
Nostalgic Football Merchandise Marketing


Added on  2019-11-25

5 Pages1118 Words220 Views
Running head: Business model 1A BUSINESS MODEL FOR A NOSTALGIC MARKETING OF FOOTBALLMERCHANDISE USING SOCIALMEDIASubmitted byAffiliationSupervisor’s nameDate of submission
Nostalgic Football Merchandise Marketing_1

Running head: Business model 2The innovative business model idea is known as ‘remind me then sell’ it is a kind of sales andmarketing business idea. The business idea model utilizes nostalgia marketing to sell footballmerchandise such as shirts, shorts, scuffs and designed clothing’s to global customers. Nostalgiamarketing is used in professional marketing to create positive memories among customers ofhistoric events and happenings[CITATION Sch \l 1033 ]. Once memories are revisited from pastevents and pictures customers feel excited, connected and build relationship with the companyproducts. Use of nostalgic marketing was borrowed from the music industry where currentmusicians are using old and modern music remix to elicit their listener’s memories to purchasetheir songs[CITATION YeC \l 1033 ]. The use of old music is to remind listeners of their old favoritemusic or musician. It is reported to be successful musicians are making billions of dollars byselling their products. Modern football communication is characterized with the use of socialmedia as part of sharing information. Stakeholders in football industry use social media tocapture attention of billions of supporters in the world. Much of the use of social media coverfootball analysis, gossips, matches, and transfer news and not much on sales of products. Forexample the BBC football in UK uses social media to inform audiences on new trends and topicsin football. One of the biggest companies reaping from social media is the Dugout which is a UnitedKingdom conceived in 2014. The company is partnering with 20 of the biggest football clubs inworld. The contract struck with the clubs is to build a huge fan base by enlisting its clubactivities, football superstar’s profiles. Last year the company was able to make billions ofdollars from advertisements and endorsements from other companies. The innovative model‘remind me then sell’ originates from the gap that Dugout Company and others are notperforming. Football industry currently is a profitable sport investment with plenty ofopportunities. Each of the football fans follow their teams using social media and would like toassociate with its activities and players. Football clubs are reaping billion dollars from sales ofits merchandize like shirts, shorts, badges, scuffs, and head gears[CITATION Par14 \l 1033 ]. In order to enter to the football market merchandise industry the ‘remind me sell’ business modelwill use innovative idea to elicit excitement and connection among customers. The footballindustry harbors historical events and happenings which form the basis of the modern football.For example the football legends, number of historical cups worn by clubs and countries.
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