique skills make effective team.
People with creative thinking can add spark to project. Mangers should properly guide and
motivate people of organisation so that they can understand need for change. Provide employees
with proper training and guidance. Superiors of organisation can even consider there subordinate
opinions. In case of Lemchester, copywriters suggested to have two different working shift.
Seniors mangers should have considered there suggestions. This will create positive feeling in
This project conclude about problems faced by Lemchesters newspaper. This company
was loosing there market. Market research was conducted to identify the problems for downfall.
Management found that there articles was not up to date, they do not cover all relevant
information. Management after analysing every situation found that there is need to change
timings of workplace. Many copywriter resisted to change, as they have different commitments
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in evening. According Kent Lewins theory there are three steps to implement changes.
Unfreezing, in this process they study behaviour of people and make different strategies and
plans. Changing is process in which they implement plans. It is very important to create balance
between opposing factors and importance to changes. Freezing help in making changes stable.
There are different factors that resist changes. Management can use various ways to minimise

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Books and Journals
Batras, D., Duff, C. and Smith, B.J., 2016. Organizational change theory: implications for health
promotion practice. Health Promotion International, 31(1), pp.231-241.
Billig, M., 2015. The myth of Kurt Lewin and the rhetoric of collective memory in social
psychology textbooks. Theory & Psychology, 25(6), pp.703-718.
Cummings, S., Bridgman, T. and Brown, K.G., 2016. Unfreezing change as three steps:
Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management. human relations, 69(1), pp.33-
Huarng, K.H. and Mas-Tur, A., 2016. Turning Kurt Lewin on his head: Nothing is so theoretical
as a good practice. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), pp.4725-4731.
Hussain, S.T. and, 2016. Kurt Lewin's change model: A critical review of the role of
leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation &
Miner, J.B., 2015. From Social Psychology and Personality Theory: Kurt Lewin.
In Organizational Behavior 1 (pp. 53-61). Routledge.
Morvan, C. and O’Connor, A., 2017. A theory of cognitive dissonance. Macat Library.
Stoyanov, S., 2018. Chris Argyris's Integrating The Individual and the Organization. Macat
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